Is Coconut Water a Laxative?

Coconut water is one of the tastiest beverages. It is considered as a great thirst quencher and has high medical value. Currently, coconut water is available in packaged form. Undoubtedly, there is a high demand for the packaged coconut water due to its electrolytes, vitamins, and minerals contents.

Is Coconut Water a Laxative?

Yes, coconut water is a natural laxative that has been shown to be effective if taken in large amounts. This is mainly because coconut water can increase gut motility and cause abnormal bowel movement due to its high fiber content. When someone is constipated, taking large quantities of coconut water can relieve the condition. If you want to use coconut water as a laxative, you have to drink large quantities of it. Do as the following:

  • Take 12 ounces of coconut water
  • Take 12 ounces of pure water
  • Consume another 12 ounces of coconut water if you did not see the effect
  • Drink another 12 ounces of water

Other Natural Laxatives

Is coconut water a laxative? Yes, it is. There are also many other natural laxatives.

1. Prunes

Also called dried plums, prunes are an excellent natural laxative. Prunes are high in insoluble fibers that can help maintain regular bowel movements. Besides, they also contain sorbitol which can help stool pass through the intestinal tract more easily. What's more, prunes are rich in dihydroxyphenyl isatin that can stimulate the contraction of small intestines. You can use prunes as a natural laxative as follows:

  • Consume 6 to 7 prunes daily.
  • Take a cup of unfiltered prune juice in the morning on an empty stomach, and add one more cup in the evening if you want.

2. Aloe Vera

Is coconut water a laxative? Now you know the answer, and you may wonder aloe vera can also be used as a laxative? Actually, aloe vera contains powerful laxative properties that aid in bowel movements, and it is a main ingredient of over the counter laxatives. Add two teaspoons of aloe gel to one cup of water or fresh juice, and take on an empty stomach to get its effects. In chronic cases, take aloe vera at a daily basis.

3. Castor Oil

Although castor oil has an unpleasant taste, it can work as a natural laxative efficiently. Castor oil contains ricinoleic acid that can attach itself on the smooth muscle cells of intestinal walls, which will cause muscles to contract, thus helping push out stools. However, it should never be used by pregnant women as it may cause contraction of uterus. 

  • Add one teaspoon (½ teaspoon for children) of castor oil in orange juice or cranberry juice.
  • Drink on an empty stomach.

4. Figs

Figs are an excellent source of dietary fiber, which can aid in softening the stool for easy bowel movements. 8 ounces of figs can provide 30% of recommended daily consumption of fiber. Both fresh and dried figs have laxative effects. You can:

  • Add a few chopped dried figs to yogurt or oatmeal.
  • Chew 2 to 3 fresh figs with their skins.

5. Pears

Pears are a great natural laxative primarily because they are rich in sorbitol and fiber. Sorbitol works as a laxative by drawing water to the large intestines and promoting stool buildup. You can:

  • Eat a fresh pair in the morning with its skin and eat another one in the evening.
  • Drink a cup of pear juice daily.

6. Okra

Is coconut water a laxative and what about the okra? The slimy texture fruit found in West Africa contains lots of fiber. Its mucilage helps soothe and lubricate the intestinal tract to promote a painless defecation. You can get its effects if you:

  • Eat 1 to 2 cups of okra daily.
  • Steam, bake or boil it with low heat and consume.
  • Use it as an ingredient in salads.

7. Ripe Papaya

We all love papaya for its great taste. Papaya is also a great laxative due to its fiber, water, vitamin C and papain contents. Papain is especially efficient for constipation. Eating a piece of papaya daily or drinking a cup of its juice can work wonders!

8. Other Natural Laxatives

  • Olive oil: It can increase the amount of moisture in stool and soften it. To get its effects, take the mixture of a teaspoon of olive oil and one cup of lemon juice every morning.
  • Warm lemon juice: It contains fiber and sorbitol nutrients that can help soften stools. Take a glass of the mixture before breakfast.
  • Sugar free gum: Sugar free gum contains sorbitol. Chew this gum when you feel constipated, but be careful as too much gum may cause stomach problems.
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