Period After Menopause

After a woman has undergone menopause, they no longer menstruate. Menopause is only reached after you have exceeded 12 months without menstruating. If a woman experiences vaginalbleeding after 12 months of not menstruating, it is known as postmenopausal bleeding. Although this may seem as though you are getting your period after menopause, the bleeding is often due to other causes.

What Can Cause Period After Menopause?

Whilst going through menopause, however, you may experience bleeding that looks similar to your menstrual cycle, even if you are not ovulating. This is known as perimenopausal bleeding, and you can even bleed after having already reached your menopause, which can indicate something serious, and you should make a medical visit as soon as possible. Some possible causes are listed below:

1. Polyps

Polyps refer to growths that usually develop within the uterus, inside the cervical canal or on the cervix. These polyps can cause bleeding after menopause, yet they are usually benign.

2. Atrophy of the Endometrium

Atrophy of the endometrium (known as endometrial atrophy), is a condition wherein the uterus's tissue lining becomes extremely thin due to low estrogen levels caused by menopause. The occurrence of this condition can cause bleeding after menopause.

3. Endometrial Hyperplasia

This condition may be caused by over-eating and obesity, wherein the lining of the uterus becomes too thick, leading to vaginal bleeding. This condition may also lead to the development of abnormal cells, which may be an instigator for endometrial cancer.

4. Endometrial Cancer

Endometrial cancer is otherwise known as uterine cancer. One of the signs of endometrial cancer is postmenopausal bleeding. Other symptoms of endometrial cancer can include pelvic pain or mass weight loss, abnormal vaginal discharge (watery, blood-tinged), pain or discomfort in sex, blood discharge between periods, etc. If you also experience some other symptoms, do take a medical visit as soon as possible.

5. Other Causes

Some medications may cause postmenopausal bleeding, leading you to think that you have had a period after menopause. Other causes include hormone therapy, and/or a uterus or cervix infection.

What Tests to Expect During Diagnosis

As mentioned, you should visit your doctor if you experience postmenopausal bleeding. Mostly, you will be referred to a hospital for testing, which will help to ascertain the exact cause of the bleeding. Some tests to expect can include:

  • An ultrasound scan of the vaginal region
  • An examination of the pelvic region
  • Endometrial biopsy, which involves testing samples of your uterus lining
  • Hysteroscopy, a test involving the use of a camera

How to Deal With Period After Menopause

As previously stated, you should pay a visit to your doctor if you experience postmenopausal bleeding, so they are able to determine the cause and rule out any dangerous underlying health conditions or treat them if they are present. If it is determined that you are in fact experiencing perimenopausal bleeding, you can deal with that condition in the following ways.

1. Birth Control Medication

When going through menopauseand experiencing period after menopause, you can take oral contraceptive birth control medications to control symptoms related to the occurrence of hot flashes, sweating and bleeding, etc.

2. Hormonal Treatment

Hormonal medication such as progestogen can help to regulate the perimenopausal blood flow, helping to make it more manageable. This medication is a form of the hormone progesterone, which is responsible for causing the normal menstrual bleeding.Hormonal medication can be used in the treatment of endometrial hyperplasia.

3. Observing Your Symptoms

Although perimenopausal bleeding is often no cause for concern, it is always wise to inform your doctor of your condition, and observe any changes or irregularities. You also require iron supplements if the loss of blood is too extensive, which can be discussed with your doctor.

4. Enhance General Health

It is always advised to lead a healthy lifestyle to ensure for healthy life longevity, this is especially advised for those going through perimenopause and menopause. Some things to consider include:

  • Getting adequate exercise
  • Avoiding cigarettes and alcohol
  • Maintaining a healthy weight
  • Eating a balanced diet full of nutritious fruit and veg
  • Ensuring to maintain good calcium levels within your body

5. More Treatment Options

Also, there are cases that seem like period after menopause, in fact, are caused by an underlying condition. In such instances, the treatment approach depends on the cause of the bleeding. Once a cause has been determined, then the treatment will focus on curing the cause of the bleeding. For example:

  • If the cause of postmenopausal bleeding is caused by cervical polyps, a procedure may be required to remove the growths.
  • ŸIf the cause is determined to be endometrial atrophy, then estrogen cream is often an effective treatment. However, treatment may not be necessary when you are showing few worrying symptoms.
  • If it’s determined that you have endometrial cancer, then in most cases a full hysterectomy will be recommended. This may also be recommended if other treatment methods have not proven effective in stopping or controlling heavy bleeding.
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