Why Can't You Stop Having Burp?

Burping every once in a while after drinking alcohol or after eating a large meal is completely normal. But what if you can't stop it? Too much burping can become annoying and not just for the person who can't stop it, also for those around. However, even when people tell you to stop, you just can't seem to stop doing it. Is there anything that can be done to stop this from occurring?

Can't Stop Burping, Why?

To handle the problem, you must know what causes the problem. In fact, there are many reasons why you might not be able to stop burping. Some you need not to worry about while some you really need to.

1.   Air Swallowing

This is a condition known as aerophagia. This is a common reason of constant burping. If you drink carbonated beverages or eat too fast, air can easily be swallowed when you drink and eat. This also seems to happen more often when you are drinking from a straw.

What to do: Try chewing slowly and chewing your food well while keeping your mouth closed so that air can't enter the digestive tract. You will burp less and will have less stomach upset. Try to eat less every time because when you swallow too much, you will swallow air and subsequently can't stop burping. Be aware of anxiety that can cause excessive swallowing. And stay away from carbonated beverages.

2.   Foods

Eating onions, beans, sprouts, lentils, and apricots can cause burping. Eating chocolate and foods that are too acidic can also contribute to a burping problem.

What to do: For this cause, just reduce the intake of these foods as possible as you can.

3.   Problems with the Digestive System

You can have trouble with your digestive symptom that can result in excessive burping. These include gastritis, eating foods that are too fatty, hiatal hernias, GERD, stomach ulcers, etc. If too much air builds up in the GI tract, it often has no place to go except through burping. Below we list three types as representatives.

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome.This is also called IBS. It affects the large bowel, resulting in cramping, burping, diarrhea and sometimes constipation. The treatment for IBS includes following a strict diet that doesn't contain fatty foods.
  • GastroparesisThis happens when food doesn't pass through the stomach quickly enough. The muscles of the stomach wall are weak and the food stays in the stomach instead of passing through the digestive system. Common symptoms are burping too much and nausea or vomiting.
  • Gastric cancer.This can lead to problems with the stomach, resulting in vomiting, abdominal pain, nausea, and constant burping. In this serious condition, you can only relieve these symptoms by taking care of the cancer.

What to do: If you doubt there are some underlying conditions behind constant burping, you should see your doctor and get checked. If you can get these problems under control, you will lessen the burping.

Should You Worry About It?

Some people may think you are kidding them when you say that you are worried about the fact that you can't stop burping. However, studies have shown that people who burp too much can find it both distressing and challenging. The treatment of excessive burping is not always easy; if you burp a great deal and can't find any type of relief or if it is associated with pain in your abdomen, seek the advice of your personal doctor or gastroenterologist who can tell you if there is something wrong with your GI tract.

More Tips to Handle Constant Burping

Besides what have been talked above, there are other things you can do to reduce the incidence of this common problem besides treating it.

1.   Use Natural Herbal remedies

Herbal teas will help the problem when you can't stop burping.

  • Mint tea. You can add mint to cold water and drink it down. It takes a couple of weeks to notice a difference.
  • Cloves tea. Put a few cloves in hot water and let it steep.
  • Cardamom works well to reduce the overactivity of the stomach. You can add it to foods you cook or take it as a capsule. Cardamom is also a good tea choice for burping problems.

2.   Apply Digestive Enzymes

If you take digestive enzymes, you can lessen your gas intake and will have fewer problems with belching and bloating. Probiotics are good supplements to take as they replace bad bacteria with good bacteria in the colon. Taking digestive enzymes is especially helpful in older people who will have a decreased production of pancreatic enzymes and will have too many bad bacteria.

3.   Wear Loose Clothes

Try to wear clothing that is comfortable and loose-fitting. Clothing that binds you around the waist will cause abdominal distention and burping.

4.   Take OTC Drugs

Antacids you buy at the pharmacy can help, especially those containing simethicone. If burping is a problem, simethicone can break up the larger bubbles of gas so that you tend to burp less often.

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