UTI In Male: Know Your Risks and Ways to Help

Most men will not develop a urinary tract infection (UTI) in their lifetimes, but the risk of a male developing one does increase as they get older. Woman, on the other hand, have a much greater chance of getting the infection, with 1 out of 5 developing the ailment at any given age. UTI almost never occurs in men under 50. However, those over 50 have a 20 percent chance of diagnose.

Causes and Risk Factors of UTI in Men

  • Sexual intercourse: Engaging in sex with a person infected with a urinary tract infection or anal intercourse.
  • Age: Commonly the result of an enlarged prostate gland, men of 50 or older have a greater chance.
  • Kidney stones: Blockage of urine flow, typically caused by kidney stones or similar ailments.
  • Urinary bladder catheter: Disturbs the natural flow of urine, preventing the flushing of bacteria responsible for UTIs.
  • Diabetes: Uncontrolled, it can cause infections.
  • Uncircumcised: Men who are not circumcised increase their risk of UTI.
  • Weak immunity: HIV or certain medications and drugs can weaken your immunity, leaving you vulnerable to infections.
  • Abnormalities: Kidney and bladder congenital structural defects can increase risk of UTI.

Make sure to note that even though you might have one or more of these risk factors, it does not mean you will get a UTI. Some factors carry a greater chance than others, but still it only increases your chances of infection compared to someone without a risk factor. You should always address your concerns with your doctor.

What Are the Causes of Urinary Tract Infection in Men? (Etiology)

There are several causes for the development of UTI in men, with these being the most common:

  • Bacteria: Typically Klebsiella, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus or Pseudomonas are the common bacteria which cause UTIs.
  • Infection: Infections can travel from other parts of the body, through the urinary system and kidneys into the bloodstream, thus resulting in UTIs.
  • Though very uncommon and rare, parasites and fungi can cause urinary tract infections.

Signs of UTI in Men

There are common symptoms of a urinary tract infection, all of which are about the same no matter your sex or age. Not everyone will experience them, but if they do they usually include:

  • Urgency and unrelenting feeling you need to urinate.
  • Foul-smelling urine.
  • No matter the urgency, only a small flow of urine is released.
  • Cloudy or bloody urine.
  • Lower back or abdominal pain.
  • Pain, discomfort or burning sensation while urinating.
  • Specific to men, the symptom of fluid discharging from penis.

If symptoms are accompanied with nausea, fever or chills, you may have a serious kidney infection and you should seek medical treatment right away.

How Is It Treated?

UTI in men occurs when bacteria, fungus or a virus gets into the urinary tract and is not flushed out by urine. Bacteria are the most common culprit, while fungus and viruses are rare causes. The treatment is the same no matter the sex – antibiotics. It is the only thing that will eliminate the infection and relieve your symptoms.

However, bear in mind, there are preventative measures you can do to lower your risk of getting the infection, which include:

  • Water: Drink plenty of water and fluids every day.
  • Cleanliness: If uncircumcised, make sure to wash underneath your foreskin when showering.
  • Go pee: Do not put off urinating, go when you must.
  • Condoms: Use condoms during sex to prevent the spread of infection.
  • Clean genitals: Before and after intercourse, clean your genital area so you do not spread or contract a UTI.

Sometimes, if you have a very mild urinary tract infection, you can flush out the bacteria by drinking lots of water and fluids. But often, people do not know they have a UTI until symptoms are evident. If this is the case, it is best to visit your doctor for treatment.

Do not put off seeing your doctor. The infection caused by a UTI can spread, causing a serious and potentially fatal infection in your kidneys. Remember, men can get UTIs too, even though their chances are lower.

Can You Prevent It?

Prevention is key in avoiding a UTI in men, so consider some of these practices:

  • Urinate: Go pee and don’t hold it for a long time. The longer you hold your urine, the greater your chance for bacteria to grab hold and cause an infection.
  • After sex: Go to the bathroom after sex and urinate to flush bacteria that may have been transferred to you during sex.
  • Water: Drink enough water and fluids every day. You can ask your doctor how much you should drink. If you have risk factors for a UTI, avoid caffeine, alcohol or citrus juice as they can aggravate your bladder. Cranberry juice has properties that may prevent urinary tract infections, so your doctor may advise drinking it on a regular basis.
  • Pelvic exercises: Doing regular pelvic muscle exercise can increase the strength in this area, thus assisting you in emptying your bladder during urination. A simple exercise is to tighten the muscles by squeezing them for 5 seconds. Pretend you are trying to stop yourself from peeing. Relax for 5 seconds. Do again for 15 repetitions, 3 times a day. Increase to 10 second intervals.
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