When Does Baby Turn Head Down in Pregnancy?

If you're pregnant for the first time, it is obvious to have so many questions about you and your baby's health. One of the common question women ask is, "When does baby turn head down in pregnancy?" This usually happens when your baby is ready to come out in the world. Babies will turn their head down towards the birth canal at different times during pregnancy, and this makes things quite confusing for most women. Keep reading to find out more about the head position of your baby towards the end of your pregnancy.

When Does Baby Turn Head Down in Pregnancy?

Mostly it's during 28 and 32 weeks of pregnancy. Your baby is more likely to turn his head down by the 36th week of pregnancy. This is not a set rule though because some babies will get into this position during the 28th and 29th week. Or, even some babies may position their head down just a few moments before the labor begins. It is also possible to give birth vaginally even if your baby has not turned his head down by the 36th week of your pregnancy.

How Can Baby in Head Down Position Help in Labor?

Most babies turn their head down early in the pregnancy because there is still enough space in the uterus to change position. Now, you know the answer to "When does baby turn head down in pregnancy?" You may also be wondering why it actually helps if your baby turns his head down before delivery. Well, the fact is that your labor is more likely to be shorter and easier if your baby turns his head down slight towards the front of your tummy. This way, your baby will fit perfectly into the curve of your pelvis. This benefits you in many ways actually. For instance:

  • With your baby in a head-down position, more pressure will be exerted directly on the neck of your cervix, which will allow your cervix to widen. This will help your body produce the hormones you need during labor.
  • Your baby will move through your pelvis at an angle, and the head-down position makes it easy for you push him out.
  • Your baby will turn his head a bit when he reaches the bottom of your pelvis. This ensures that the widest part of your baby's head is in the widest part of your pelvis. This way, your baby's head will slip right under your pubic bone.

How to Get Your Baby in Head Down Position

Most babies will get in a head-down position several weeks before your labor starts, but sometimes they may not change position until 36th week of your pregnancy. If that's the case, you can take some steps to help your baby change his position.

  1. Change to a helpful sitting position. Tilt your pelvis forward while sitting and ensure that your knees are never higher than your hips. This is the optimal fetal positioning and it helps your baby get in a head-down or anterior position with ease.
  2. Get in a comfortable position and scrub the floor. When you're on your all fours, it becomes easier for your baby to change his head position to come right in front of your belly.
  3. Don't sit for extended hours and always try to be active.
  4. Use a cushion when sitting your car to make your knees come under your hips.
  5. Lean over a birth ball when you're watching TV.

There is no need to worry about getting baby into an appropriate position when you're sleeping. Your baby is not under pressure to be pushed in your pelvis when you're on your bed. Just try to be on your side instead of being on your back while sleeping in late pregnancy, which is assumed to be the best position in third trimester.

Why Do Some Mums Have Breech Babies?

Many women want to know, "When does baby turn head down in pregnancy?" Yet, some pregnant women will have breech babies. You are more likely to have a breech baby if this is not your first pregnancy, you have plenty of amniotic fluid, and your baby has anomalies.You may also end up have a breech baby if your placenta is low lying or you've developed placenta previa.

Your healthcare provider will conduct an examination late in your pregnancy to feel the positioning of your baby. They may also do a fetal ultrasound to get a clear idea if your baby is breech or not. With a breech position, you will not be supposed to have a natural delivery.

You just need some exercises to move your baby in the best position for natural labor, and the following video will help you do just that:

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