Wisdom Teeth Stitches

Nearly everyone has four separate wisdom teeth. There are two in the top part of the mouth and two located in the lower part of the mouth. Many times, these teeth don't come out but become impacted. When this happens, the tooth only grows within the gums or only comes out part of the way. If this happens, the wisdom teeth need to be removed through surgery. After surgery, wisdom teeth stitches are often placed to seal up the hole where the tooth was once located.

Uses of Wisdom Teeth Stitches

The dentist may decide to put stitches in your mouth after the wisdom tooth has been excised. The main reason for this is to close off the hole where the tooth came out of. They help lessen the distance between the cut parts of the soft tissue, so the wound can become stronger. When stitches are put into the place where the wisdom teeth were removed, they put compression on the soft tissue so that bleeding after surgery is lessened. They help the wound heal more predictably and without problems.

The video about wisdom tooth removal below may help you understand the stitches' uses better.

Types of Wisdom Teeth Stitches

There are a couple of different kinds of wisdom teeth stitches. One type is resorbable, meaning that it dissolves in the mouth and the other type is nonresorbable, meaning that it has to be removed by the dentist.

1.   Stitches That Dissolve

These are the wisdom teeth stitches that resorb in the mouth and don't need removing. The body simply breaks down the sutures and gets rid of them. These are often known as catgut sutures or simply "gut" stitches. They are usually made out of the intestines of sheep but are now usually made from synthetic types of material.

How long does it take for these stitches to resorb? The time it takes for these types of stitches to resorb depends on the material used to make the sutures. True gut stitches stay that way for 5-7 days, while those that are chromic-treated will last longer—up to 9-14 days. Those that are made from synthetic products may take a couple of weeks before they completely dissolve.

2.   Stitches That Don't Dissolve

These stitches tend to be made from materials that we are unable to get rid of and that can't resorb. They are made of things like polyester, silk, or nylon. These types of sutures are often used because they don't cause as much inflammation as resorbable sutures do. The only disadvantage is that the person must go back to the dentist to have the wisdom teeth stitches taken out.

When should these be taken out? If the sutures are non-dissolvable, the dentist must remove them. This is usually done about 7-10 days after the original surgery.

How are the wisdom teeth stitches removed? This is a fairly simple procedure. The dentist simply snips the sutures with a tiny pair of scissors. After that, they will take one of the ends of the stitch and pull it through the tissues using a pair of dental tweezers. This can be done without numbing up the area and usually isn't uncomfortable.

What will the removal feel like? You will likely feel the dentist pull on the stitch just prior to pulling the stitch out. You may feel the scissors but it won't cut you. If the dentist pulls the stitch out the right way, you won't feel much of anything. If they take the wrong part of the stitch out, the knot may get stuck in the tissues and you might feel the knot going through the tissue.

What If Wisdom Teeth Stitches Come Out?

If one or more of the stitches come out before they are supposed to, speak to your dentist to see what they want you to do. The whole purpose of the stitch is to stabilize the tissue flap in the early days after you have your wisdom teeth removed but, so even if the stitch comes out, this is usually not a problem. If they fall out a day or so before they were supposed to be removed anyway, this may not be a problem at all.

Diet Suggestion with Stitches in Mouth

You should stick to a diet that is somewhat soft and a little bit bland in the beginning days after you have had a wisdom tooth extraction. Do not eat anything with small particles or seeds like sesame seeds or poppy seeds as they can get stuck in the tissues and cause inflammation. Do not eat foods that are very hot because they increase the circulation in the mouth and can result in excessive bleeding or the dissolution of the wisdom teeth stitches too soon. You should try to have a diet that is high in protein and calories for faster healing. You should also take in a lot of fluids, so you don't get dehydrated. It is completely normal to have no appetite after this type of surgery, but you will heal faster, feel much better, and have greater strength if you keep eating no matter how you feel. 

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