Saltwater for Toothache

You can try a number of home remedies to deal with a sore throat, gum sores, and other common oral problems. However, something you can always trust is a saltwater mouth rinse. Not just it helps treat gum sores, but it also gives relief to people who have recently underwent dental procedures. Many people also use saltwater for toothache and rely on it to maintain good dental hygiene. 

Why Saltwater Is Useful for Toothache?

You may develop toothache for a number of reasons, and saltwater can target those underlying causes to help bring you some relief. Here is more about why saltwater is useful for toothache.

1. It Helps Inhibit Dental Bacteria

Dental bacteria may be the reason behind your toothache, and saltwater can help as it increases the pH balance of your mouth so that bacteria cannot thrive. Bacteria prefer an acidic environment to grow and using saltwater will make it difficult for them to breed.

2. It Contains Healing Properties

You may be experiencing toothache after minor dental surgery. If that is the case, you can again use saltwater for relief. It has healing properties mainly because it is an isotonic solution and contains the same mineral and salt concentrations as that in your body. That is why it does not irritate the mucous membranes, which in turn promotes healing.

How to Use Saltwater Properly for Toothache

When using saltwater for toothache, it is important that you do it right to get best results.

  • Take a glass of warm water and dissolve a teaspoon of table salt in it. You can also use sea salt. Just ensure that you do not use hot water or else you will end up burning your mouth.
  • Take a sip and swish the water thoroughly. Be sure to swish it near your sore tooth. Keep rinsing for 30 seconds and then spit it out. Do not swallow the solution.
  • Repeat the same procedure every hour to ease the pain.

Sea Salt and Table Salt: Which One to Choose?

Studies have confirmed that there isn't much difference between the sea salt and table salt apart from the taste. However, some experts are of the view that you should consider using sea salt because it is natural and unprocessed. Moreover, it contains trace minerals and does not take long to dissolve completely into water. You can use either in times of emergency.

Other Home Remedies for Toothache

Saltwater will definitely help relieve some pain, but you can also find other home remedies to relieve toothache. Here are some options to consider:

1. Garlic

Thanks to its antibiotic and medicinal properties, garlic can always help relieve toothache.

Take a garlic clove, crush it well and mix it with some black salt or table salt. Apply it on your affected tooth directly for pain relief. Repeat several times for better results.

2. Cloves

Cloves have antibacterial, anesthetic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that make them an effective remedy for toothache.

Take two cloves and ground them well. Add a few drops of olive oil and then apply directly on your affected tooth for pain relief.

3. Onions

Using onions will help reduce pain mainly because it works as an antiseptic. It also has antimicrobial properties which can control a toothache quite effectively .

Chew raw onions for about five minutes when you experience a toothache. Simply placing a few pieces of raw onion on your affected tooth may work as well.

4. Asafetida

You can make use of asafetida to deal with bleeding gums, toothaches, and other dental problems.

Put a pinch of powdered asafetida into two teaspoons of lemon juice. Then heat it slightly and use a cotton cloth to apply it on your affected tooth. You can also cook asafetida with butter and apply the mixture on your tooth.

5. Cold Compress

A trauma to the tooth may as well be the cause of the pain. If that is the case, you can use a cold compress to provide a numbing sensation and relieve pain.

Take an ice block and wrap it in a clean cloth. Apply it on your cheek directly outside of the affected tooth for about 10 minutes. You can also use a bag of frozen veggies or an ice pack for this purpose. Just do not apply the ice cube directly onto your gum.

6. Hydrogen Peroxide

Just like using saltwater for toothache, hydrogen peroxide works in the similar fashion. It can eliminate infection by clearing any bacteria in your mouth, therefore relieve your pain.

7. Tea Tree Oil

Due to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, tea tree oil are also effective in the treatment of toothache.

Take a glass of water and mix a few drops of tea tree oil in it. Use this solution to rinse your mouth. The oil will bring relief by penetrating into the gums and de-sensitizing the nerves in your affected tooth. Do not swallow the mixture.

8. Cinnamon and Honey

The combination of honey and cinnamon is another effective remedy for toothache.

Mix five teaspoons of honey with a teaspoon of cinnamon powder and apply this paste directly onto the affected tooth. You can store the paste in a small container for later use. Apply the paste thrice a day to relieve pain.

9. A Damp Tea Bag

Placing a damp tea bag over the painful tooth will help reduce pain quickly. It is not all that effective in treating the infection, but it will still help reduce pain mainly because it contains tannins that have astringent properties.

Take a cup of warm water and moisten a tea bag in it. Place it on your tooth after squeezing out the excess water. Leave it there for about 15 minutes for relief.

Note: Home remedies like saltwater for toothache can help relieve your pain, but you should see your dentist if the pain persists. Your doctor will identify the real cause of pain and then suggest the most appropriate treatment option. 

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