Spotting Before Period

Bleeding between your periods is known as spotting. It is a common problem that almost all women will experience this at one point in their lives. In general, spotting can be defined as slight bleeding of the vagina any other time except when the period is expected. There can be different reasons why it occurs, but the most common ones can be implantation and hormonal changes.

Spotting is not a serious problem most of the time. However, it might be a sign of a fatal disease or reproductive issue.

Is Spotting Before Period Normal?

Spotting before period can be termed as normal and abnormal. It depends on the conditions.

If spotting occurs just before your period, then you need not worry and many women have experienced that. Also, according to doctors, if you spot for 10 days or more with increased temperatures then you are safe.

Otherwise, you should consult your doctor. They will first find out if you have fibroids, thyroid issues, endometrial polyps or endometriosis in order to rule them out. These conditions tend to mess up your cycle and even hinder your ability to bear children.If the doctor finds out that you don't have any of the conditions mentioned, then he will discuss your luteal phase with you.

Luteal phase is from the day after ovulation till the first day of your period, which is mostly referred to as days past ovulation (DPO). The luteal phase is mostly consistent and only varies under very few circumstances like medication, illness, serious stress and intense exercise.

What Cause Spotting Before Period?

1. Implantation Bleeding

Implantation bleeding can occur a few days or a week prior to your period. If this happens and you have engaged in unprotected sex, it might be a result of implantation. However, due to the timing, most women do not imagine the bleeding might be a result of pregnancy.

2. The Use of IUD

When you get an IUD inserted, you might experience spotting before period for the first 3-6 months. This will mostly happen regardless of whether it is a copper or hormonal IUD.

3. Low Levels of Progesterone

Low levels of progesterone can lead to spotting before period. Progesterone is a vital hormone during the luteal phase. When it is low, one will get abnormalities during the luteal phase, or even have the Luteal Phase Defect.

4. Perimenopause

When your body is transitioning from having a monthly period to not having one, you might experience spotting before period. After passing through perimenopause and entering into menopause, you will want to keep an eye for any menopausal spotting or vaginal bleeding. For any unusual bleeding, you should seek medical visit to rule out cancer or other medical conditions.

5. Other Causes

  • Ovulation: Also referred to as mid cycle bleeding, when an egg is released from the ovaries one might experience bleeding. This spotting is early in the luteal phase.
  • Imbalance hormones: When the hormones in your body are not balanced, you will experience spotting before period. Medical conditions like thyroid problems as well as medication like aspirin could cause premenstrual spotting.
  • Reproductive diseases: Spotting might also be caused by diseases of the reproductive system like fibroids, ovarian cysts, cancer of the vagina and pelvic infection.
  • Biopsy of the endometrium: After a biopsy is done in your endometrium, you might experience a few months of spotting before period.

How Can You Deal With Spotting Before Period?

Home Care Options

  • If you are experiencing heavy bleeding, contact a medical professional.
  • Keep count of the tampons or pads that you have used as it will help determine how serious the bleeding is.
  • If you can, avoid aspirin as it prolongs bleeding.


If the following happens, call your doctor:

  • You bleed and you are pregnant.
  • Bleeding between periods for no reason.
  • Bleeding after menopause.
  • The bleeding is heavy during periods.
  • You experience pain, dizziness and fatigue while having abnormal bleeding.
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