Salt Water Nose Flush

The production of nasal mucus is your body's way to prevent airborne particles and irritants from entering your lungs. However, when your body produces too much mucus due to a cold, allergies, or a sinus infection, you may feel very uncomfortable, in this case, you may need a nose flush with saltwater. Being overly exposed to airborne particles may also require you to clear your nasal passages. 

Benefits of Salt Water Nose Flush

There are a number of benefits related with saltwater nose flush. For instance:

  • It leaves you with fresh breath. It helps because nasal irrigation relieves symptoms of post-nasal drip, which is usually a major cause of bad breath.
  • It helps with nasal congestion. Rinsing the nasal passage thins the mucus and makes it easier to expel. It also eliminates any irritants that may be causing nasal congestion.
  • It makes the cilia or tiny nasal hair more efficient in the transportation of mucus. Your sensory cells will also start performing effectively.

Note: You should use saltwater nose flush in moderation. While nose flush helps and offers many benefits, you should not do it too often. The reason is that nose flush may wash away the mucus you need to defend against infections.

How to Perform Salt Water Nose Flush

If you really want to enjoy the amazing benefits of salt-water nose flush, you should first know how to perform it in the right way. Here are some suggestions.

1. How to Make the Salt Solution


  • Baking soda
  • Salt not containing preservatives
  • 8 ounces of boiled or distilled water


Mix a rounded teaspoon of baking soda and 3 teaspoons of salt, then add the mixture to a cup of lukewarm distilled water. 

2. How to Apply

Follow these steps for salt water nose flush.

  • Fill the irrigation device

You can use a syringe bulb, a neti pot, or a different irrigation device easily available at most naturopathic stores, pharmacies, and online. They are available in different shapes and sizes, so select the right one for you. Get it and fill it with the saline solution you have prepared.

  • Get the right position

Before being able to use the device, you need to get into position. It is better to lean over a sink to avoid messing things up. Tilt your head at 45-degree angle and point the spout of your device to your nose. Gently press it into the nostril but do not press it deep inside.

  • Irrigate the nose

Start irrigating the nose after you have pressed the device into your nostril. Just do it slowly and carefully, especially if you are trying this for the first time. Squeeze the saline solution out if you have a syringe bulb. Using a neti pot is an easier option because it lets you pour the water in a controlled fashion. While irrigating, continue to breathe through your mouth. You should never try to breathe from your nose or you may inhale water into your lungs.

  • Switch sides

Once you have irrigated your upper nostril, you should tilt your head to the opposite side and start irrigating the other nostril. Repeat the same procedure and be sure to breathe through your mouth all the time.

  • Clear your nostrils

Once you have completed the procedure, you should inhale through your mouth and exhale through your nostrils. It is also a good idea to blow your nose gently to eliminate any excess mucus or saline solution.

Warning: Be sure to use safe water for this procedure. Tab water is not the right choice because it may contain low levels of different microorganisms, such as amoeba, bacteria, and other protozoa. These organisms may be safe to drink but they can cause reactions when in contact with the thin membranes inside the sinus. Always use sterile or distilled water for this purpose.

Other Ways to Irrigate Your Nose

If you are ready to try it, you can apply salt water nose flush in a number of other ways as well. For instance:

  • Simply snort solution from your hands. It is the cheapest way to do it. Just make your saline solution, pour it in one of your cupped hand, and simply snort it. Be sure to plug the other nostril when doing this. You can also try nasal gargle. Just pour the solution in your hand and breathe through your nostril slowly, and then blow your nose to expel the solution. Make sure you do not breathe forcefully while trying a nasal gargle.
  • Try nasal sprays. Using the spray bottle is yet another easy way to rinse your nasal passages. It has a nozzle that you can place in your nostril. There will be a mist released after squeezing the bottle, which will leave your nasal passages moist. The nasal spray may not work as efficiently as a neti pot or other devices, but it still helps irrigate your nasal passages to some extent, and it is perfect for children and young kids. 
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