How to Effectively Reduce Swelling

An abnormal enlargement of organs or any part of body due to fluid accumulation resulting from an injury or illness is known as swelling. It can occur anywhere and is often accompanied by pain and irritation. Swelling can be very well managed at home with various remedies and therapies and it's not advisable to leave it untreated.

How to Make Swelling Go Down

Swelling can be very well taken care of by being cautious, avoiding uncomfortable positions and most importantly through various remedies and therapies.

1. Elevate It

Swelling is a result of fluid accumulation, and if fluid is removed from the affected area, swelling would naturally subside. One effective way of doing this is by elevating the affected region above the level of heart to drain fluid away from the swelling site.

2. Apply Compression

Swelling can also be kept under control by not allowing fluid to enter the region that appears swollen. This can be done by tightly wrapping the affected part with a towel or bandage, but not too tight to restrict the blood flow.

3. Rest It

The ultimate solution to every health issue is rest. Be it due to an injury or any other reason, rest the swollen area and avoid all activities that may affect it. You can:

  • Use crane or crutches to avoid exerting pressure on the injured part;;
  • Ask for others' assistance;
  • In case of an arm injury, use the other arm for performing tasks.

4. Do Some Exercises

Proper exercise can be a good answer to how to make swelling go down. While rest is good, low-impact exercises are equally important at such time to maintain circulation in the region. Exercises should be a weekly routine and should include swimming, yoga or walks. What's more, make sure you change positions while sitting and keep your feet elevated. For those whose jobs require sitting a lot, they can always stand and walk around office for some time.

5. Use Ice

Heat worsens swelling. Always ice the swollen area or apply a cold compact. But, make sure that ice isn't directly applied as that could burn skin. Wrap it in a cloth and ice the area for at least 15 minutes several times a day.

6. Get Enough Liquids

This may make you confused, but drinking plenty of fluid would actually improve the swelling by filtering out the swelling-causing fluid from the body. Logical! Right? The most effective fluid that helps to get rid of toxins and waste substances is water. Make sure you take lots and lots of water.

7. Reduce Salt Intake

How to make swelling go down? Restrict sodium intake because elevated sodium levels can lead to swelling. Taking plenty of water as already discussed is important for flushing toxins and getting rid of the extra salt in body. You can also add anti-inflammatory cucumber and lemon into your water. Do avoid sweet drinks as well, as they too have sodium.

8. Soothe with Tonic Water

By soaking the affected region in lukewarm or cold tonic water for 15-20 minutes daily, you can make your selling go down as well. Bubbles and quinine in the tonic water restrict swelling and help in resolving it.

9. Try Epsom Salt Water

Yet another anti-inflammatory, two tablespoons of Epsom salt in bath water is extremely effective in reducing swelling all over the body.

10. Wear Loose Clothes

Pretty much like tight bandages, too tight clothing right above the swollen area may hinder the blood circulation worsening the swelling. Make sure you avoid nylon stockings or garters and wear supportive swelling stockings.

11. Give It a Massage

Massage, involving the action of rubbing, improves blood circulation in the region and reduces swelling. How to make swelling go down faster during the massage? Well, you can use grapefruit essential oil, hire a professional for massage, and massage upwards rather than downwards.

12. Take Certain Medications

Medications like NSAIDs and other painkillers help in reducing swelling and easing off pain. While your doctor would best tell you which drug is appropriate, a few common ones are:

  • Naproxen
  • Ibuprofen
  • Acetaminophen
  • Oral antihistamine, such as Benadryl which not only resolves swelling due to an allergic reaction but also treats itching

13. Other Tips

Other solutions to solve the question "how to make swelling go down" include:

  • Keep skin cool in hot weathers;
  • Avoid smoking or using tobacco products as they affect the circulatory system;
  • For allergic reactions like bee stings and contact dermatitis, apply hydrocortisone cream.

When to See a Doctor

While home remedies and other therapies provide an effective means for swelling reduction, medical attention should be sought immediately if the following symptoms show up:

  • Pain
  • Fever
  • Difficulty breathing
  • An increase in swelling
  • Swelling starts spreading
  • Reduced urine volume or frequency
  • Severe or more frequent symptoms
  • Pregnant women experiencing sudden increase in swelling
  • Sudden swelling in people diagnosed with heart problem and liver problem
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