Dry Socket After Wisdom Teeth Removal

Once your wisdom tooth has been removed by a dentist, a hole remains where the tooth used to be, that is the tooth socket. Your body should naturally form a blood clot which works to protect the socket and bone from being exposed. Otherwise, further complications can be caused, and dry socket after wisdom teeth removal is one of them. This article will detail this condition, and try to figure out the possible treatments.

Dry Socket: Wisdom Teeth Removal Complication

It is a condition that happens when the blood clot that forms to protect the tooth socket becomes dislodges, or fails to form at all, which leaves the socket exposed, and disrupts the natural healing process.This condition usually becomes apparent for several days after the wisdom teeth have been removed.

Symptoms associated with this occurrence include a throbbing, dull pain from moderate to severe, which may ensue up to four days after the surgical procedure. You may also experience a vulgar taste or odor being expelled from the tooth socket.

Causes of Dry Socket After Wisdom Teeth Removal

As mentioned, dry socket develops when the blood clot which forms to protect the exposed tooth socket is dislodged, or fails to form at all. This can happen for numerous reasons, some common reasons are explained below:

1. Bacteria

If an oral bacterial infection is present before the wisdom tooth is extracted, then proper formation of the blood clot may be hindered, leading to dry socket wisdom teeth.  

2. Smoking

For those who smoke, the nicotine present within cigarettes can lead to a reduction in the mouth's blood supply, which may hinder or prevent the formation of the blood clot.

3. Certain Motions

After the wisdom teeth have been removed, certain motions can lead to dry socket wisdom teeth. Such motions, including sucking through a straw, rinsing/spitting aggressively, and/or inhaling a cigarette, can cause the blood clot to become dislodged.

4. Other Factors

Certain physical factors, such as hormones or poor supply of blood, can prevent the formation of the clotting of blood at the site of tooth extraction.

How to Treat Dry Socket

The occurrence of dry socket (wisdom teeth removal complication) is not uncommon. Chances are higher when the bottom wisdom tooth is extracted. Therefore, whenever you believe that you have developed dry socket wisdom teeth after having your wisdom teeth removed, you can just consult your dentist.

1. Seek Help from Dentist

Then dentist can remove any debris from the exposed socket, and fill the hole with specialized material, which will help to promote the natural healing of the area. Mostly, this procedure should be done every day, so you have to pay daily visits to the dentist, until the socket begins to heal naturally.

2. Try Some Medications

Medication can be used to help with dry socket. Over-the-counter painkillers may prove useful in subsiding the pain associated with the condition, if not, stronger medication may be prescribed by your dentist. In some cases, anti-biotics may be administered to reduce or eradicate the chance of an infection developing.

3. More Home Remedies to Try

There are also home remedies which you can try to help with dry socket after wisdom teeth removal, which are listed in the table below.

Home Remedies

How to Apply

Clove Oil

Clove oil can be applied directly to the exposed tooth socket using a cotton swab. Soak the cotton ball in water first then apply the clove oil and administering it to the site. This will help to reduce the sting of the clove oil. Repeat this process twice daily, as required.

Saline Water

Mix lukewarm water and salt, and gargle to attain relief from dry socket pain.


Yogurt works as a natural antibiotic. Consuming lots of yogurt can help to treat dry socket.

Ice Pack

Dry socket can lead to the swelling of your jaw. Applying an ice pack to this area can help to prevent this.

Cold Tea Bag

Placing a cold tea bag on the area is one of the effective home remedies for dry socket, due to the content of tannic acid which works to relieve pain.

Turmeric Solution

Mix a pinch of turmeric with lukewarm water and rinse your mouth with the solution to achieve relief from the pain associated with dry socket.

Dry salt, turmeric, and mustard oil paste

To attain strong relief from dry socket pain, mix these ingredients together into a paste and apply it directly to the affected area.


If the dry socket is exposed to air or saliva, it may exacerbate the pain. You can prevent this pain by nibbling on dampened gauze.

Peroxide Solution

Rinsing your mouth with peroxide solution can provide instant relief from pain. Remember not to swallow the solution, and rinse your mouth after.

Valerian Root

Renowned as an extremely effective natural tranquilizer, valerian root can provide strong relief from pain, speed up the process of healing, as well as reduce stress and anxiety.

Lemon and Salt

Packed full of natural healer vitamin C, lemon juice can greatly help the healing process of dry socket wisdom teeth post-removal. Mix lemon juice with salt the apply it to gum.

Remain Hydrated

Drink plenty water to keep hydrated, which is essential for reducing or preventing the pain associated with dry socket.

How to Prevent Dry Socket After Wisdom TeethRemoval

Due to the uncomfortable nature of this occurrence, you may be happy to know that there are certain preventative methods that you can take to avoid developing dry socket.

1. Quit Smoking

As mentioned, smoking cigarettes (or pipes, cigars etc.) can lead to an increased chance of dry socket. It may be wise to quit smoking, at least for a couple of days following your dental procedure.

2. Avoid the Use of Straws

As sucking drink through a straw can cause dislodgement of the blood clot, it would be best to avoid the use of straws during the healing process of dry socket wisdom post-removal.

3. Get Enough Rest

Whilst you are healing after your dental procedure, ensure to get plenty of rest and avoid vigorous exercise, at least for a few days.

4. Practice Gentle Oral Hygiene

Rinsing your mouth gently with water should cause no complications, but avoid rigorous actions and motions. You should also take care when brushing near the site of extraction.

5. Avoid Certain Medications

Some medications may hinder the natural blood clotting process, which should be avoided after your teeth have been extracted. Your dentist will be able to inform you on what medications are suitable, and what ones to avoid.

Want to know more details about dry socket healing time, click HERE.

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