35 Weeks Pregnant with Twins: What to Expect

A twin pregnancy is different in the sense that it can carry greater risks as compared to singleton pregnancies. However, you can learn how to be safe during your pregnancy, especially when you're 35 weeks pregnant with twins.Keep reading to learn more about your symptoms and baby growth in 35th week of pregnancy.

Symptoms When You Are 35 Weeks Pregnant with Twins

1. Fetal Movement

You will notice fetal movement which usually becomes intense when you're resting. Fetal movement can easily keep you from sleeping at night, but take comfort in the fact that it's actually for the development of your baby. The movement will become less intense in the coming weeks though because they will have less room to maneuver.

2. Discomfort with Extra Weight

Expect other issues associated with your excessive weight. You're carrying two babies, so you ought to experience problems like leg cramps, backache and frequent bathroom trips. You will also find it difficult to sleep in a comfortable position, all thanks to your ever-growing bump. Your joints loosen up in preparation for the birth, so you will feel tired after carrying your babies around all day long. Massage, pregnancy yoga, warm baths and gentle exercise are some of the ways to keep things under control. Be sure to stick to a well-balanced diet and drink plenty of fluids.

3. Watery Substance from Breasts

Another annoying symptom associated with pregnancy is that your breasts may start to leak colostrums, a watery substance that prepares your body for breastfeeding. This usually starts during your last trimester. Some women may not leak this watery substance at all, but they are still good to breastfeed.

4. Impatience with Pregnancy

It is quite common to lose your patience when you're 35 weeks pregnant with twins.There may also be a feeling of impatience to see your babies. Just relax, do some meditation and pay attention to your diet until your pregnancy is over.

Baby Growth When You Are 35 Weeks Pregnant with Twins

A procedure takes place in your womb that ensures that your baby grow properly.

1. Organ Development

The process starts with the development of your twins' organ systems. Their lungs will reach maturity after everything else has developed. The bodies of your babies, especially their heads will reach the proportions they should have at birth. They will develop eyebrows, eyelashes and freshly opened eyes that can react to light. Most of the bones in your twins' bodies will harden, but the bones of your babies' skull stays quite pliable to allow it to move through the birthing canal.

2. Body Weight

The length from head to toe of an average singleton baby is 20 inches or so with weight around 3.4kg at birth. However, your baby is considered healthy if they are between 2.5kg to 3.8kg. Twins are relatively lighter as compared to singleton babies and are usually born by the end of 36 weeks.

3. Moving Into Your Pelvic Cavity

One of your twins will slowly move into your pelvic cavity to allow for enough space for both babies to develop their legs and buttocks.

4. Disappearance of Lanugo and Vernix Caseosa

Lanugo, which refers to the downy coat of hair that covers your twins after 26 weeks, will disappear. The same will happen to the greasy whitish substance (vermix caseosa) that covers their skin. Your babies swallow all theses with other secretions and store everything in their bowels.

5. Other Changes

The amniotic fluid of your babies will turn pale and milky and the layers of their skin, the outermost layer, will slough off, so that new skin can take its place.

Getting Ready for the Birth

Many doctors don't recommend extending pregnancy with twins beyond 37 weeks and usually schedule a cesarean section around the 37-38 week. It usually depends on the health of the mother if she needs a C-section or can deliver vaginally. The position of both babies in the womb is another important factor to consider.

When you are 35 weeks pregnant with twins, you should visit your doctor at least twice a week. Your doctor will perform some specialty tests and ask for additional ultrasounds with non-stress testing to measure your babies' heart rates and movement.

Signs of Preterm Labor with Multiple Pregnancy

When you have twins, the chances of dealing with complications are quite high. Preterm labor is one of the issues associated with pregnancies that involve twins. Here are some symptoms that may mean you're going toward preterm labor.

  • You will experience contractions, usually more than five per hour with rhythmic pelvic pressure, backache and cramps similar to your menstrual cramping.
  • Stomach upset and diarrhea may indicate preterm labor, or they can only be the outcome of something you ate.
  • Any vaginal discharge that's streaked with blood usually indicates your cervix has begun to dilate.
  • Gushing or leaking of fluid from your vagina is also a sign of premature rupture of membranes. The fluid you notice is from your amniotic sac that opens up just before delivery. 
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