Diabetes and Memory Loss

Cases linking diabetes and memory loss together are numerous. Many who suffer from memory loss is due to improperly managed diabetes. The cause of this memory loss is a short supply of glucose to the brain, whose original storage of glucose is not that much.

Major symptoms of memory loss are like short-term memory loss (e.g. forgetting what you have just done), forgetfulness (e.g. where one forgets the names of those closest to him or her) and dementia (in most cases, Alzheimer’s disease). Let's find out more about how diabetes is connected with memory loss. 

How Does Diabetes Affect Memory Loss?

1. Effect on Nerves

Before getting into the effects of diabetes on one’s nerves, let us first understand the basic definition of neurotransmission. Neurotransmission is simply the transmission of electrical or chemical signals between nerve cells. Neurotransmission requires one to have a high rate of metabolism in the brain and a regular supply of glucose.

To learn and remember new information, one needs proper neurotransmission within the body. This is the only way that information gets stored in the brain and the only way one will be able to remember anything. Any improper transmission of signals between nerve cells will greatly inhibit one’s ability to learn and remember information. This scenario can happen to anyone to some extent—not just people affected by diabetes. Simply failing to consume an adequate amount of glucose can cause one to lose concentration on even the simplest things. This is why breakfast is so important. It “wakes one up”.

Those, with gestational, type 1 or type 2 diabetes, can encounter this danger at any time of any day. hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia can lead to failure of hippocampus, which can make it hard to focus and can cause short-term or even long-term memory loss. 

 2. Alzheimer’s Disease and Metabolic Syndrome

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is most commonly known for its effects on a person’s memory. Those with type 2 diabetes are more likely to get AD. People who suffer from diabetes (any type) are very susceptible to have damaged blood vessels, which causes people to develop vascular dementia and cognitive deficiency.

There is some evidence showing that Alzheimer’s disease is linked with the signaling of insulin and the metabolism of glucose in a patient’s brain. Receptors in the brain recognize insulin once it gets to the brain. As insulin affects a person’s memory and cognition, its imbalance increases one’s risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, which can happen to those with type 2 diabetes.

Metabolic syndrome as well affects a diabetic’s memory. This syndrome mostly affects those with type 2 diabetes. A study came to the conclusion that people with metabolic syndrome are very likely to develop Alzheimer’s. And, people with Alzheimer’s disease are very likely to develop insulin resistance and hyperglycemia.

There is still a lot of research to be done, but it is no doubt that there is a connection between Alzheimer’s disease, insulin signaling and memory loss.

How to Prevent Memory Loss from Worsening

In order to protect oneself from memory loss, it is important to properly manage one’s diabetes (meaning one has to properly maintain one’s level of blood sugar). It is also important to properly manage one’s blood pressure. These two are very important to protect oneself from diabetes and memory loss. Here are more methods to keep you healthy and let you remember clearly:

1. Getting Adequate Sleep

According to some studies, the higher blood sugar level one has, the more susceptible a person is to have poor sleeping quality. The poorer a person’s sleeping habit is, the severer insulin resistance he/she develops. Insulin resistance makes one’s body fails to recognize insulin and correctly respond to it.

Sleeping time is when the brain gets to sorting out all the information that has been gathered throughout the day. Sleep is, therefore, very useful when looking to improve memory. In order to enhance memory and in order to manage diabetes properly, one needs to sleep for between seven and nine hours every day.

2. Training the Brain

Just as important as physical exercise, it is also important to exercise mentally. By doing this (playing memory games and the like), one can very easily increase the ability to remember things.

3. Adhering to a Proper Diet and Exercise Routine

As with many other conditions out there, proper diet and exercise are two great solutions when looking to maintain maximum health. Regular exercise may help create new neurons, which is related to memory, and proper diet with low-fat, nutrient-rich foods also help soothe diabetes and memory loss.

  • Suggested food include: berries, leafy green vegetables, whole grains, nuts, olive oil and fatty fish (salmon and sardines). 
  • Food should be avoided: fried foods, refined carbohydrates, white-foul breads with high sugar, and processed meat, like hot dogs and cold cuts.

4. Controlling Levels of Stress

Stress is never a good thing, especially when one has conditions such as diabetes. Under very stressful situation, the body would start the "fight-or-flight mechanism", which can raise of blood sugar levels excessively. In order to manage blood sugar levels properly, one ought to manage stress levels well.

5. Consuming Caffeine

Experiments prove that caffeine is beneficial for diminishing weight gain as well as high blood sugar rate, which is a piece of very sounding news for diabetics. When consuming caffeine in long term, it also has the potential function to reduce memory loss.

6. Using Traditional Chinese Medicines

Metabolic syndrome can be managed very well with traditional Chinese medicine. Bitter melon and ginseng, for example, have an active compound known as berberine (and many others), which helps with metabolize lipids and glucose.

7. Consuming Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are known to be very beneficial in managing many health conditions as well as in maintaining good health. More omega-3 fatty acids in daily diets means less cognitive impairment. Brussels sprouts, walnuts, shrimp, salmon, cauliflower, and many other foods are abundant in omega-3 fatty acids.

8. Other Tips

Here are a number of lifestyle changes, therapies and medication that people can use to fight diabetes and memory loss:

  • Taking notes of important information;
  • Making lists of tasks that need to be done;
  • Keeping an up-to-date calendar;
  • Setting alarms and reminders for important things such as taking medication;
  • Having a specific area for important items like medication, blood sugar testing kits, etc.
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