How Early Can You Get Morning Sickness?

Bringing a new life into the world involves some pretty crazy changes to your body. One of the first and most common symptoms and side effects of creating a new life is morning sickness. It can be a very mild version, with triggers like certain smell. It can be severe, with no notable triggers and no specific time of day or night that it occurs.

How Early Can You Get Morning Sickness?

The earlies time that morning sickness can strike is about 6 weeks, though it will vary for different women. The hormones in the body are greatly increased, which is a reason that the morning sickness begins to affect the mom-to-be.

Different Moms' Experiences with Morning Sickness

"I am now seven weeks pregnant. Starting today, I feel like I'm going to be sick every time I eat."

"I started having morning sickness at around six weeks. I am nine weeks now, and eating frequent meals does not help. I never feel full and am always struggling with my hunger issues."

"I was queasy for most of the day the day my period was due. I tested the next day and got positive results. The queasiness is worse if I am hungry, so eating actually helps me handle it."

What If I Don't Have Any Symptoms?

Some women may be concerned if they are not experiencing morning sickness around six weeks. However, if you are not experiencing any sickness between the six and eight week marks, you may be one of the lucky ones. About half of women who are pregnant have both nausea and vomiting, while 3 in 10 experience only the nausea. If you are not one of those women, there is no reason to be concerned.

Why Do You Have Morning Sickness?

After questioning how early can you get morning sickness, the next question for some moms-to-be is why do you have to deal with morning sickness? The answer goes back to the many changes a woman's body goes through while creating a new life.

  • Increased level of hCG: This hormone level increases quickly during pregnancy, and the highest levels of nausea are at the same time as the woman has her highest levels of hCG. Also, women who are carrying more than one baby tend to have more nausea and vomiting and also have higher levels of hCG.
  • Increased level of estrogenAnother reason for morning sickness could be the mom-to-be's estrogen levels. Estrogen increases greatly during the first trimester, which is when morning sickness is most common.
  • Sensitivity, both to smells and foods: Some women find they are very sensitive to particular smells, resulting in their avoidance of specific foods during pregnancy. Others find their stomach reacts differently to foods they enjoy when they are not pregnant. This could be due to an increase in the stomach bacterium Helicobacter pylori. Still other women find they react to stress with nausea and/or vomiting.

Is It Harmful?

For most women, dealing with morning sickness has no impact on your health or the health of the baby. However, there is a condition that occurs during pregnancy that can be dangerous. That condition is known as hyperemesis gravidarum, and the result is an inability to keep any food down. This can lead to dehydration and can have serious effects on the health of the baby and mom-to-be.

For women who cannot keep any food down, it is best to consult your doctor. A lack of nutrients and imbalance of electrolytes can be dangerous during pregnancy. At that point, however, you are not asking how early can you get morning sickness? Instead, you are asking how to make it stop.

How Can Your Relieve Morning Sickness?

1. In the Morning

If you know you might be sick, get up earlier so you can deal with the nausea and then have time to get ready. Another tip is to keep a snack by the bed, like dry cereal or saltine crackers. Eating a small amount before getting up can help. Make sure you move slowly at first.

2. During the Day

Several small meals spaced evenly throughout the day can help you avoid getting too hungry or feeling too full. Rest when possible, but avoid naps directly after eating a meal. Try to limit exposure to smells and foods. Also, stay away from locations where it is warmer, as this increases nausea.

3. In the Evening

Stick to meals that are not overly spicy. Also, limit greasy foods and try to avoid cooking if foods become too much to handle. Get as much sleep as possible, that means changing your routine and going to bed early. Also, if you have to get up for a bathroom break during the night, try to eat something before you move.

4. Suggested Foods

Certain foods can help you deal with the nausea and minimize vomiting. Those foods include cold foods like sandwiches, fruits and vegetables and salad. Chicken broth, soup and plain baked potatoes are also good because they are bland and not overloaded with spices.

5. Additional Tips

Now you have the answer to how early can you get morning sickness, you may also want to know the tips that can help you relieve it.

  • For those who are still looking for some relief from morning sickness, try exercise. You may be tired and not feel like moving, but the endorphins from walking can help fight both the feelings of fatigue and nausea.
  • Other pregnant women try acupressure, which puts gentle pressure on specific points on the body to relieve nausea. Acupuncture, or the use of tiny needles, is also an option. Both of these can be done with the help of a specialist, typically from Eastern cultures where these are considered accepted medical practices.
  • One other option is to take 25 mg of Vitamin B6 three times per day. This can help alleviate nausea.

When Will Morning Sickness End?

Morning sickness will typically continue to affect the mom-to-be until the end of the first trimester. For some unlucky moms, the symptoms can continue until the 20th week of pregnancy. For still others, it can last until the baby is born. However, for moms that continue to have trouble keeping fluids down, it is important to contact the doctor to be checked for dehydration.

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