Douching with Peroxide

Douching is described as rinsing the vaginal area internally. Some people believe in the positive effects that douching with peroxide may have for infections. However, it must be stated that the vagina is a self-cleaning structure that requires no external solution to maintain good health. Many medical practitioners do not suggest their patients to douche and often advise against it because of potential adverse effects that it may have on the health of your reproductive system. But if you find yourself still interested in douching, here are some measures you can take to make the process safer. 

How to Douche with Peroxide

A peroxide douche requires a diluted solution of peroxide and water. Although not a mainstream therapy, there are some natural health practitioners that recommend it to treat vaginal infections and provide instant relief for the symptoms. It is used for both yeast and bacterial vaginal infections.The concentration used is generally 10 ml of a 3% hydrogen peroxide in a cup of water. This will yield a 1.5% hydrogen peroxide solution. Hydrogen peroxide can kill both the "good" and "bad" bacteria in the vagina. It is possible that douching with peroxide can lead to secondary infections, which is why it is often recommended to take a probiotic supplement as well to maintain your levels of "good" bacteria. Alternatively, you can eat some probiotic foods, such as yogurt, kefir and pickles. 

The following steps should guide you safely:

  1. Seek a douching product in your local pharmacy. Ensure the solution you choose has no additives like colorants or perfumes. The product you purchase will most likely contain the squeeze bottle with a tube extending from it.
  2. Follow the directions on the box carefully to prepare the douching solution. The kit in the packaging will have the quantity of water necessary to make up the solution.
  3. Carefully fill the squeeze bottle with the solution you have prepared as per the instructions.
  4. Prevent any spillage by administering the douche in a bath or shower. Any excess liquid can flow away and you can take a shower or bath after the douching.
  5. Insert the tube into the vagina carefully without injuring yourself. Squeeze the bottle gently and allow the solution in the bottle to spray into the vagina. Continue doing this until all the solution is finished.
  6. Cleanse the exterior area with a gentle soap and water to wash away any solution that is still on the outside of the vagina.
  7. Clean up by washing the bottle, washing your hands and any other items you may have used in the preparation.


The delicate tissue of the vagina may be damaged with douching. Douching may also introduce harmful bacteria into the uterus and cause other complications. If you experience symptoms such as burning or itching in the vagina, seek medical attention because it may be a vaginal infection that requires antibiotic treatment rather than douching. Never use douching as an alternative to birth control or prevention to an STD.

Other Self-Care Options for Vaginal Infections

Alternatives to douching with peroxide are:

  • Prescription medications from your doctor: these will include antibiotics and anti-fungals, depending on the type of infection you have.
  • Consuming more probiotics: yogurt is an excellent source of "good" bacteria (Lactobacillus acidophilus) that is essential in keeping the vagina healthy. One cup of yogurt has shown positive results in preventing infections.
  • Tea tree oil: some women find relief by applying a tampon dipped in tea tree oil. However, the chances of irritation are high because the tissues of the vagina are sensitive.
  • Boric acid: it has antiseptic and anti-fungal properties which may be helpful in vaginal infections. Look for commercially available products specifically for vaginal use because boric acid is very irritant.
  • Wear cotton underwear so that moisture is easily able to dry off. If you swim or gym regularly, change out of wet or sweaty clothes as soon as possible. Avoid wearing tight clothes like panty hose and jeans. Warm, moist areas are the perfect environment for yeast and bacterial infections to proliferate.
  • Use a progestin-only pill if possible because estrogen may change vaginal environmental conditions, which encourages infections.
  • Over-the-counter anti-fungals are available for purchase to treat the once-off yeast infection.

If you find no relief from these types of products, see your doctor so that the exact strain of yeast can be identified and proper treatment given.

Medical Treatments for Vaginal Infections

If your symptoms can't be relieved by douching with peroxide, medical treatment is highly necessary. 

1. For Bacterial Vaginosis

Your doctor may prescribe drugs such as metronidazole or clindamycin. This condition can resolve by itself without treatment and many women with no symptoms choose to forego medicines.

2. For Yeast Infections

Antifungal preparations that may contain fluconazole or itraconazole can help treat yeast infections. Other alternative therapies for less severe infections are nystatin and clotrimazole. These can be given as a single dose or for a longer period, depending on the severity of the infection.

3. For Trichomoniasis

Metronidazole is the drug of choice for this type of infection. However, if you're on this treatment, you should avoid consuming alcohol because they may interact with each other to cause nausea and vomiting.

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