Dizziness During Early Pregnancy

Dizziness during early pregnancy is a very common issue among newly mothers and usually represents no danger. Although expectant moms do not fear this fussy fainting feeling, they fear that its consequences may affect their babies. Here are some causes of and ways to treat this problem.

Causes and Treatment of Dizziness During Early Pregnancy

Although feeling light-headed is nothing to worry about during pregnancy, it is important to take caution. For example, you should sit or lie down until the feeling is gone or seek medical attention if you notice bleeding or abdominal pain.

1. Hormonal Imbalance

Increased levels of progesterone not only open the blood vessels to improve circulation throughout the body, but also lower the blood pressure which is the main cause of feeling light-headed.

What to Do: Slowly bring your way up to avoid a drop in the blood pressure. If you are lying on bed, sit up for a few minutes and then stand. During summer, hot showers and proper exercises are proven to have a positive effect regarding dizziness.

2. Pressure on Blood Vessels

In the second and third trimesters, the uterus puts pressure on the inferior vena cava which is responsible for the blood flow on the lower part of the body. This will cause dizziness during early pregnancy.

What to Do: Women sleeping on their back may experience nausea and anxiety. To reduce these effects, avoid sleeping on your back but on your left side with a couple of pillows on your back so that you don't shift positions easily while sleeping.

3. Not Enough Foods and Drinks

During pregnancy, the female metabolism undergoes lots of changes. If you are not having enough nutrients in your system, you may experience dizziness caused by a drop in the blood sugar levels.

What to Do: You should eat frequently and healthy. Make sure you have a normal vitamin and nutrient intake, as well as a good blood sugar level. Also, stay hydrated and avoid excessive exercise, sauna or any other type of activity that implies sweating.

4. Overheated

Overheating will cause blood vessels to dilate and blood pressure to drop, leaving you feeling light-headed.

What to Do: Try avoiding crowded places, getting out of the house during hot summer days. Have warm baths or showers and dress in layers so you can take them off when necessary.

5. Anemia

Anemia can cause dizziness during early pregnancy. It refers to the lack of red blood cells, which is caused by a deficiency in iron, vitamin B12 and folic acid. While a mild case of anemia represents no danger, a severe one may have a negative impact on the pregnant woman and her baby.

What to Do: Make sure to receive prenatal care. Also, include various foods in your diet to have balanced meals and prevent anemia. Don’t limit it by fear of getting weight or harming you baby.

6. Hyperventilation

Hyperventilation makes you breathe more often than you usually do. This causes the excess production of carbon monoxide, a gas that will eventually make you faint. It occurs mostly due to lack of exercise, anemia, asthma, anxiety, fever, etc.

What to Do: When you feel dizzy, do not panic. Instead, take slow, deep breaths to calm you down and bring oxygen to you brain to alleviate this faint feeling.

7. Vasovagal Syncope

The vagus nerve runs from the brain to the abdomen and when chemically over-stimulated, it can slow down the heartbeat, lowering your blood pressure. It may result from anemia, dehydration, stress or straining during urination and its symptoms include nausea, sweating, hyperventilation etc.

What to Do: To prevent or reduce the effects of vasovagal syncope, try sitting down with your head between your knees when you start to feel the onset of these symptoms.

8. Ectopic Pregnancy

This is considered a medical emergency as the fertilized ovum is implanted outside the uterus. This complication may cause severe abdominal pain, bleeding, dizziness and fainting. An ectopic pregnancy requires early diagnosis and thorough treatment in order to have a decent outcome.

9. Excessive Vaginal Bleeding

Feeling light-headed may also occur because of an abnormal vaginal bleeding. It could be a miscarriage in early pregnancy or placenta previa and abruptio placentae in a more progressed pregnancy. Abdominal pain may also be present.

When to Call a Doctor

These waves of dizziness during early pregnancy will very rarely put you in danger. However, don’t ignore them and if you feel like fainting, remember to lie down or to sit with your head between your knees. You should seek medical help when you feel pain in your belly, have blurred vision, shortness of breath, palpitations headaches, or experience vomiting. 

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