Baby Teeth Not Falling Out

Most children lose their first set of teeth in a normal way during a specific time. It is not true though for every child because so many of them require more than routine care – they sometimes have to undergo anxiety-provoking procedures as well. It is quite common for parents to worry when they see their child's teeth are not falling as per their expectations. There can be some developmental issues, but you usually do not need to be concerned about baby teeth not falling out. 

Why Aren't Your Kids' Baby Teeth Falling Out?

Most children lose their baby teeth by the time they reach age 5. Usually, their baby teeth fall off between the ages of five and seven and permanent teeth replace them. The baby tooth falls out when a permanent tooth underneath pushes the root of the baby tooth out and eventually makes it fall out.

In some cases, there may be complications when the permanent tooth does not grow directly underneath the baby tooth. It cannot push the root of the baby tooth out, but continues to grow right behind the baby tooth. This may give your child a "shark tooth" appearance.

When to Worry

Most parents become concerned about baby teeth not falling out between the ages of eight and ten years. You really do not need to worry unless:

  • There are too many permanent teeth crowding a single area.
  • There are no permanent teeth underneath the baby teeth.
  • There are extra teeth hampering the normal eruption of permanent teeth.

Does It Require Tooth Extraction?

It is important to check how loose the baby tooth is if there is a permanent tooth right behind it. Make your child wiggle the tooth out if it seems loose enough. You may have to get it extracted in case the baby tooth is not loose enough. Your child's tongue will start pushing on the permanent tooth once the baby tooth is out and this will help the permanent tooth get into the correct position.

Tooth extraction is not always necessary though. Even when you go to the dentist, they may give it some time to see if the baby teeth fall out on their own. They only remove the tooth if it seems rock solid. Another important consideration is regarding the space your child's permanent tooth gets after the removal of the baby tooth. Sometimes, it really helps to remove the baby tooth, but in most cases, it is better to let the permanent teeth erupt naturally.

Could Your Child Be Losing Baby Teeth Too Early?

Most parents are often concerned about their child's baby teeth not falling out naturally. However, it is also possible to notice that your child is losing them earlier than expected. It could cause certain orthodontic problems because baby teeth are there to help your baby chew food and reserve space for the permanent teeth. It means that if the baby teeth come out too early, there may be no proper space available for the permanent teeth.

Your child may lose baby teeth early due to trauma, decay, and crowding. In case of crowding, two primary teeth may come out naturally, which encourages the eruption of permanent teeth. It is important to talk to your doctor if your child loses baby teeth prematurely because they will examine everything and determine if there is a need for a space maintainer or not.

Dental Care Tips for Kids

It is obvious to feel concerned about the dental health of your child. Parents worry a lot about their children's baby teeth not falling out by the expected time. It also worries them a lot to see those teeth falling out prematurely. To prevent dental issues, it is important to teach your child how to take care of teeth. Here are some tips to help you out.

  • Be sure to use fluoride toothpaste from the very start. Many parents start with non-fluoridated training toothpaste, but it is better to give your little one fluoridated toothpaste as soon as he/she gets the first tooth. Just do not use a lot in the beginning – a tiny grain-of-rice size smear will do. Then, change to the size of a pea when your child is 3 years old. This helps prevent tooth decay. Moreover, fluoride toothpaste blocks cavities and prevents infections.
  • Discuss everything with your child's dentist. It is important to start working with a dentist early. You really do not have to wait to see a dentist until you notice your child has developed an orthodontic issue. Let a dentist examine your child's teeth after his/her first birthday. A dentist can examine the overall dental health and maintain a dental history. He/she also explains what you should or should do to promote better oral health. Moreover, a dentist can find an issue early and fix it without giving it time to create serious complications.
  • Teach kids to clean the teeth. You can also brush their teeth when they are very young – use tooth and gum wipes in the beginning. Cavity-causing bacteria live in the folds of the tongue and they can cause problems even before your child begins having teeth. Also, avoid sharing cups, spoons, etc., and avoid saliva-sharing behaviors to ensure bacteria do not enter your child's mouth. Start using a soft-bristled kids' toothbrush with fluoride toothpaste once your little one has at least one tooth.

What's more, you should explain the right technique to brush teeth. You can learn it from your dentist and then help your child follow the same. Along with brushing, it also helps to teach your child the importance of flossing daily. You should do it when your child starts having the permanent teeth. 

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