Pain in Right Butt Cheek: Find the Cause and Crack It

A number of factors can contribute to pain in butt cheek. You will be able to handle things better if you could identify the underlying cause first. Do you feel it on specific times? Do you feel more pain when stretching or sitting? It could be nerve, muscle, or joint pain. Let's find out more about it.

Why Do You Have Pain in Right Butt Cheek?

It could be due to damage to your nerves or it could only be muscular pain. Here are some possible causes:

1. Sciatica

Modern day lifestyles have increased the risk of sciatica and sciatic nerve pain. People today spend a lot of their time sitting and lounging, and combine it with poor posture and you have a perfect recipe for disaster. Only a small percentage of people know how to sit with a posture while keeping the hips and spine in a neutral position. Poor posture can put more stress on some of your muscles, which would result in pain. Similarly, unbalanced exercise routines can create an unnatural environment around your sciatic nerve, which in turn will lead to sciatic pain in the buttock, posterior pelvis, butt cheeks, legs, hips, and feet.

2. Muscle Injuries

Also called strains, muscle injuries occur when excessive stress on the muscle fibers leads to a tear. Pain may set in quickly or take some time to become severe, but it usually happens after you perform a certain activity. Sub-acute muscle pain is likely to be dull and achy, and it gets better with rest. Application of ice and pain medications like ibuprofen may help resolve the issue in a couple of weeks or so.

3. Weakened Abductor Muscles

When your abductor muscles are weak, this could lead to a displacement of the pelvis and other muscle related problems. You usually experience pain in right butt cheek, but it can radiate to the side of your leg. Walking can make this pain become worse. Your pain may aggravate when you lie on the affected side.

4. Tight Piriformis

It is a tiny muscle originating on the surface of the sacrum and passing through the greater sciatic foramen. It eventually attaches itself to the greater trochanter of the femur. It is important to initiate hip external rotation, extension, and abduction. This small muscle can get tight and cause a lot of pain. That tightness can make you feel pain, but things can become worse if the muscle presses on the sciatic nerve.

5. Pregnancy Pain

You can develop butt pain during pregnancy. One reason is that expanding uterus can cause the sciatic nerve to become inflamed. It could also happen due to a condition called pelvic girdle pain, which affects 1 in 5 women during pregnancy. The pain is the result of the extra weight of the baby. You may also have a feeling of clicking or grinding in the pelvic area. Any movement will make that pain worse. Keep in mind that girdle pain is not harmful to your baby and won't affect your ability to deliver vaginally.

Ways to Help

You can do a number of things to deal with your pain in right butt cheek. It is better to determine whether you have muscle pain or nerve pain. Here are some suggestions to improve your symptoms.

1. Limit Your Intake of Sugar and Salt

Both salt and sugar can cause inflammation in the body. Therefore, it makes great sense to limit your intake of salt and sugar to see if it improves your pain. You should also avoid processed food and include more vegetables, fruits, and seafood in your diet.

2. Find a Right Mattress

The quality of your mattress will play a role in how comfortable you feel throughout the night. It can also contribute to muscle pain. After a specific time, you need to buy a new mattress. Sometimes, flipping it over will do. Not sleeping on a right mattress would lead to sleep deprivation and that would result in all sorts of pain sensations in the body. It is true that buying a new mattress can be quite confusing and costly as well, but you can make it easy by asking your chiropractor for advice. Do not just buy a mattress because it comes with a good warranty or seems to have a good construction. Whether it provides your spine enough support or not is equally important to consider.

3. Increase Your Intake of Water

Every cell in your body needs water to function properly, so it is a good idea to increase your intake of water to see if it improves your pain in right butt cheek. Consistent hydration will help tired, fatigued muscles and reduce pain as well. To determine how many ounces of water you should be drinking throughout a day, simply divide your body weight by 2. You should also include natural whole food in your diet because they also play a role in keeping you hydrated. Many fruits also contain naturally hydrating properties and may help.

4. Stretch Your Body

Regular stretching can help keep your muscles flexible and prevent pain. You may also opt for therapeutic massage on a regular basis to help eliminate stress and toxins from your body. Be sure to work with a licensed fitness trainer, chiropractor, or massage therapist to get good results.

5. For Pregnancy Pain

While these steps will help prevent different types of muscle and nerve pain, you may want to take some additional steps if your pain is associated with pregnancy. For instance:

  • Take OTC pain relievers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen to control your pain.
  • Take a warm bath to help relax your tight muscles.
  • Consider wearing a supportive pelvic belt to relieve some pressure from your pelvis and lower back.
  • Avoid heavy lifting, standing on one leg at a time, or anything that seems to aggravate your pain.
  • Make use of pillows. Place one between your legs and one under your belly to stay safe while sleeping.
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