How to Get Back in Shape?

You’ve been working out and trying to control your diet for a while, then something comes up and disrupts your routine. You go into a slump, miss some workouts, and let go of your diet. Before you know it, you are out of shape, and you wonder what to do. Getting back in shape may not be that easy, but here are some tips to help you get back on track.

How to Get Back in Shape

1. Start from the Stomach

Getting back in shape usually starts from the stomach. You have to eat the right amount and type of foods to lose excess weight and maintain a healthy body. Experts recommend eating a variety of foods that contain the right nutrients, usually from whole foods like vegetables, fruits, whole grains, meat, eggs, fish, and dairy products. It is also best to avoid processed foods, which contain lots of added sugars, fat, and salt. Remember, it takes a lot more discipline to eat a healthy diet than to work out regularly.

2. Build a Routine

Build your own routines, which must include cardio exercises as well as resistance exercises. You can also play your favorite sports. Remember to include other aspects of a healthy lifestyle, such as eating a healthy breakfast daily and getting enough sleep.

3. Have Fun While Exercising

Another important thing to remember is that getting back in shape is easier if you have fun while doing it. So instead of just going to the gym every day, put some variety in your routine by doing some exercise with friends, going outdoors, and perhaps, learning a new sport. But to achieve your goal, you must do activities that involve regular aerobic exercise, which helps burn calories, such as biking, skiing or hiking.

Here is a video show you how to get back in shape after no exercise for a long time.

4. Don’t Aim Too Big 

To make you goals more achievable, you should have realistic expectations. If you aim too high, you may end up in disappointment. So do everything in stages, and try not to expect results overnight. It may take a while for you to completely modify your diet and exercise routines, so start with the first step and take note of your progress while getting back in shape. For example, you can start by eating more fruits and vegetables instead of candy and pastries, and by taking ten minute walks daily. Later on, you can do thirty minute to one hour exercises on most days of the week.

5. Set Short-term Rewards 

As mentioned earlier, it is unrealistic to expect overnight results. But if you persevere, you will feel significant changes as many weeks and months pass by. To keep yourself motivated, set some short-term rewards. For example, celebrate after a week of regular workouts by treating yourself to the movies or getting a good book.

6. Record Your Progress

Weight changes are not the only means of measuring your progress. Record your progress by measuring your waist circumference, taking your own photos, or tracking your performance in your workouts. You will know that you are getting back in shape if you are able to endure longer periods of working out, if you can run faster, or if your clothes are getting looser with each passing month.

7. Find a Partner

Find motivation by getting a workout partner who will help you pursue your goals. Sometimes you may be tempted to give up when you are alone in your endeavors, so having the right partner can help boost your morale. It can also make working out more fun, so that getting back in shape can become easier.

8. Buy New Things

Another way to increase your drive to work out is to have some gears that will not only make you look good, but will also make you feel good and motivate you to stay active. You can buy new walking shoes and nice-looking outfits that feel comfortable when exercising. This investment will also help you enjoy working out whilegetting back in shape.

How Long Does It Take to Get Back in Shape?

Different people have various ways of getting back in shape, and some will find it easier, while others will encounter more difficulty. The important thing is to begin with the first step and to keep on going, even if there seems to be very little change.

You may not be able to see significant changes in the first few weeks of working out or dieting, but after a while, your family and friends will note that your muscles have become firmer, you seem to be more active, and that you seem to be more in shape than your used to be. So remember that to get back in shape, you must persevere in living a healthy lifestyle, which includes a balanced diet and regular exercise.

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