All Infectious Diseases Topics

Signs of HIV in Different Stages Aug 14, 2020

Learning signs of HIV is important to have it controlled early. Get yourself tested for HIV if you have been exposed to high-risk situations. Know how to proceed. View Full Article...

Thrush in Mouth Aug 12, 2020

So many factors contribute to thrush in mouth, but you can find different treatment options to make things better. Still, it is better to take steps to prevent it in the first place. Know what to do. View Full Article...

Top 11 H. Pylori Natural Treatments Jun 15, 2020

H. pylori can cause various conditions like stomach ulcers. H. pylori natural treatments like probiotics, thyme, etc. can help. If not, see a doctor soon. View Full Article...

How to Drain an Abscess at Home Jun 12, 2020

If your abscess is less than 1 cm in size, follow this step by step guide on how to drain an abscess at home to get instant relief. Or use turmeric, neem, etc. to help. View Full Article...

Apple Cider Vinegar for Athlete's Foot Jun 03, 2020

Using apple cider vinegar for athlete's foot is an effective remedy, but you should use it properly. You can add other things with ACV to make it much more effective. View Full Article...

How to Prevent Bacterial Infections Mar 29, 2020

Look no further for the best ways on how to prevent bacterial infections. Here are 8 clear and effective steps like washing hands and handling foods to protect yourself and others. View Full Article...

Reason for Chickenpox Feb 13, 2020

Varicella-zoster virus infection is the reason for chickenpox. It spreads through contact with infected people and other ways. Home remedies work wonders to treat chickenpox! View Full Article...

Foods to Avoid and Eat with Herpes Jan 23, 2020

Take into account foods to avoid with herpes like alcohol and caffeine to prevent blister or cold sore outbreak. You can also add beneficial foods to your diet to fight the virus. View Full Article...

How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar to Treat Yeast Infection Jan 02, 2020

Using apple cider vinegar to treat yeast infection is a great idea because it has antifungal properties, but you need to learn the best ways to apply. View Full Article...

What Causes Fever Blisters? Dec 29, 2019

What causes fever blisters? Usually it’s the type 1 HSV. Though they heal on their on with some time, you can try many remedies like ice packs to get rid of them faster! View Full Article...

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