Bulky Uterus with Fibroid

The uterus is an essential component of a woman's reproductive system. Any problems with the uterus will affect her child-bearing ability. Among the host of problems that can occur with the uterus, fibroids are one of the common complications. Fibroids are small, benign growths that can grow from the uterus. They consist of muscle and fibrous tissue. They may grow quite large and cause pain and heavy periods or remain small and show symptoms at all.

Common Symptoms of Bulky Uterus with Fibroid

You may notice the following symptoms when you have fibroid in your uterus:

  • Pressure or pain in the pelvic area
  • Heavier than normal menstrual bleeding that lasts longer than 7 days
  • Increased urgency and frequency of urination
  • Decreased bowel movement
  • Referred pain to the legs and back area
  • Being unable to empty the bladder
  • Spotting before or after a period
  • Prolonged heavy bleeding may cause weakness, headaches and dizziness
  • Bloating in the abdominal area
  • Painful intercourse

Visit your doctor when:

  • The pelvic pain is persistent and doesn't go away.
  • Menstrual flow is heavy and painful.
  • You experience spotting or bleeding between the normal menstruation.
  • Your abdomen and uterus are enlarged.
  • You cannot empty your bladder properly.
  • You experience pain consistently during intercourse.

Home Remedies for Bulky Uterus with Fibroid

There are a host of natural remedies you can try to prevent your condition from worsening. Here are a few tips to follow:

1. Avoid Certain Toxins

There are many environmental toxins found almost everywhere that can cause fibroid growth. These toxins are called xenohormones. Avoiding these toxins will pave the way to a healthier uterus. You can do this by:

  • Decrease your exposure to pesticides and other chemicals that are used in food production. Some common examples are: DDT, heptachlor, BHA, Atrazine, etc.
  • Try to consume organic foods that minimize the exposure to harmful chemicals in their production.
  • Lessen your exposure to harmful chemicals in everyday products like make-up, laundry detergent and cleaning products. There are many homemade cleansers you can use instead that are safer for both your body and the environment.
  • Avoid consuming foods with many preservatives and additives–these increase the chemical load in your body which can affect your hormones.
  • Avoid the use of too much low-grade plastic in your household. Harmful chemicals can leach out of these plastic products and enter your body.
  • Include high-fiber foods like beans, chia seeds, dark leafy vegetables, flaxseed in your diet. Eating whole grains like rye and oats will improve your overall health.
  • Avoid compounds in foods that can impede your fertility like alcohol, saturated fats, junk, non-nutritious foods, etc.

2. Try Herbs

Use herbs to manage heavy menstrual flow, improve uterine health and manage any pain you experience with bulky uterus with fibroids.

  • Ginger helps reduce inflammation and improve blood circulation in the uterus.
  • Dandelion leaf and root is believed to detoxify the liver and aids estrogen metabolism. High levels of estrogen are responsible for fibroid growth.
  • Black cohosh root is used to relax the uterus and reduce inflammation and irritation. It helps with the regulation of the menstrual cycle.
  • Red raspberry leaf is one of the best herbs you can use for uterine health. It acts by toning the uterine muscle wall, regulates blood flow, causes a contraction of internal body tissues, etc.

There are many branded products available commercially that contain the above herbs in combination. This makes consuming these herbs convenient.

3. Massage

Massage improves circulation in the reproductive organs and also breaks up any adhesions that may be present. The body is then able to expel any old blood and tissue improving uterine health. Remember not to do massage during menstruation.

Medical Treatments for Bulky Uterus with Fibroid

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatories are usually prescribed for the pain associated with fibroids. Examples are naproxen, ibuprofen, etc. Other available treatments include:

1. Hormone Therapy

Your doctor may prescribe an oral contraceptive to control the hormone levels. The pill will decrease your menstrual flow and decrease pain caused by the presence of the fibroids. Other types of contraception may include progestin injections or intrauterine device (IUD) containing progestin. Other hormone therapy is used sometimes to reduce the size of the fibroids before they are removed. There are side effects associated with this type of treatment.

2. Embolization

Embolization involves introducing particles into the blood vessels that feed the fibroid. A specialist radiologist makes a small incision into the groin and using a catheter releases the small particles into the correct blood vessels feeding the fibroid. This causes the fibroid to shrink over time because it is getting insufficient blood flow. The procedure requires only a local anesthetic and an overnight stay in the hospital.

3. Surgery

Surgery is done on large fibroids. This type of surgery is called a myomectomy and may require 2-3 days' hospitalization. This type of surgery is done when the fibroids are large and if there are not too many. Multiple fibroids may require the total removal of the uterus which is called a hysterectomy. This type of surgery is major abdominal surgery and requires the patient to be hospitalized for up to 4 days. Recovery from the surgery is longer-about 6 weeks.

4. Ultrasound Therapy

Ultrasound therapy destroys fibroids without damaging the uterus. Ultrasound waves are used to destroy fibroid tissue and recovery is quick from this procedure. However, studies on the long-term safety are still being done on this type of therapy so women who still want to have babies should not opt for this treatment.

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