What Do Kidney Stones Feel Like?

One of the most commonly occurring disorders of the urinary tract are kidney stones. The reason behind the formation of the stones in kidneys is the increase in concentration of natural substances in the urine. With the increase in concentration, the chances of the solid substances staying in the kidney become greater. To know whether you are suffering from a similar condition, read on to see experiences of people about what kidney stones feel like.

What Do Kidney Stones Feel Like?

Some people experience no symptoms while suffering from kidney stones. If they are small in size, then it is possible that they would pass out without causing any pain. If the stones are larger in size, then they would cause problems in urine flow and lead to symptoms that can cause severe pain. Blockage of the urine flow usually occurs when a kidney stone gets stuck in the ureter, the tube connecting the kidneys and bladder.

What the Pain Feels Like

Most people who have suffered from kidney stones answer that they experienced a sharp pain either in the lower abdomen or on either side of their back when asked about what do kidney stones feel like. The pain shoots up without a warning and keeps on increasing in intensity with time. The area where the pain is experienced continues to grow with time too.

The pain experienced by some individuals stays constant while the pain comes and goes in waves for others. The pain usually lasts for longer periods of time though its intensity varies a lot within that time period. This usually happens when the stone keeps changing its position in the urinary tract.

Other Symptoms of Kidney Stones

  • An overwhelming feeling of nausea
  • Appearance of blood when passing urine (this can happen with both the presence of stones in the kidney and the travelling of stones through the ureter).
  • Change in color of the urine (appearing reddish or pinkish or brownish in color)
  • A really foul-smell accompanying the urine
  • Consistent pain while urinating (this may happen when the stone sets up camp in the ureter or when the stone moves into the urethra from the bladder).
  • Increase in frequency of urge to urinate
  • Decrease in the amount of urine passed in each urination

Is It Kidney Stone or a Different Problem?

There is no way to be exactly sure whether you are having pain because of kidney stones or something else. This is why it’s best to get in touch with a doctor when you start experiencing sudden abdominal pain as it can be indicative of a number of emergencies like prostatitis, appendicitis hernia etc.

What Others Say

The pain I experienced was usually concentrated towards my lower back with my right side the main problem area. The pain came and went and was always intense. The intensity of the pain was very high and it was a nightmare once the pain started. Taking a hot shower when the bout of pain arrived usually helped.

If you are asking me about what do kidney stones feel like, I can say from my experience that it feels like someone is putting a lot of pressure on the bladder. I felt that it was some sort of urinary tract infection at first but since there was no burning sensation I had a feeling it was different. I always had an urge to urinate during the time. I was put on Amoxicillin along with Acetaminophen. The medications worked like a charm. To make the passing of the stone easier, you should drink as much fluid as possible.

I have suffered from kidney stones twice and I know about what do kidney stones feel like because of my experiences. During the first time, there was just one sudden bout of pain in my side and I was taken to the hospital. During the second time, it was different and the pain was dull but lingered on for quite some time. After a week or two the intensity of pain increased and problems in urination started.

Treating Kidney Stones

Normally, the kidney stones are small in size (around 0.2 inches diameter wise) and can therefore, pass out through urine. The pain can be tough to bear even with small sized kidney stones though it shouldn’t last for more than two day.

If the pain is too much, the GP may give you a painkiller injection. If the pain persists, you would also be given a second dose soon after. To counter nausea and vomiting symptoms, anti-sickness medication is provided.

What to Do at Home

You already know what do kidney stones feel like and if you suspect you have kidney stones, medical advice should be sought. If the GP tells you to go home and to simply look out for the passing of kidney stone through your urine, you should actually make sure that you filter out the stone from the urine. This can help the GP in understanding whether you need any further medication or not.

Getting Admitted into a Hospital

If the stone moves into the ureter and causes unbearable pain, the GP would most likely ask you to get admitted. Admission to the hospital normally becomes necessary if:

  • There is a great risk of kidney
  • The symptoms do not go away at all even after one or two doses of painkillers
  • You continue to vomit and have issues in keeping fluids in your body
  • You are carrying a baby
  • You are aged 60 years or more

What If the Kidney Stone Is Large in Size?

If the size of your kidney stone is too large (six to seven mm in diameter) and can’t be passed through urine normally, then the normal course of treatment is to remove it in a different manner.

The treatments in such a case include:

  • ESWL
  • PCNL
  • Ureteroscopy

The treatment chosen from the three would depend on the location as well as the size of the stones. 

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