Cavity on Front Tooth

Cavities, or caries, are tiny holes or openings in your teeth that happen because of tooth decay. They happen when bacteria and plaque build up along the surface of your teeth, you practice poor dental hygiene or your diet lacks certain essential minerals. If you have a cavity on front tooth, you should know how it occurred, what you can do to treat it and how to prevent this from happening again.

What Causes Cavity on Front Tooth?

Regular acid exposure is the main cause because repeated acid attacks make the enamel lose minerals. Acid may come from foods and beverages with starches and sugar. In some cases, there will be a white spot where the minerals are lost, indicating a tooth decay early on. At this point, you can still reverse or stop this decay for enamels are able to repair itself with fluoride from your toothpaste or minerals in the saliva.

However, if you allow the tooth decay to continue, a greater number of minerals will be lost. This eventually leads to destroyed and weakenedenamel, giving you a cavity on front tooth or other areas. Cavities are permanent and must be repaired with fillings.

How Do I Know If I Have Cavity on Front Tooth?

The exact symptoms of a cavity on front tooth will vary from person to person and these cavities may be slightly different than those affecting other teeth. In the early stages of a cavity, you may not notice any symptoms, but they will develop as the decay grows. Potential symptoms of a cavity include pain when biting, staining on tooth surface (that is white, black or brown), visible pits or holes in the teeth, tooth sensitivity, toothache, or sharp or mild pain when consuming cold, hot or sweet items.

You should always schedule regular dental cleanings and checkups since most people aren’t even aware when a cavity is forming. If you notice a mouth pain or a toothache, you should make an additional appointment with your dentist right away.

How to Treat Cavity on Front Tooth with Medical Procedure

In most cases, a cavity on front tooth that is treated early will not require extensive treatment. Depending on the severity of your cavity and overall oral health, your dentist may recommend one of the following treatments.

1. Crowns

In the case of weakened teeth or an extensive decay, crowns may be necessary. These are custom-fitted coverings which replace the entire natural crown on your tooth. The dentist will drill away the decayed portion of your teeth as well as some of the rest of your tooth to make sure the crown fits properly. Crowns can be made of resin, gold, porcelain, porcelain fused to metal, etc.

2. Fillings

Fillings or restorations are the most popular treatment for a cavity on front tooth, which is a perfect treatment if your decay has passed the earliest stage of enamel erosion. Possible filling materials include porcelain, composite resins or combined materials, which are usually tooth-colored. There are also silver amalgam fillings with small quantities of mercury and multiple other materials.

3. Fluoride Treatments

When cavities are in the early stages, fluoride treatments can work to restore the enamel of the teeth. You will find more fluoride in professional treatment than mouth rinses, over-the-counter toothpaste and tap water, which can be in the form of varnish, foam, gel or liquid. All treatments mentioned here only take up a few minutes.

4. Root Canals

If a decay has reached the tooth pulp (the inner material of a tooth), a root canal may be necessary. In this procedure, your dentist will remove your diseased tooth pulp and replace it with a filling. Sometimes your dentist will also add medication to the root canal to clear up infections.

5. Tooth Extractions

In severe cases, your front tooth may become decayed to the point where it cannot be restored. At this point, it will need to be removed. In the case of a cavity on front tooth, this can leave an unsightly gap and allows your other teeth to shift. As such, you can get a dental implant or bridge to replace this missing tooth.

How to Treat Cavity on Front Tooth with Home Remedies

Although professional dental care is ideal, there are some things you can do to treat and prevent cavities.

1. Limit Phytic Acid

Phytic acid inhibits phosphorous, zinc, iron, magnesium and calcium from being absorbed. Instead, it bonds with these elements and creates phytates. A large quantity of phytates make your body switch on survival mode and affect blood chemistry, which takes necessary minerals like magnesium and calcium from your bones and teeth, and leads to tooth decay. Legumes, nuts, seeds and grains contain phytic acid, so try to avoid them.

2. Try Supplements

Taking supplements is a great way to make up for fat-soluble vitamins and minerals that you do not get in your diet. Try butter oil and fermented cod liver oil to boost vitamins A, D and K, each of which promotes dental health. A vitamin D supplement will help your teeth regenerate, reducing the risk of a cavity on front tooth. Don’t forget supplements for vitamin C, calcium, and magnesium.

3. Eat the Right Foods

Certain foods with healthy fats are known to help build your bones and teeth. Eat more non-farmed seafood and grass-fed, organic meat, and aim for gland and organ meats. Also opt for organic dairy or choose homemade bone broth. Don’t forget to add healthy vegetable oils to your diet.

4. Follow Good Hygiene

Proper oral hygiene is crucial to prevent cavities as this keeps your mouth clean and free of bacteria. Brush your teeth at least twice each day, especially after eating foods with processed carbs or sugar. Floss daily to remove bacteria that are between your teeth and get rid of remaining bacteria with antibacterial mouthwash.

5. Try Sugarless Gum

If you chew sugar-free gums, your saliva production increases. This helps you eliminate particles that are stuck between your teeth so as to reduce cavities. 

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