Bumps on Scrotum That Itch

Pimples or bumps on the nose, scalp, or even around the ear are quite common and usually do not cause serious problems. However, bumps on scrotum can be a source of worry. This could happen because of something as simple and harmless as an allergic reaction to soap, medication, and laundry detergent. In rare cases, these bumps indicate more severe problems. Let's find out more about it.

Causes and Treatment of Bumps on Scrotum That Itch

It is obvious to feel concerned about having any bumps on your scrotum, and it can be quite frustrating if that bump causes severe itching. 

1. Joke Itch

This fungal infection affects the skin of your inner thighs, genitals and buttocks. It can cause red, itchy, and sometimes, ring-shaped rashes in these moist areas of the body. You can also develop this fungal infection around the scrotum area. If there is a rash and its border has a line of small, raised blisters, it is most likely jock itch. You may also notice your skin become scaly or flaky.


You may find relief by trying an OTC antifungal lotion, ointment, spray or powder. OTC medications work for mild cases of jock itch. In this case, your rashes usually clear up within a couple of weeks. You may have to take prescription-strength ointments and creams in case your jock itch is severe. Antifungal pills may also help in this regard.

2. Genital Herpes

Caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV), this sexually transmitted infection affects both men and women. You get it when you have sexual intercourse with someone who is already infected. The virus may stay in your system after the initial infection and not cause any symptoms. It can cause symptoms later and is able to reactive itself several times a year. You can develop genital herpes on scrotum, penis, thighs, and the channel inside your penis that leads to the bladder.

Some of the most common symptoms of genital herpes include the following:

  • Small bumps red in color or tiny white blisters on the affected area
  • Itching and pain that hit you within 2-10 days of exposure
  • Ulcers that develop after the blister rupture
  • Scabs that develop after the ulcers heal


Unfortunately, genital herpes is incurable, so it is better to take steps to avoid getting this infection in the first place. Still, your doctor may treat your symptoms with the help of prescription antiviral medications. Acyclovir, valacyclovir, and famciclovir are some common medications used for the treatment of genital herpes.

These medications may help:

  • Sores to heal sooner
  • Alleviate the severity of your symptoms
  • Lower the frequency of recurrence
  • Lower your ability to transmit the virus to another partner

3. Genital Warts

Caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV), genital warts may result in bumps on scrotum that itch. This common sexually transmitted infection usually causes flesh-colored bumps to appear in your genital area, and these bumps may sometimes have a cauliflower-like appearance, which happens when there are several warts in one place. You will notice severe itching and bleeding while engaging in sexual intercourse.


You do not need any treatment if your warts are not painful. However, you may have to see your doctor in case your symptoms are serious, including burning, itching, and pain. Sometimes, visible warts cause emotional distress. Therefore, you should see your doctor who will help resolve the issue with medications such as podophyllin, imiquimod, trichloroacetic acid, podofilox, etc. They may also recommend surgeries and laser treatments in some cases. These treatments definitely help, but it is possible for the lesions to return after treatment.

4. Follicular Eczema

This is a rare skin condition and is usually not serious either. You may develop it due to poor diet, stress, allergies, weather changes, and illnesses such as asthma. You develop small, red bumps around your hair follicles when you have follicular eczema. Since the hair follicles are also present on scrotum, it is possible to develop bumps in this area as well. Sometimes, these bumps become itchy and inflamed.


Unfortunately, there is no cure available for follicular eczema, but you can try some remedies to help reduce the severity and frequency of flare-ups. Fragrance-free moisturizing lotions, topical steroids and aloe vera can help control outbreaks. Talk to your doctor if you are dealing with a severe case of eczema.

5. Scabies

Caused by Sarcoptes scabiei, a tiny burrowing mite, scabies may develop around the male genital area and produce several symptoms. You may develop bumps on scrotum that itch and the itching becomes worse at night. You may also develop irregular burrow tracks consisting of tiny bumps or blisters on your skin.


You will have to take medications such as ivermectin and crotamiton to eliminate the infestation. Several lotions and creams, such as lindane lotion and permethrin cream may help in this regard. In most cases, you have to apply these medications all over your body and leave it there for at least 8 hours. You may also need a second treatment in case new rash or burrows appear. Your doctor may recommend treatment for all your family members because scabies is highly contagious and spreads easily.

Note: Bumps on scrotum that itch can be due to so many underlying conditions which can be serious. It is hard to identify the severity of the problem by yourself. Therefore, it is always a good idea to seek medical attention instead of trying to treat your bumps on your own.

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