10 + Pros to Think When Trying to Legalize Weed

A big subject that has raised concern as well as jubilance for many is weed legalization. Many states in America have now moved to allow for recreational use of the drug, due to voters letting their views be known in the ballots, and leading to a new initiative being implemented with regards to cannabis laws. Many people may have concerns about legalization: will it lead to a higher number of drug abusers? Will it de-stigmatize cannabis use to such a point where kids think it is ok to smoke? Will everyone quit their jobs and hang out at fast food joints all day? Apposed to somewhat popular belief, legalization of cannabis has had many benefits that are really helps the pros of legalizing weed

10 Popular Pros of Legalizing Weed

1. The Use of Hemp Is Wide

Legalization of weed means that the hemp industry will be allowed to flourish. Hemp can be utilized for products such as paper, clothing, plastics, fuel and food, and many other products that can be made from hemp. On top of that, hemp plants grow very quickly (especially when compared to the trees we are cutting down to make paper), with no need for herbicides in most environments. The power of hemp is truly astonishing.

2. It Has Many Medical Benefits

The move to legalize marijuana first gained an overwhelming amount of support when its obvious medical use and benefits became evident to the masses. There are a vast amount of reports and studies which state that marijuana is highly effective in treating a number of ailments, and it can make a highly effected replacement for numerous types of medication, many of which having various nasty side effects. Thus, its medical use must be one strong reason for the pros of legalizing weed.

3. It Is Good for Law Enforcement

Cannabis, whether you like it or not, is a highly popular substance that many people consume on a regular basis. When weed is illegal, officers are within their right to question and detain people in possession of the drug. This means a lot of police time is spent pursuing, questioning and arresting citizens due to possession and/or consumption of cannabis. Legalization will free up officers’ time to pursue more worthwhile cases.

4. It Is an Entitled Right

What we put into our bodies should be our choice entirely. Many great scholars have pondered upon what rights every individual has been endowed, and it has been concluded by some that as long as an individual does not harm others in their actions, they should have a right to act freely without fear of repercussions. Criminalizing cannabis uses denies people that right, especially when you consider the fact that cannabis has never been linked to a decrease in the productivity of a society. So, why not be the pros of legalizing weed?

5. It Helps Ensure the Safety of Weed Dealing

As previously stated, many people consume cannabis, either medicinally or recreationally. Legalizing cannabis will give these people, most of which are law abiding, hard working individuals, a place to safely buy cannabis. It also means that what is being sold is regulated, safe, and not mixed with any other nasty substances.

6. It Can Increase Tax Income

When thinking of the pros of legalizing weed, this one can’t be ignored. If cannabis is sold and regulated by the state, then all cannabis sales will likely be taxed. This new and highly profitable taxable substance can potentially provide a much needed boost to the economy.

7. It Takes Money Away From the Wrong Hands

Many large illegal cannabis operations are run by gangs and cartels, who often also participate in other unlawful activities (such as murder). As long as the cannabis is illegal, the illegal cannabis market is allowed to flourish. Legalizing cannabis will take money spent on the drug from the wrong hands.

8. It Saves Government Funds

During cannabis prohibition, government agencies funded the war on drugs and spent a lot of money on ensuring people did not consume cannabis. This money could be much better spent in more essential areas, such as housing, healthcare, education, and social programs.

9. Prohibition Has Been Ineffective

Although the production, use and sale of cannabis have been prohibited, the amount of users has shown no decrease, the amount of support for legalization has shown no decrease (in fact the opposite is true), and the amount of damming evidence against marijuana has shown no increase. This clearly shows that prohibition has been ineffective.

10. Disputes Can Be Properly Resolved

If cannabis is illegal and you still decide to purchase some, you have no protection in terms of court and law if you are deceived and scammed for your money. This can lead to you acting upon yourself for justice, which could have violent repercussions. Legalizing cannabis will allow the courts to settle any disputes.

More Pros of Legalizing Weeds

Cannabis use has been recorded for many years throughout human history. The fact that it is a naturally growing plant makes criminalization seem ludicrous; how can nature be illegal? Cannabis may have been here for longer than humans, so we really have no right to say it is wrong. When cannabis is illegal, society actually suffers. This is because during prohibition, it forces an illegal black market to transact the substance, in which the state has no control over. There is also the fact there are many substances, such as alcohol, tobacco and fast food, are perfectly legal and far more damaging to individuals and society when abused than cannabis.

Other more reasons for the pros of legalizing cannabis include:

  • Many illegal drug dealers will sell to anyone without asking for proof of age, this means that cannabis prohibition actually makes cannabis more accessible to children, as a licensed store would most definitely ensure that the person buying from them is at an appropriate age.
  • There is evidence to suggest that the antioxidants within cannabis can reverse cancer.
  • Cannabis is cheap and easy to produce, and highly profitable.
  • Legalization will reduce the amount of necessary resources, such as trees, being utilized for products that can be made from hemp, such as paper.
  • It is physically impossible to overdose on marijuana, while many pharmaceutical drugs can be harmful if overdose.
  • The pros of legalizing weed most certainly outweigh the cons; therefore, it would be almost foolish to continue with prohibition. 
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