Can Gonorrhea Go Away On Its Own?

Gonorrhea is one of the most common sexually transmitted disease. The amount of incidents reported each year is around 100,000 in the US, although it has been predicted that this number could be half the actual number because many people are not being tested. Symptoms do not always occur in those who have gonorrhea, although when they do, they can be quite nasty. Symptoms include a swelling of the urinary tract or urethra, a burning sensation and sometimes the release of pus.

Can Gonorrhea Go Away on Its Own?

It is plausible, although very unlikely. Gonorrhea can lead to numerous, serious health problems if not treated. If you believe that you may have the infection, the worst thing to do is to ignore it and hope it will go away on its own. Both men and women can experience disseminated gonorrhea, where the gonorrhea bacteria enter the bloodstream of the host and spread around the body, like getting into the skin and joints. This can lead to extreme joint pain, fever and skin rashes.

Can gonorrhea go away on its own? The chances are too slim and complications may happen. If gonorrhea is left untreated in females, they can experience pelvic inflammatory diseases, which will be accompanied with severe abdominal pain and even lead to infertility and other problems with pregnancy. In males, if gonorrhea is left untreated, a condition known as epididymitis can occur, which may lead to infertility and pain behind the testicles. Any delay in treatment increases the chances that you may get others infected.

Medical Treatments for Gonorrhea

Since you get a negative answer to the question "Can gonorrhea go away on its own?" it's time for you to seek out the most effective methods to get rid of this contagious disease.

1. Antibiotic Treatment

The first treatment is a course of antibiotics. This will be prescribed to

  • Those who have tested positive for gonorrhea
  • Those who have had sexual relations with a person with positive gonorrhea test
  • Newborns whose mothers had gonorrhea during the time of birth

If your doctor gives you more than one dosage of antibiotics, you should stick to doctor's direction. With any missed doses, you may not get rid of the infection completely. It is advisable that you avoid any sexual contact or activities until at least seven days after your treatment has stopped. Be sure to wear a condom when having sex to prevent any sexually transmitted diseases.

2. When Antibiotics Don’t Work

According to Web MD, some strains of the gonorrhea infection are resistant to the antibiotics used for normal treatment, such as sulfa, penicillin, tetracycline and quinolones drugs. If you have finished a course of antibiotics as prescribed by your doctor without any improvement, then this may mean there is bacterial resistance. So you need different antibiotics to eradicate the infection.

 3. Hospitalization

As mentioned, gonorrhea can lead to numerous health conditions if not treated promptly. If the bacteria spread to the joints (a condition known as disseminated gonococcal infection), then a hospital stay is usually required. Besides, an intravenous or intramuscular antibiotic treatment is usually applied.

 4. Prevention

Instead of asking "Can gonorrhea go away on its own?" you should focus on preventing this disease at first place, which is the best form of treatment. Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease, which means always practicing safe sex and using a condom will help to avoid it. Gonorrhea can be attained from anal sex, oral sex, as well as vaginal intercourse. Although it is rare to get infected via oral intercourse, necessary protection will help further decrease the chance.

Natural Remedies for Gonorrhea

It is always recommended to follow the treatment prescribed by your doctor to best battle the gonorrhea infection. And it is said that there are natural remedies that can work with medical treatments to give you more benefits.

  • Canadian plants: A study proves that extracts of Hydrastis canadensis (goldenseal), Arctostaphylos uva ursi (kinnikinnick or bearberry), Rhodiola rosea (roseroot) and Prunus serotina (black cherry) can hinder the growth of all gonorrhea strains.
  • Asian homeopathy: Sandalwood oil extract, a traditional Chinese medicine, has been applied to treat gonorrhea. Besides, Phyllanthus species P.amarus and P. scabrifolius can also be used to treat gonorrhea.
  • The extract of many Ficus species, like the stem bark extract of Ficus bengalensis have been used against gonorrhea.

It is always best advisable to seek the help of a professional when considering these types of treatment for gonorrhea.

Please watch the comprehensive video below to know gonorrhea symptoms, diagnosis, etc.: 

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