Peanut Butter Sandwich Calories

Peanut butter is a staple of most peoples' diets. In America, an average of $800 million every year is spent on peanut butter. Present in about 90% of American households with a good shelf life and great nutritional value, peanut butter is one of the most popular foodstuffs in the States, not least because it is packed full of protein, B vitamins and unsaturated fats (i.e. the good fats). Because of its fat content, some people may be concerned about peanut butter sandwich calories.

Peanut Butter Sandwich Calories

Calories will vary based on the types of ingredients chosen. Chunky and smooth peanut butter will have slightly different ingredients and nutritional content, and there are often large differences in the sugar and salt content between different brands of peanut butter. Additionally, making peanut butter sandwiches with brown bread, rather than white, will make the snack healthier and better for you.

1. Peanut Butter

For each sandwich, the average peanut butter serving is roughly two tablespoons. Per serving, depending on the peanut butter brand, amounts to roughly 190 calories for both smooth and chunky types. For those concerned about their fat intake, reduced-fat versions are available, although this type has the same number of calories per two tablespoons as regular peanut butter.

2. Breads

There are a number of different types of bread that people choose when making their peanut butter sandwiches, including white, whole wheat or wheat bread. Typically, white bread amounts to roughly 74 calories per slice, whole wheat is more often around 81 calories per slice and wheat bread is between the two at roughly 77 calories per serving.

3. Variations

Some people enjoy mixing up their peanut butter sandwiches with other ingredients and flavors. The most popular amongst these are jelly, chocolate, banana and other dried fruits, honey or maple syrup. Of course, by adding extra ingredients, you will be adding to the peanut butter sandwich calories. Adding a whole banana to your peanut butter sandwich will add approximately 100 calories to your meal, while a tablespoon of honey, maple syrup or jelly will add on average 60 calories.

Below is a table of the exact calories for different types of sandwiches.

Types of Sandwiches

Serving Size


Peanut butter sandwich with white bread

1 sandwich (2 tbs creamy peanut butter, 2 slices white sandwich bread)


Peanut butter and jelly sandwich with white bread

1 sandwich (2 tbs creamy peanut butter, 2 tbs common jelly, 2 slices white sandwich bread)


Peanut butter sandwich with whole wheat bread

1 sandwich (2 tbs creamy peanut butter, 2 slices whole wheat sandwich bread)


Peanut butter and jelly sandwich whole wheat

1 sandwich (2 tbs creamy peanut butter, 2 tbs common jelly, 2 slices whole wheat sandwich bread)


Peanut butter sandwich with Rudi's gluten free original white sandwich bread

1 sandwich (2 tbs creamy peanut butter, 2 slices Rudi's gluten free white sandwich bread)


Peanut butter and jelly sandwich with Rudi's original white sandwich bread

1 sandwich (2 tbs creamy peanut butter, 2 tbs common jelly, 2 slices Rudi's gluten free white sandwich bread)


Nutrition Fact of Peanut Butter Sandwich

The amount of peanut butter sandwich calories as well as its nutritional value is affected by a number of factors. Which bread you choose, how much peanut butter you use, and whether you add jelly, honey or fruit or not, will all affect the nutrition of your peanut butter sandwich.

1. Protein

Typically, one slice of whole wheat bread contains around four grams of protein, compared to white bread that contains just two. A serving of peanut butter - two tablespoons or an ounce - typically contains seven grams of protein. Combining different types of bread with different amounts of peanut butter, therefore, will affect the amount of protein you are getting from your sandwich.

2. Carbohydrate

Typically, most types of bread contain on average twelve or thirteen grams of carbohydrates. However, whole wheat can have as much as three times as much dietary fiber than white bread, according to the Mayo Clinic. Additionally, peanut butter typically contains around six grams of carbohydrates per ounce, a third of which are dietary fiber that can actually help lower blood sugar levels and cholesterol. On average, men should be eating around 30 grams of fiber ever day and women, 20.

3. Fat

Peanut butter is rather high in calories because of its high fat content. Just one ounce contains as much as sixteen grams of fat in total. Although natural brands tend to have slightly less saturated fats, most of the fat in any peanut butter product is the healthy monounsaturated fat. Bread only tends to have around one gram of fat per slice.

4. Fruit

Fruit can be a great and delicious way to add extra nutrition to your sandwich. Adding just half of a fresh banana can add an extra 210 mg of potassium (roughly five percent of the recommended daily amount). Replacing the fresh banana with a fruit preserve can add about fifteen mg of potassium as well as around nine grams of sugar. Adding a whole cup of fresh strawberries adds 220 mg of potassium and around seven grams of sugar.

5. Other

Bread and peanut butter are not the best sources for a great deal of vitamins or minerals. A peanut butter contains around twelve percent of the daily recommended dose of iron and only seven percent of your daily calcium. Adding other things to your sandwich, such as jelly or honey, can add between seven and eleven grams of sugar, though they do not usually have any other significant nutritional value.

Nutrition Facts

Calories Per Serving

344.1 (155.5 from fat)


Saturated fat




Polyunsaturated fat


Monounsaturated fat












37.2g (dietary fiber: 3.2g)






  • ŸTo make your peanut butter even healthy, use fortified whole wheat bread. This type of bread has added calcium and iron to help ensure you get your daily recommended amount.
  • ŸIf you are worried about peanut butter sandwich calories, you may be tempted to swap out your regular peanut butter brand for a reduced-fat version, but regular peanut butter tends to actually contain less added sugar than the reduced-fat ones.
  • You can make your peanut butter sandwich even more nutritious by including bananas, raisins and other dried fruits for a little extra iron, potassium and fiber. Add a touch of honey to add sweetness or add cinnamon to the bananas for an extra delicious peanut butter sandwich.
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