Is Spaghetti Squash Good for You?

Spaghetti squash looks like spaghetti strands and also known as noodle squash, vegetable spaghetti, squaghetti, and vegetable marrow. It is basically a long vegetable up to 14 inches in length with 2-3 pounds of weight. Its flesh is pale yellow and has a mild taste. It tastes good, is it good for your health? Let's find out the answer.

Is Spaghetti Squash Good for You?

Yes, it is. It provides you with a variety of nutrients and vitamins to help keep you healthy. A cup of cooked spaghetti squash provides you with 10g of carbs and about 42 calories with a variety of nutrients, including potassium and vitamin A. Some people think they will not feel full after eating a cup of spaghetti squash, but that is not the case. The reason is that it is rich in fiber and fiber fills you up quickly. It actually provides you an equal amount of fiber that you get from enriched spaghetti, but it does not contain that many calories.

Basics about Spaghetti Squash

Is spaghetti squash good for you? Yes, it is. However, you should also have some basic information about it. For instance:

  • In season: It is harvested in the early fall, just like other hard-shelled winter squash. It stays in cool storage for some time and becomes available in markets during the winter and spring.
  • What to look for: Opt for mature squash, which has a creamy-yellow shell. Select firm squash without any soft spots. You can store it safely in an uncut form in a cool, dry place for up to a month or so.

Spaghetti Squash Nutrition and Benefits

Is spaghetti squash good for you? A look at its nutrition facts will help you to get a better idea. Spaghetti squash is great mainly because of the nutrients it has. Here is more about it.

  • Vitamin A: Spaghetti squash is a great source of beta-carotene and alpha-carotene, which your body converts into the form of vitamin A to keep your skin and vision healthy. It also helps prevent cellular damage and eliminate free radicals from your body.
  • Vitamin C: A cup of spaghetti squash is enough to meet 7% of your recommended daily intake of vitamin C. It is essential for your body to fight against free radicals that promote abnormal cell activity in your body. If left in the body, they can damage cells and lead to chronic illnesses. Vitamin C in spaghetti squash also boosts immune system and makes collage too.
  • Potassium: Your body needs potassium to carry electrical charge, which in turns helps regulate heartbeat and stimulate muscles and nerves. You get 4% of your recommended daily intake of potassium from a cup of cooked spaghetti squash.
  • Calcium: A cup of cooked spaghetti squash provides you with 3% of your recommended daily intake of calcium, which is essential for your bone health. It helps rebuild your bone and prevent osteoporosis and other issues.

Mouthwatering Spaghetti Squash Recipes to Try

Is spaghetti squash good for you? The answer is yes. However, you need to learn different ways to enjoy spaghetti squash and its benefits. Here are some suggestions.

1.        Roasted Spaghetti Squash

Things You Need

  • A medium spaghetti squash


Start by preheating your oven to 375 degrees. Prick squash using a sharp knife and place it on a rimmed baking sheet. Stop roasting when it becomes tender – it may take up to 1 hour and 20 minutes. Cut it lengthwise when cool enough and remove seeds. Scrape it with a fork to get flesh out in long strands.

2.        Spiced Squash Pancakes

Things You Need

  • A tbsp. of extra-virgin olive oil
  • 3 minced shallots, 2 small jalapenos (minced and seeded)
  • 3 tbsp. of fresh ginger (minced and peeled)
  • ¾ tsp of ground cumin and ground coriander
  • 3 cups of roasted spaghetti squash
  • Coarse salt and ground pepper
  • 2 eggs (lightly beaten)
  • ¼ cup of flour (leveled and spooned)
  • Nonstick cooking spray


  • Start by preheating your oven to 275 degrees. Take a nonstick skillet to heat oil – set medium-high heat.
  • Add jalapenos, shallots, and ginger to the skillet and cook for 7 minutes.
  • Add coriander and cumin as well and cook for another minute.Use salt and pepper for seasoning and set aside to cool for 5 minutes.
  • Then, put it in a large bowl and add eggs, squash, and flour. Use cooking spray to lightly coat skillet and heat over medium.
  • Make ¼ cupfuls of servings and add batter to skillet. Keep cooking until pancakes turn golden brown.
  • Take them out of the skillet and put in the oven to keep warm. Repeat the same with remaining batter.

3.        Spaghetti Squash and Roasted Shrimp

Things You Need

  • Ground pepper and salt
  • A medium spaghetti squash (halved lengthwise)
  • A pound large shrimp
  • A tbsp. of fresh lemon juice and lemon wedges
  • A tsp of extra-virgin olive oil
  • 2 tbsp. of fresh parsley


  • Start by preheating your oven to 375 degrees. Use salt and pepper for seasoning and place squash in a baking dish of 9-by-13-inch in size.
  • Add ¾ cup of water to the dish and roast until squash becomes tender. Let it cool.
  • Get a rimmed baking sheet and add shrimp to it with a teaspoon of oil as well as salt and pepper used for seasoning. Roast for 8-10 minutes.
  • Remove seeds and use a fork to get flesh into a large bowl. Add shrimp with any cooking juices, oil, and lemon juice to the bowl and mix lightly.
  • Use salt and pepper for seasoning and parsley for topping. Serve with lemon wedges.
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