How to Stop Nausea

Nausea is the feeling you experience before you vomit. You do not always throw up when you feel nauseous, but the feeling can sometimes be quite strong. You usually experience nausea due to not-so-serious conditions such as indigestion, motion sickness, stress, and viral infections. You can learn how to stop nausea in these common situations. There are home remedies and OTC medications available to relieve that nauseous feeling, but you have to talk to your doctor if the problem persists. Let's find out more about it.

How to Stop Nausea

It is never easy to deal with nausea, but you can certainly learn some techniques to make your condition more manageable. Here are some suggestions.

1. Do Not Fight the Urge

A simple way to deal with nausea is to let it out. If you feel like throwing up, do not try to fight the urge. You will be better off letting it out. This is actually your body's way to get rid of something that is unsettling for your stomach. If you try to hold it in, it also increases your risk of damaging the esophagus.

2. Try Milk Toast

You may consider eating bland foods to help your stomach feel better. The combination of milk and bread works fine because bread can absorb acid in your stomach and milk leaves a coating in your stomach. Just take a cup of milk and put it over medium heat. Pour it into a bowl when you believe it is hot. Do not wait until it starts boiling. Now, crumble the toast into it and eat slowly.

3. Try a Fresh Lemon

Inhaling the smell of citrus can help alleviate that nauseous feeling. It can also calm your stomach. Take a lemon, slice it in half, and then enjoy its smell. Be sure to take a full deep breath when inhaling the smell.

4. Opt for a Cool Compress

In order to learn how to stop nausea, you need to learn how to make the right use of a cool compress. Applying it on the back of your neck may help relieve that nauseous feeling. You can take an ice pack or even soak a washcloth in cold water. Lie down and place that cloth under your neck. Leave it there for a while and repeat a few times for relief.

5. Get Some Fresh Air

If you are feeling nauseous, it may really help to step outside into fresh air. Just a few minutes out in the open may relieve that nervous tension and even reduce that nauseous feeling. You do not always need to go out to use this trick. Simply find a place to sit down and then place a fan in a way that it blows across your face. This will make you feel better especially if you are breaking into a clammy sweat.

6. Try to Relax Your Nerves

You will only be making your nausea worse by getting anxious. Stop thinking too much about your sickness and try to distract yourself by thinking about other things. It is also important to get enough sleep every night to feel better through the day. You may also want to try relaxation exercises, such as breathing exercises, meditation and even yoga.

7. Try Aroma Therapy for Relief

Inhaling essential oils such as ginger oil and peppermint oil can really help make you feel better during that bout of nausea. It may also help to remove any bad odor you may have in your surroundings. Ensure your room is not cluttered and keep your windows opened to let some fresh air enter the room and make you feel better.

8. Make Use of Ginger

Some studies have found that 1g of ginger may help reduce nausea. You can include ginger in your routine in many different ways. You can nibble crystallized ginger, enjoy ginger ale or make ginger tea. Be sure to consult your doctor before taking ginger if you are pregnant and feeling nauseous.

Know When to Contact Your Doctor

As you can see that learning how to stop nausea is all about making small adjustments to your lifestyle, but sometimes, you need a bit more than these home remedies. This is when you should call a doctor for further assistance. Contact your doctor if:

  • You have nausea that lasts for several days and you are not pregnant.
  • You have dehydration or you have tried home remedies without any improvement.
  • You have diarrhea and have been vomiting for more than 24 hours.
  • Your child has vomiting and diarrhea for more than a few hours.
  • Your child shows signs of dehydration, has diarrhea for more than a few hours, and has a fever higher than 101°F.

It is important to seek immediate medical attention if you experience any of the following symptoms:

  • You vomit and notice blood in it.
  • You feel nausea and have stiff neck or severe headache.
  • You have severe abdominal pain.
  • You feel confused, lethargic or lightheaded.
  • You have rapid breathing.
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