When Will First Period Come After Miscarriage and What It’s Like?

It is never easy to deal with a miscarriage; in fact, it is among the most devastating things a woman has to deal with in her life. Going through a miscarriage is difficult, but dealing the aftermath of the miscarriage is also hard. Many women experience miscarriage before12 weeks, and some women have a miscarriage so early in their pregnancy that they do not even realize they were pregnant. However, if you know you have had a miscarriage, you should also be prepared for what comes next. Something you are going to notice after a miscarriage is a change in your menstrual cycle.

When to Expect Your First Period After Miscarriage

Your ovaries are likely to produce an egg about a couple of weeks after your miscarriage, which means you are going to experience your first period in 4-6 weeks after your miscarriage. Interestingly, your body treats a miscarriage as a period, which is the reason that in a 28-day cycle you are probably going to ovulate 14 days after your miscarriage. It means your period will arrive about 28 days after your miscarriage.

It is important to understand that since most women do not have regular cycle, it is therefore important to see your doctor if you do not have your period after 6 weeks of your miscarriage. Among many other things, they will consider how far you were into your pregnancy when you had your miscarriage because it has an impact on when to expect your first period after a miscarriage. It may take longer to have your first period if you were into your second trimester when you had a miscarriage.

What Will Your First Period After Miscarriage Be Like?

Some women experience no change when they have their first period following a miscarriage. For others, it can be quite heavy. What you should bear in mind is that your first period can be quite different from your regular period, so do not worry if you notice something different. Still, it is a good idea to go see your doctor if your period is highly abnormal with a substantially changed pattern.

Keep in mind that there is no "normal" for your first period after miscarriage. It can be:

  • Very light and no more than spotting or very heavy
  • Terribly crampy or not that uncomfortable
  • Heavy in the beginning and drop off to spotting in no time
  • Light spotting for a few days, stop and then start again with heavy bleeding

Some women even experience bleeding for several days or weeks. The bleeding can be light or heavy. If it stops after a few days and does not return after 20 days, know that you have just had your first period after miscarriage. If you generally have lighter periods, your first period following miscarriage may be quite heavy. In some cases, you may notice blood clots with bleeding.

Take Care of Yourself After Miscarriage

While it takes some time for your body to recover after a miscarriage, you can take steps to help accelerate recovery. Here are some important things to keep in mind when you have a miscarriage.

  • Give your body some time to recover before you try again to conceive. While you can try whenever you feel you are ready, it is a good idea to give yourself a few weeks before trying again. This will help your body to heal and also lower your chances of having another miscarriage, which is a possibility when you try too soon after your first miscarriage.
  • Maintain a balanced diet and take plenty of rest after your miscarriage. Having a miscarriage can be an overwhelming experience, both emotionally and physically. It is, therefore, important to take steps to help your body recover. The most important thing is to maintain a balanced diet and provide your body with nutrients to recover quickly. You may also continue with your prenatal vitamins for quicker healing.
  • If you have a miscarriage, be sure to talk to your doctor about it. They will complete a physical test to identify the underlying causes of your miscarriage. This will help you make better moves when you become pregnant again. A miscarriage can happen due to an underlying medical condition, and it is important to treat it first or else your pregnancy may again result in a miscarriage.
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