Benefits of Jasmine Tea

Jasmine tea is a lightly scented and aromatic tea that uses jasmine blossoms and jasmine oil as the key ingredient. Usually green tea is used as base for jasmine tea, but in some countries black and white tea are also used. This results in jasmine tea being quite fragrant and popular in countries like China.

There are numerous health benefits of jasmine tea. The scent and aroma of jasmine tea induces a feeling of calmness and helps in reducing stress and anxiety by soothing the senses. Green tea and jasmine blossoms are carefully blended to produce this fragrant drink, which is a delight to consume. It produces a velvety sensation in the mouth when consumed, which earns it a good reputation globally. Jasmine tea has gained worldwide reputation for curing many ailments such as stomach disorders and prostate cancers. It also helps fight against common infections and keeps a person healthy.

Benefits of Jasmine Tea

Jasmine is a fragrant flowering plant that has many benefits. It has a soothing effect and is used widely in aromatherapy. Jasmine contains a high amount of antioxidants that boost the immune system and help cure other ailments. Some of the benefits of jasmine tea are as follows:

1. Regulate Blood Sugar

Drinking jasmine tea keeps the glucose level in check and maintains the balance of blood sugars in our bodies. Regulation of blood sugar is important, since it prevents early onset of diabetes. People who are diabetic or have a history of it should consult a doctor before consuming jasmine tea on a regular basis. Jasmine tea can sometimes interfere with medicines and cause the blood sugar level to drop too low.

2. Help in Enhancing Immunity

Jasmine tea has antioxidants that prevent common infections like colds and flu to attack the body. Chemicals in the jasmine tea make it difficult for infection causing bacteria to thrive and grow in the body. The immune system is also strengthened as a result of drinking jasmine tea.

3. Anti-Aging

Ageing is known to be caused by free radicals in the body. Jasmine tea helps slow down ageing by curbing the growth of anti-ageing molecules in the body and preventing cells from coming in contact with them. This helps keep the body and mind younger and makes people have a clear, glowing complexion.

4. Control Cholesterol

Cholesterol is caused by consuming foods that are rich in fat and may cause arteries to block, which results in heart diseases and strokes. Jasmine tea consumption keeps the harmful cholesterol in check and within a normal range. Cholesterol is mainly caused by fatty acids and low density lipoproteins which are reduced by jasmine tea.

5. Reduce Anxiety

It has been noted that jasmine tea has sedative qualities that reduces and calms down rapid heart rate and brings about a state of calm. It reduces stress and anxiety in people and also helps in relieving back pain, joint pain and muscular pain in most individuals.

6. Stimulate Weight Loss

Teas, like green tea are generally good for people who are looking to reduce weight. Jasmine tea has also been noted to aid in weight loss, as it contains a good amount of antioxidants that help in boosting the metabolism. When the metabolism is working properly, digestion is improved and less fat is stored. Jasmine has a sweet taste, so an extra addition of artificial sweeteners is not needed.

7. PreventCancer

Many studies have been conducted on the benefits of jasmine tea and research has shown that jasmine tea helps slow down cancer cell production in our bodies. Jasmine tea has proven to have a chemo like effect on breast tumors and has also helped fight against prostate cancer. Cancer is mainly caused by free radicals in the body that, if left neglected, can lead to the growth of cancer cells. Jasmine tea, with its antioxidants, fights these free radicals and breaks them.

8. Prevent Gastrointestinal Disorders

Consuming jasmine tea helps in preventing stomach related diseases and disorders. It helps in digestions and also helps fight against gastrointestinal cancers. The antioxidants called catechins in jasmine tea have numerous health benefits that also aid in keeping the stomach healthy. These antioxidants help in activating intracellular antioxidant that combine with gastrointestinal enzymes and induce a healthy andregular bowel function.

9. Prevent Arthritis and Joint Pain

Along with many other benefits such as reduction of anxiety and stress, jasmine tea is known to improve muscular and joint pain or pain caused by arthritis. Elements in jasmine tea reduce pain and inflammation that is caused by harmful cellular oxygenation, which may lead to discomfort in individuals. Regular consumption of this tea may reduce these ailments and prevent inflammation.

10. Antibacterial Properties

Most people are not aware that jasmine tea can be a safe alternate to antibiotics and can be part of a regular diet. Jasmine tea is made by adding jasmine oil to tea buds and provides a mechanism for the body to fight against infections and diseases. Research conducted has shown that a certain bacteria, known as E.coli which is present in poorly preserved foods, can cause alarming diseases. Jasmine oil helps in the elimination of these bacteria. Jasmine tea is extremely beneficial in instances of cold, flu and throat infections.


Just as in consuming any other beverage, certain precautions should be taken while consuming jasmine tea as well. Green tea is used as the base for making jasmine tea and most of the benefits result from it.It is produced by using leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant, which is a healthy and rich source of caffeine. Caffeine has been proven to improve alertness and mental awareness in individuals and is also taken to prevent sleep. Green tea, which is also a stimulant, has been used in traditional Chinese and Indian medicines for decades. However, people who are already on drugs that have stimulating properties should consult their physicians before consuming green tea.

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