6 Ways of Breaking Your Arm on Purpose

The arm consists of 3 major bones. The humerus runs from the shoulder to the elbow. This is called the upper arm, or, simply, the arm. At the elbow, the humerus connects with 2 bones: the radius and the ulna. These bones go from the elbow to the wrist and are regarded as the forearm. The bones within the human body are strong, but they can be broken.

How to Break Your Arm

Warning: The steps within this article are for precautionary purposes, breaking a bone is a painful experience and not one you should purposefully impose upon yourself.

1. Walking Down the Stairs with Your Eyes Closed

Walking down stairs with your eyes closed can cause you high amounts of physical damage. The fact that your eyes are closed will diminish your equilibrium and most likely cause you to stumble. This can cause you to damage or break other bones, including your spine and/or cranium, causing serious injury or possibly death.

2. Using Your Legs

Placing your arm in-between your legs (one leg below the arm and the other above) and applying as much force as you can to push the bottom leg upwards, and the other leg downwards upon the sandwiched arm, it will most likely cause the arm to break. One can choose to take a painkiller to help assuage the pain, although it would be wiser to avoid doing this all together.

3. Using Heavy Objects

Knowing ways of breaking arm serves to enlighten on what not to do. If one was to stand beside the corner of a wall and place their arm out next to it (so around half of the arm is touching the wall), then drop a heavy object onto the arm, this would likely cause the bones within the arm to break.

4. Smashing Your Arm Against a Wall

The corner of a wall or table can cause a lot of damage if a body part is repeatedly smashed against it. This may be because it is usually very solid and pointy, meaning there is no possibility of distributing the force of impact. If one was to smash his or her arm against the side of a solid table of wall, then eventually one would hear a crack, snap, or similar noise, indicating that the arm has been broken. Using protective clothing or wrapping the arm with some form of padding may help to ease the pain associated with doing this, but not as much as not doing it would.

5. Climbing Up (and Falling Down) a Ladder

Ladders are very useful tools but they can be dangerous if not used correctly. Before climbing a ladder, ensure that it is stable and level on the ground. Always ensure that the ladder is ascending straight against the surface you wish to scale, if it seems to be swaying or leaning one way or another, do not climb the ladder. Clearly, you’ve learnt how to break your arm, or other bones in your body by doing the exact opposite.

6. Falling in the Shower

Falling in the shower can be easy due to the fact that most surfaces become slippery when wet. On top of taking care whilst showering, it may also be wise to place a shower mat on the floor in your shower, which is designed to offer grip to your feet in such situations. Grab bars are also useful to install within the sower, especially if you are living with someone who is elderly or disabled, this gives those who need it something to grab onto to stabilize themselves. By doing the opposite, which means take away of the shower mat and do not grab the bars, you may break your arm as you wished to.

What Does It Feel Like to Break Your Arms?

Here are some experiences sharing from arm breaking people:

“I’ve had this pain in my arm for a few days and it’s only getting worse. I am not able to think of a certain incident (such as injury or during exercise), where I might have broken it. At first the pain came and went but it has now become constant. I first thought that I may have damaged my rotary cuff, but the pain has become much deeper in my bicep and I can feel it in my bones. I’ve tried to exercise past the injury but my bicep is causing me too much trouble, not sure if it is broken though I am going to pay a visit to the doctor”.  – By Amateur Bee Keeper

“When I was eleven I suffered a broken elbow, I remember the pain being so intense I screamed, and my arm swelling profusely and turning purple”. – By Nobody puts Baby in a corner

“A while ago I broke both arms and one wrist in the same incident. The excruciating pain I felt in my arms meant that I didn’t even realize that my wrist had broken. I’ve also broke my nose once which was like stubbing it but much, much worse. When I broke my arms and wrists, it took many hours before I received medical treatment (spending numerous hours in the waiting room, in agonizing pain)”. – By eberg15101

How Are Broken Arms Treated?

For those of you who have found out how to break your arm the hard way, then you will most likely be seeking treatment. Treatment methods depend on the severity and variety of the break or fracture. What should be noted is that there is no quick fix for a broken bone, treatment methods are only intended to reduce discomfort and speed up and aid the natural healing process. The following treatment methods are what one would typically expect:

  • Splint, brace, or cast: They work to restrict maneuverability of your arm and help hold the broken arm in place whilst it heals naturally. This helps to reduce pain and prevent further aggravating the injury.
  • Pain medication helps to decrease one’s levels of pain.
  • Antibiotics help to ensure that no infection occurs. Ensure to take all that you are prescribed.
  • Physical therapy can teach you specific exercise to improve strength and maneuverability, as well as insure the injured arm heals back to full capability.
  • Surgery: Some individuals may require debridement surgery, wherein a surgeon removes damaged tissue from a wound and cleans it to prevent an infection. Sometimes, pins, wires, screws, or similar apparatuses are inserted within the bone to ensure they align and heal efficiently.
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