How to Reduce Prolactin

Prolactin, a hormone produced by the pituitary gland, encourages and enhances the breast development as well as the milk production during pregnancy and after childbirth. Both men and women produce prolactin. In certain cases, the levels of prolactin can be higher, causing a decreased libido, irregular menstruation, subfertility and other problems in women. If the levels of prolactin are higher in men, reduced muscle mass, erectile dysfunction and decreased libido are common. If your levels of prolactin are higher than normal, seek immediate medical help. 

Treat the Underlying Causes to Reduce Prolactin

High prolactin is usually caused by the following four conditions.

1.   Prolactinoma

One of the causes of high prolactin can be prolactinoma. How to reduce prolactin in this case?

  • Cabergoline and bromocriptine are the most often used drugs for the treatment of prolactinoma. These drugs tend to lower the production of prolactin as well as decrease the size of the tumor. You will need to take these prescription medications for at least 2 years. If, after 2 years, the levels of prolactin are normal or you no longer have the tumor, you may be able to gradually stop the medication. However, sometimes you will need to start taking the medications again because the tumor can grow back.
  • In some cases, prolactinoma can’t be treated with medications, so a surgical treatment is necessary.
  • In rare cases, when surgical removal of the tumor does not solve the problem, radiation treatment is the resort. The radiation therapy tends to shrink the tumor.
  • In aggressive prolactinomas or on malignant prolactinomas, even the radiation therapy does not work.

2.   Medicine-Induced Hyperprolactinemia

Wonder how to reduce prolactin? First, you need to know the cause. Sometimes, certain types of medications increase the levels of prolactin. Stop the medication you use for a period of time. Your doctor can change your medication with a similar drug which will not increase the levels of prolactin. When there is no drug that can substitute the one you need to take, cabergoline or bromocriptine are prescribed. Estrogen can be prescribed for women too, while testosterone can be prescribed for men.

3.   Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism is a condition characterized by low levels of thyroid hormones. Synthetic thyroid hormones are prescribed to treat this medical condition.

4.   Idiopathic Hyperprolactinemia

In certain cases, the real cause of hyperprolactinemia is not known. This is known as idiopathic hyperprolactinemia. Sometimes, the high levels of prolactin can return to normal on its own. However, if this does not occur, cabergoline or bromocriptine is prescribed.

Prolactinoma During Pregnancy

Women can get pregnant during prolactinoma treatment. If this occurs, a special treatment is necessary in order to make sure that the baby is in good health.

  • Once you realize that you are pregnant, you should stop taking cabergoline or bromocriptine. Get a checkup with your endocrinologist. 
  • If, however, you need to continue the medications even during pregnancy, bromocriptine is the one preferred.
  • You should not measure the levels of prolactin while pregnant. Normally, prolactin levels are higher than normal during pregnancy.
  • Routine MRI examinations are not necessary during pregnancy unless the prolactinoma is growing or is affecting your vision.

How to Reduce Prolactin Naturally

Apart from the medical treatment, you can manage the high prolactin by taking the following supplements and herbs. But don't try to self-medicate; be sure to consult your doctor first.

1.   Vitamin B6

It is a primary prolactin inhibitor supplement, very safe and cheap at the same time. There are two forms of vitamin B6 recommended in cases of high levels of prolactin. If you decide to take regular B6 vitamin, you should take 300 to 1000 mg per day in divided doses. If you decide to take the activated form of vitamin B6, you should take 50 to 200 mg per day in divided doses.

2.   Vitamin E

Vitamin E is another supplement that can inhibit central prolactin secretion. It is also safe, cheap and rarely causes any side effects. The recommended dosage is 300 to 400 IU per day. If necessary, the dosage of natural vitamin E can be increased up to 1000 IU per day.

3.   SAM-e

SAM-e is a natural supplement that lowers the levels of prolactin in men. SAM-e is mostly well tolerated. However, in certain cases, nausea, and other gastrointestinal effects have been reported. About 400 to 1200 mg of SAM-e are recommended daily, along with vitamin B6 and vitamin E.

4.   Zinc

Zinc tends to work together with vitamin B6 in the human body. You should take 50 to 100 mg of zinc citrate, zinc gluconate or zinc mono methionine a day, in order to increase the effect of vitamin B6. Zinc supplements also help correct the marginal zinc deficiency. Marginal zinc deficiency has been shown to be one of the causes of high levels of prolactin in men, especially among bodybuilders and athletes.

5.   Ginseng Extract

It is a natural herb recommended for lowering the high levels of prolactin. In men, it is also known to increase the sex drive and erection frequency. You should start with 1000 mg of ginseng extract a day. The maximal dosage should be up to 3000 mg a day.

A cyclic administration is very important for the better effect of this herb. Try to take the herb 5 days in a row, followed by 2 days pause. You can also take the herb for three weeks in a row, followed by 2 weeks of pause. See whichever cycle works better for you.

6.   Maca Powder

Maca powder works by raising the levels of nitric oxide and dopamine, which then helps solve the prolactin problems. Start taking a half or one teaspoon of Maca powder a day. If necessary you can increase the dosage up to three teaspoons of Maca powder a day.

7.   Mucuna Pruriens

Mucuna pruriens is another natural herb used for lowering the high levels of prolactin. You should start with a half to three teaspoons of mucuna powder a day.

8.   Ginkgo Biloba

This is another natural way about how to reduce prolactin. Ginkgo improves the dopamine levels in the human body, while acting as a prolactin inhibitor. Start with 60 to 360 mg a day, adjusting the dose depending on the results. 

9.   Vitex

Vitex has the ability to reduce the elevated levels of prolactin. Vitex also regulates the menstrual cycle and encourages a hormonal balance as well. It promotes a normal luteal phase of the menstrual cycle by supporting normal levels of progesterone.

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