Top 9 Oil of Oregano Benefits

Oregano is a widely used bushy herb. It comes from a plant called Origanum vulgare which is a member of the mint family. Oregano oil can be produced by processing and later distilling dried leaves and flowers of the oregano plant that has been harvested when the oil content of the plant is at its peak; the result is strong and rich yellow colored oil.

Oil of Oregano Benefits

1. Treating Respiratory Conditions

Oregano oil has expectorant qualities; this means that it helps expel the mucus and bacteria that may be present in the respiratory tract, therefore making this natural product an excellent option to prevent and treat respiratory conditions such as sinusitis, lung and trachea infections, among others. 

2. Anti-inflammatory Property

The anti-inflammatory properties of oregano oil induce both topic and systemic responses that will help the body reduce any kind of swelling or pain, whether from external trauma or any diseases such as arthritis or tendinitis.

3. Antibacterial Property

One of the oil of oregano benefits includes preventing bacterial infections that can potentially cause diseases such as pneumonia, erysipelas, cholera, cystitis, pyelonephritis, typhoid, among others. However, it has no effect on the good bacteria that can normally be found in your intestines, meaning that it will not cause you gastrointestinal problems in the long term. 

4. Antifungal Property

Certain types of fungus can be very harmful to your overall health, being even fatal in some cases. Most common infections include diseases such as meningitis, otitis, pneumonia, skin infections, among others. Oregano oil can be ingested or used externally to treat and prevent any kind of fungal infection.

5. Antiviral Property

Most times, simple colds and infections like tonsillitis are produced by a virus. You will be more prone to these viral infections if you have a weak immune system. Oregano oil works by strengthening your white blood cells, therefore increasing your resistance to catching viruses and other harmful microorganisms. 

6. Antiparasitic Property

Many bug sprays contain oregano oil as part of its ingredients, because this oil has been known to have antiparasitic properties. Parasites can live either outside or inside the body; the first group includes lice, fleas, bed bugs or mosquitoes, and the second group intestinal worms. Whether topically applying the oil or ingesting it, those parasites can be eliminated.

7. Antioxidant 

This is probably one of the best oil of oregano benefits. Because of the phenols it contains, oregano oil helps neutralize and eliminate oxidants, also known as free radicals, this way preventing the possible damage these agents can cause to the body, which includes premature aging, wrinkles, nerve diseases, degeneration of joints and muscles, eyesight and hearing deterioration, and even some types of cancer. 

8. Emmenagogue

Emmenagogues are herbs which stimulate menstruation. Oregano oil acts as one of these herbs, regulating menstrual flow. It also can help relieve some menstrual symptoms such as mood changes, cramping, bloating, heavy blood flow, among others; this is possible because of the hormonal balance this oil can promote in the organism. 

9. Digestive Benefit

Oregano oil helps form a protective layer in the digestive tract, therefore helping ease all digestive processes and improving nutrients absorption; it also stimulates the secretion of enzymes and gastric juices which aid in smoothing the digestion and regulating bowel movements.

How to Use Oregano Oil

How to make use of oil of oregano benefits? Due to how potent the oregano oil is, it is better to dilute it before using it and to use as little as possible when it comes to frequency and duration. Some formulas come already diluted but it is better to start with a small dosage and increase it gradually as needed.

  • When used as a steam infusion, you can put some drops in a pot of hot water, then grab a cold wet towel, place it over your head and try to breathe near the steam. Some people prefer to buy an inhaler for easier use, in which case, it is better to buy a lower concentration and use it no more than 3 times a day. Thanks to the antifungal and antibacterial properties, the oregano oil will help clear your nose and protect you against rhinitis and other sinus infections.
  • If the oregano oil is used to treat wounds or skin infections, it is better to use a small dosage of it on a small piece of cloth and rub it onto your skin throughout the day. Due to the strong effects of this type of oil, it is better to first test it on a small area of skin that is healthy and clean. 


Thanks to the strong and powerful effect of oregano oil, it is important to be careful when using it.

  • The skin can become irritated or you can feel dizzy thanks to its strong smell. Talk with your physician whenever you feel like you are having a bad reaction.
  • Pregnant women must be kept away from the oil to avoid hormonal changes and a possible miscarriage. Children must only use the smallest possible dosage. Consult with the appropriate gynecologist or pediatrician for further recommendations.
  • Possible side effects if taken in excessive amounts include stomachaches, allergic reactions, increased risk of bleeding and headaches, etc.
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