What Causes Blue Veins in Breasts?

Do you or a loved one have blue veins in the breasts or chest? If so, it may be nothing more than a cosmetic nuisance. In most instances, blue veins fade by themselves; but sometimes it could also indicate the presence of an underlying condition. So having a chronic stay of blue veins could be worrying. For your peace of mind, it is best to consult your doctor. Following is a walk-through of the various causes and possible ways to manage blue veins.

What Causes Blue Veins in Breasts?

Enlarged and prominent veins are more common on legs; however, they can also appear on other parts of the body including breasts and chest, torso, hands and face. These veins are most prominent in people with fair skin. They are caused by various factors including the following:

  • Genetics. It may be a hereditary trait. This means that you are more likely to get blue veins in the breasts or chest if your mother or father has them.
  • Regular Exercises. Sports men and women, especially those involved in weight training are likely to have veins showing on the skin due to the increased blood flow.
  • Heavy Manual Work. Similar to extreme sports, heavy physical activity including manual work causes an increased flow of blood. This can lead to prominence of veins in breasts and other parts of the body.
  • Fast Weight Loss. Too fast weight loss can lead to blue veins because the body may not have sufficient time to understand the sudden changes. Your skin will be fragile and pale, making the veins more obvious.
  • Rapid Growth of Breast Tissue. During puberty, a girl’s breasts may grow rapidly. Similar expansion of breast tissue may occur during pregnancy or menstruation due to hormonal changes, leading to blue veins in breasts.
  • Breast Enlargement. A woman who undergoes breast enlargement may get blue veins in her breasts as the veins within her skin are pushed outwardly.
  • Liver Disease. Liver disease such as cirrhosis can cause blue veins in various parts of your body. But liver disease presents with additional symptoms including enlarged abdomen and accumulation of body fluids.
  • Tight Undergarments. If you wear tight undergarments such as bras, they can interfere with blood circulation, leading to bulging and blue veins in the breasts.
  • Obesity. An overweight or obese person has an increased likelihood of getting bulging veins in breasts, chest, and other parts of the body. This can get worse if such a person does not exercise.

How to Remove Blue Veins in Breasts

You should seek medical help when there are persistent blue veins in your chest. Here are some effective methods to improve the condition.

1.    Apply Moisturizer Enriched with Vitamin K

Daily application of a moisturizer with vitamin K protects and feeds the skin. Research indicates that vitamin K is important in the production of collagen which is part of the skin tissue.

2.     Apply Self-Tanning Cream

Applying self-tanning cream daily helps to gently tan your skin so that the blue veins are no longer prominent. Self tanners normally contain skin protecting vitamin E.

3.     Wear Proper Sized Bras

Proper supportive bras help to clear blue veins in breasts caused by gravitational pull of blood in otherwise unsupported breasts. Bra gives breasts proper support so that blood flow is not unnecessarily affected by the gravity.

4.     Try Sclerotherapy

Sclerotherapy uses very fine needles to inject a sclerosing fluid into the bulging veins. This causes inflammation within the internal walls of the veins, followed by collapse and fading away of the bulging veins in a matter of weeks. Sclerotherapy can safely be used to treat blue veins and spider veins provided the veins are large enough for the tiny needles. This therapy is also safe for treatment of bulging veins emanating from breast implants without danger of rupturing the implants.

Following treatment, there may be some bruising and tenderness arising from sclerotherapy. However, these are temporary and disappear within a few days or weeks. In most cases, you can go back to your normal activities soon after treatment. It is important to keep the treated area protected from exposure to the sun and to avoid mammograms for at least three months to allow for proper healing.

You Are Not Alone

Actually, blue veins in the breasts are quite common. Here are some similar experiences from other people.

“I was in the shower when I saw these dark blue veins all over my body. I have pale skin but these veins have never looked this way. They made dark circles around the nipples and joined other veins, branching throughout my body. I am 14, almost 15 and into hardcore athletics. I’ve had periods in the past, but only three in two and half years. My doctor says it’s normal for a young girl in athletics. I’ve never had sex and have no plans to do it soon, so it’s got nothing to do with pregnancy, so what could it be causing blue veins in breasts and other areas?”

“I have had bright blue veins in my left side of the chest and going down the arm. I went to my doctor who referred me to a cardiologist who said this could be due to blocked arteries. He said it could be very dangerous. I have high blood pressure at 142/126 which I understand is in stroke range. I am female, 33 years, weigh 119 pounds and have had hysterectomy. What might be wrong?”

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