Hip Pain After Running

As running is a repetitive motion of high intensity, it puts a lot of strain on the muscles, bones, and connective tissues of the hip. For this reason, runners of all ages can experience hip pain. Even if the pain is mild, it can get worse if not treated properly, so it is important to take precautions if you are experiencing that pain after running.

Causes and Treatment of Hip Pain After Running

1. Bursitis (Bursae Inflammation)

The bursae help tendons and muscles more easily glide over bones by reducing friction. Overtraining or small trauma in some areas can lead to inflamed bursae, which will lead to pain, swelling, redness, etc.

The inflammation of the greater trochanteric bursa is trochanteric bursitis. The greater trochanteric bursa lies between the muscles and bony prominence on the femur (greater trochanter) with tendons on it. Usually, you will experience hip pain on the outside.

Iliopsoas bursitis, as another kind of bursitis, can also lead to hip pain after running. This bursitis refers to the inflammation of the iliopsoas bursa, setting in front of hips. Under this case, you will experience hip pain possibly along with tenderness of groin area.

Treatment: Enough resthelp with recovery, avoiding running until the pain has subsided is most advisable. Massaging your hip also helps to relieve pain and promote bloodflow. Ice can be used to reduce any inflammation and swelling, anti-inflammatories can also be used. It is recommended to remain active and keep the hip moving, which helps to avoid tightness and stiffness.

2. Iliotibial Band Syndrome (Iliotibial Band Inflammation)

Iliotibialband syndrome, also known as iliotibial bandinflammation, can make your hip feel pain after running. Iliotibialband is a tendon that runs from the knee, up the outside of the thigh and to the hip. When the iliotibial band become tight, you will feel either hip pain or keen pain or the two at the same time, and this can also result in inflamed iliotibial band.

Treatment:The treatment for iliotibial band syndrome is the same as bursitis, and using the points mentioned above will also be beneficial to help ease the condition. It is also important for those with iliotibial band syndrome to consistently stretch their hip muscles to avoid stiffness and work to make the IT band less tight.

3. Stress Fractures

A stress fracture is a partial or whole break of the femoral neck. This can usually result from incorrect training, or too hard and too long training. This can cause pain around the groin and hip.

Treatment: No treatment is usually required when a person suffers hip pain after running due to a stress fracture other than rest. This is because bones have the ability to heal themselves, and you just need to rest from running and allowing them to do so will heal the condition, only on rare occasions is further treatment needed.

4. Piriformis Syndrome

The piriformis muscle is found behind the hip, piriformis syndrome is where the sciatic nerve is intruded upon by the piriformis tendon, which causes pain.

Treatment: The best treatment for piriformis syndrome is stretching. Targeted stretching routines will stretch specific muscles that will help to ease the condition.

5. Arthritis

Arthritis can cause hip pain after running. Arthritis is where the cartilage that separates the bones in the body wears away until the bones rub against each other. Arthritis gets worse over time, and even in its early stages, can cause pain after running.

Treatment: One of the most effective treatments for arthritis is exercise. Light exercise of around 30 minute sessions, 3 to 5 times a week, will help significantly. It's best to start slowly and gradually increase you exercise time, as your body becomes more adapted to the work out. Good exercises include walking and swimming. Lifting light weights will also help build muscle and improve your body strength, and maintaining a healthy body weight will reduce pressure on and around your joints.

6. Other Causes

There are many other factors that could result in hip pain after running.

  • Pinched Nerve: there are many nerves inside our bodies, whilst running it is possible for a nerve that regulates hip movement to become trapped/pinched in the spinal column.
  • Weak back or leg muscles and improper form can also contribute to hip pain. Whilst running, it is also possible to tear cartilage called labral tissue (known as a labral tear), which can cause pain and even warrant surgery to fix.
  • Besides, over-exercising or high amounts of strenuous exercise can strain the muscles around the hip joint.

Home Remedies for Hip Pain After Running

1. Proper Stretching

There are many stretches that target the hip area. Stretching will help to avoid the muscles being too tight, or help to ease tension.When stretching, it is important not to push yourself too far to cause more damage than good.

  • For a good hip stretch, stand with your feet shoulder width apart and step into a lunge position.
  • Whilst keeping your lunged knee over your ankle, bend and lower your back knee, hold for twenty seconds then alternate sides.

2. Self-Myofascial Release (Foam Rolling)

Self-myofascial release (known as foam rolling) is a form of self-massage that releases tension in your muscles. Whilst many find it painful at first, foam rolling has helped many people ease their hip pain after running.

  • To foam roll, you must first acquire a foam roller, once you have, place it on the floor and lay your side on it with one hand on the floor.
  • Next, roll your body up and down until you find a tight spot, once you have, hold for twenty seconds.
  • Repeat the process until you have found and stretched all the tight spots.

3. Simple Exercises

Some simple exercises can work wonders in easing hip pain after running.

  • Bridging involves laying on your back with both feet flat on the floor and your knees bent at about a forty-five degree angle.
  • Once this position is achieved, slowly lift the hips until your hips, shoulders and knees are straight.
  • Repeat 8 to 12 times.

Prevention Tips

There are many ways to prevent hip pain after running:

  • Maintaining a healthy diet
  • Stretching before and after exercise and strengthening your muscles
  • Wearing the correct footwear, and practicing the correct technique

Failure to do any of these things will more than lead to pain. It is also important not to over train, training less intensely will help to prevent any pain.

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