How to Care Your Hair with Baby Oil

Baby oil is a favorite for parents, especially those with small babies. But, besides its use on babies, it also works well in a variety of ways. It has amazing moisturizing properties making it great for people with dry, chapping skin. Many brands of baby oil contain additional elements such as aloe vera and lavender oil which increase its benefits. But, do you know that using baby oil can help you grow and maintain a strong and shiny head of hair?


How to Use Baby Oil for Hair

Scientist report that hair grows by half an inch each month. This is dependent on many factors which include diet (hair is made of a protein called keratin), age, hair type and your health (some conditions can cause hair to thin and fall off). You can also aid your hair growth by using baby oil. It helps to prevent dryness and brittleness that cause hair to break off. When applied to the root of the hair follicle, baby oil moisturizes the hair and protects it from harsh environmental conditions that may lead to breakage.

You can also massage your scalp with baby oil. This increases blood flow to the scalp, ensuring that nutrients reach your hair follicles. Massaging your hair with baby oil also stimulates the production of natural oils to moisturize the hair and prevent breakage and splits. Baby oil for hair works best for those with dry or normal hair types.

For Those with Oily Hair

If you have oily hair, the best use for baby oil is on the ends only. It will help prevent split ends. Otherwise, using baby oil on oily hair will only make it greasier and harder to manage.


The best way to remove baby oil is by washing it away. Leaving baby oil for too long may weigh your hair down and accumulates other impurities. Gently wash your hair with warm water and a suitable shampoo as you massage the scalp. Instead of rubbing your hair dry after the wash, just cover it with a towel and allow it to dry on its own.


Be extra careful when applying baby oil to hair and ensure that the oil does not spill on your clothes and surfaces, otherwise it may stain. Cover your shoulders with suitable towel or clothing when applying baby oil. When applied on the ends of the hair, the oil can flow to your shoulders and face and end up clogging your skin pores. This may cause skin blemishes and pimples.

Other Uses of Baby Oil

Besides using baby oil for hair, you can also use it to enhance your beauty. Baby oil doesn’t just leave your skin moisturized and silky smooth. It can also enhance your appearance and scent.

Some ways to use baby oil to enhance your beauty include:  

  • Massage baby oil all over your body after a bath. Make sure that you don’t dry your skin completely with a towel. Leave it a bit wet so that the baby oil can lock the moisture in. Do this often especially during harsh weather conditions that threaten to leave your skin dry and dehydrated. Drink plenty of water as well to hydrate your skin.
  • Baby oil can also offer some insulation from cold during winter. Simply apply it before you dress in warm clothes.
  • Did you know that tension causes stress, which negatively affects your beauty? Use baby oil to massage the tension away. You will feel relaxed and get back to your normal self in no time.
  • Use baby oil to remove paint from your skin. In case some wet paint ends up on your skin during one of your DIY’s painting projects, reach for baby oil and apply a generous amount to the affected area. Use a paper towel to wipe off the paint.
  • Use baby oil to massage your beard, pubic hair and armpit hair right before a shave to give you a smooth finish and a relaxed feel.
  • Baby oil for hair can also be used to remove makeup. So, incorporate it in your daily routine. Pour a few drops of baby oil on a cotton ball or a piece of soft cloth and use it to remove makeup. Baby oil works best in removing matte lipstick or any type of lipstick. When you are through, rinse your face with warm water. You can cleanse and tone as your beauty regimen requires.
  • Baby oil is also used to remove the sticky feeling after a waxing. Simply wet the area and apply baby oil. This will get rid of the uncomfortable sticky feeling.
  • Heal dry chapped lips using a homemade scrub made of baby oil. Simply mix baby oil, sugar and a few drops of lemon juice. Rub the mixture on your skin before you retire to bed. You will soon notice that your skin will be soft and pink. The remedy also works on the elbows to make them softer and much lighter.
  • Prevent and heal cracked heels during winter. Since it is an excellent moisturizer, baby oil will work wonders when applied on the affected parts. Do this every day before bed and wear comfy socks afterward. For best results, apply lemon peel/juice on the affected area and wear socks. Leave it on for half an hour. Remove the peel then apply baby oil as a moisturizer. Before long you will begin to notice positive changes.
  • Use baby oil to remove cuticles when doing your nails at home. Save on cuticle oil and use baby oil instead. This is another use besides baby oil for hair.
  • Use baby oil to make your eyebrows beautiful and silky. Just apply it and brush your eyebrows as desired.

Baby oil is versatile and gives amazing results. It is easily available and easy to use. It is clearly essential to keep a bottle in your house. You never know when it will come in handy! 

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