Metallic Taste in Mouth in Pregnancy

Finding out you're pregnant is an exciting and happy time in life, and you may never want to think about complications during pregnancy. However, sometimes things can happen. A common complaint is a metallic taste in mouth during pregnancy. You may try really hard to get rid of it, yet it lingers no matter what you do. This condition is sometimes called "metal mouth" and it can make eating rather unpleasant just like the rest of the woman's waking hours as they endure the horrible taste.

Is It Normal to Have Metallic Taste in Mouth in Pregnancy?

Not only is it a horrible taste in the mouth, women naturally worry and wonder if it's normal. The short answer is, yes it is normal and is more common then you may think. Its official medical term is "dysgeusia". For most women this occurs in the first trimester, in fact it may even be one of the first symptoms you develop, even before you know you're pregnant. As the pregnancy continues the dysgeusia usually starts to fade, and by the end of the first trimester most women find it is completely gone.

It is suggested that you pick high acid foods to counteract the taste of the metal, including pickles and citrus fruits. Perhaps that can play into why so many women naturally crave pickles during pregnancy!

Why Would I Have a Metallic Taste in Mouth in Pregnancy?

There are actually a few things that can cause dysgeusia in pregnant women it's hard to tell which one may be that person's contributing factor. These causes are:

  • Toxins produced in the body's lymph glands. Many believe this is the body's safety precaution to keep the baby safe and healthy.
  • Water retention can be a cause of the dysgeusia. During pregnancy especially, water retention can happen anywhere in the body including in the mouth where all your taste buds are.
  • Just like so many other symptoms of pregnancy, hormones can be causing the dysgeusia. The women's oestrogen levels increase during pregnancy and this hormone can affect the body's sense of taste. It also has a role in how much we like a particular food and food cravings.
  • Another thought is that it is a safety mechanism. It will ensure that women stay away from foods that could end up causing harm to the fetus.
  • It could be the body's way of ensuring the woman gets adequate amounts of iron, sodium, and calcium, all of which are important to the fetus as it grows and develops.
  • There is a relationship between taste and smell and most women will state that during pregnancy, these senses are much more aware and pronounced. Each time they get a smell of something they don't like, the thought is that the taste in their mouth also gets stronger and more noticeable.

What to Do About It

Chances are if you have developed a metallic taste in mouth in pregnancy, you'll have to deal with it for at least the first trimester, but there are ways you can make the situation more tolerable. In fact, there are ways you can actually eliminate that taste all together. Let's take a look at the different options.

1. Speak with Your Midwife or Doctor

First things first, it's important to talk to your midwife and/or doctor and let them know you have this metallic taste in mouth in pregnancy. They can't help unless they are aware of the situation. A good idea is to prepare a list of questions to ask them so you don't forget to cover all the basics. You can ask:

  • What do I do if I find it hard to eat?
  • How long will this taste in my mouth last?
  • How come I didn't have this with my previous pregnancy?
  • Are there any home remedies that you find are helpful?
  • What do you think the cause is?
  • What if the treatments aren't working, what else can I do?

2. Opt For Foods That Can Help

Because this has so much to do with how things taste, women can make the situation a lot easier by picking certain foods and drinks that can help take away the metallic taste in mouth in pregnancy.

Foods that may work include:

  • Foods and drinks with ginger
  • Foods containing vinegar, such as pickles
  • Acidic foods and drinks, including orange juice, lemonade, oranges and lemons
  • Spicy foods
  • Salt water solution

3. Use Baking Soda and Salt

While this may sound gross, it can actually prove to be very helpful. A good plan is to mix up salt, baking soda, and toothpaste and then use the mixture to brush your teeth. You can do this as often as you like during the day, for instance after a meal to get rid of the tastes, before a meal, or just anytime the taste is strong in your mouth.

4. Eat Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits have been shown to be very helpful in ridding your mouth of the metallic taste. These fruits include oranges, lemons, kiwis, and pineapple. You can eat the fruits in their whole form, or even as a juice. Again you can do this anytime you start to taste that metallic flavor in your mouth.

5. Rub Garlic on Your Tongue

Garlic has some pretty amazing properties to it and one is that it can clear out flavors such as the metallic taste, and even kill bacteria.

6. Drink Plain Water

This is not only a great way to get rid of the metallic taste in mouth in pregnancy but it's also imperative a woman stays hydrated during the whole pregnancy. You can never go wrong with water! It will get rid of the toxins and dirt that is in your mouth causing the unpleasant taste.

7. Additional Tips Worth Trying

There are some extra tips that women can try in order to get rid of the metallic taste in mouth during pregnancy. These include:

  • Using mouthwash after you eat/drink
  • Brush your tongue when you brush your teeth
  • Use toothpaste that has a strong mint flavor to it
  • Floss your teeth often
  • Try not to consumer bitter foods or seafood
  • Use cloves and cinnamon in small amounts
  • Don't use metal utensils
  • Chew sugar-free gum or mint leaves
  • Switch up your prenatal vitamin
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