9 Quick and Effective Ways to Improve Memory

Unless you are suffering from memory loss because of a medical condition, you can always take several steps to improve your memory. You can tweak your diet a bit to eat foods that boost your memory and you can take advantage of many mnemonic devices currently available in the market. Yes, it takes time to get good results, but you need to stay dedicated and optimistic to get there.

Best Tips to Improve Your Memory

It does not matter if you want to ace your next test, want to win the World Memory Championship, or just want to remember where you leave your important stuff, you can always try a number of tips to learn how to improve memory.

1. Include Exercise in Your Routine

You need to understand that exercising and staying active is not just important for your physical health but it is as important for your mental health. Having a sedentary lifestyle can lead to obesity that can affect your brain function. Your heart fails to pump blood effectively when you are overweight and this can affect your brain as well. Exercise also helps release feel-good hormones that improve your mood and affect your brain and memory in a positive way. You do not have to engage in strenuous activities because swimming, brisk walking, and even dancing can produce good results.

2. Get Adequate Sleep

Sleep deprivation can cause a variety of problems and affect your memory as well. Ensure that you get at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night. It is also a good idea to take power naps during the day to ensure that your body gets enough time to repair itself and firm up memories in the brain. In fact, you can help retain new memories better if you take a nap soon after learning something new.

3. Write It Down

In terms of how to improve memory, simply write it down. When you write something, the act increases blood flow to certain areas of your brain and this improved blood flow leads to better memory. You can write yourself e-mails, start a journal, or start keeping a blog to improve your memory.

4. Get Organized

You will find it difficult to remember things if your notes are in disarray and you have clutter everywhere in your home. You should jot down appointments, tasks, and other important events in a notebook – you can also use an electronic planner for this task. You can help remember that information better by repeating each entry aloud. Always keep a to-do list with you and follow it to the dot. Moreover, it is equally important to limit distractions to help boost your focus and concentration. If your focus is there, you will find it easier to recall important information later.

5. Keep Your Brain Active

You can do it simply by doing crossword puzzles, playing cards, or reading. Doing these activities keeps your brain functioning in an optimal way and prevents memory loss, dementia and other memory related problems.

6. Pay Attention to Your Diet

To learn how to improve memory, it is important to gather more information about how to feed your brain right. You need to include healthy fats in your diet because up to 60% off your brain's overall weight is fat. You can improve your memory by eating a healthy mix of fats. Some great food choices include dark leafy green veggies and fish, such as mackerel, anchovies, and wild salmon.

7. Avoid Multitasking

You are going to find it difficult to remember important information when you try to handle so many things at the same time. If you have forgotten where you have placed your car keys, that could be because you were busy doing something else when you left your keys. You should stop juggling too many things simultaneously, as this will improve your focus and make it easier for you to remember things. Be sure to concentrate on one task at a time to keep your brain functioning optimally.

8. Include Meditation in Your Life

Studies show that your brain function may start to decline soon after your 20s. In fact, studies suggest that there will be a gradual decrease in the size and volume of your brain as you age. However, you can delay that cognitive decline through meditation. Regulate meditation can also help prevent neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer's, dementia, and Parkinson's. You can connect to your inner self through meditation and this will improve learning, memory, and self-awareness.

9. Manage Stress Better

It is hard to avoid stress in today's fast-paced world, but you can certainly manage things better if you meditate regularly. However, you can also try some relaxation exercises, such as yoga, deep breathing, etc., to help relieve stress. Not doing anything to balance your stress would lead to chronic stress and depression that can destroy brain cells and affect memory in a negative way. Laugher is also a good therapy to help relieve stress. Similarly, social interaction proves beneficial when you are dealing with depression, making it one of the best ways for how to improve memory.

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