Benefits of Eating Kiwi During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, many women experience a great craving for sweet foods. For many women, this is chocolate. But we would probably like to eat something that is healthier. What if you can enjoy the taste of sweet foods, and at the same time take care of your health? Is this even possible? The answer is- yes!

Is Kiwi a Good Choice for Pregnancy?

Kiwi fruits go by several names, for example, the Chinese gooseberry and tart kiwi. The fruit is shaped like an egg and is brown in color. The inside flesh of the kiwi fruit is green and juicy.

The kiwi fruit is a great choice for pregnant women. Not only does it taste great, it's also highly nutritious, cholesterol free and also free of sugars and fats. During pregnancy, women need greater nutritional care. Kiwis can be a great source of vitamins for both the child and the woman.

Benefits of Eating Kiwi During Pregnancy

Kiwi has many benefits for the human body, and is especially important for pregnant mothers. Not only is the fruit sweet, but it also has lots of nutritional advantages for the woman. These are some of the nutritional advantages of kiwi:

1. Folate

Folate is important for the development of new cells and the nervous system. Folate or folic acid is a type of vitamin B and a lack of it can result in defects in a child, for example, deformation of the spinal cord. Women are generally advised to take lots of folic acid, ideally starting from the week before they get pregnant. Eating kiwi during pregnancy can enable a woman to get the required amount of folate every day. These fruits are very rich in folic acid and this will ensure the proper formation of the baby’s body.

2. Vitamin C

Similarly, kiwi fruit is a great source of vitamin C. This nutrient is important in a pregnant woman for the development of connective tissues in the baby, and the prevention of stretch marks in the pregnant woman. Vitamin C also helps protect the body from damage since it contains antioxidants. In addition, it can help prevent bacteria and viruses from developing in the body since it is a mild antimicrobial.

3. Vitamin K

Vitamin K is present in kiwi fruits, and in very large amounts. The basic role of vitamin K is to aid in the clotting of blood. For pregnant women, consuming adequate amounts of vitamin K is important since the woman will usually bleed excessively during delivery. With low levels of vitamin K, the mother's life can even be threatened. Vitamin K can also aid in the development of strong bones, and this is important for the developing child.

4. Natural Sugars

Kiwi is a sweet fruit, and sweet foods are usually preferred by pregnant women. Unlike cakes and sweets, kiwi contains natural sugars and this prevents the spiking of insulin in blood. Gestational diabetes can also be prevented in this way.

5. Improves Digestion

Kiwi fruit contains fiber, enzymes and phenolic compounds, which are all important for the development of a healthy digestive system. They can help boost your digestive system by feeding the probiotic bacteria present in the stomach. In this way, consuming kiwi during pregnancy can help prevent constipation, gastritis, diarrhea, bloats and stomach pains.

6. Balances Hormones

Pregnant women typically experience frequent hormonal fluctuations, depression, stress and fatigue. To prevent this, you can consume lots of kiwi fruits and these will help balance your hormones.

7. Boosts the Immune System

Kiwi helps to strengthen the immune system as it is rich in antioxidants. These help to protect the RNA and DNA from damage, and in this way, help combat the free radicals in the body. Good health is very important for a pregnant woman to give birth to a healthy baby. In addition, kiwi fruit can help improve your fertility as a woman. If you intend to have children soon, then you should eat kiwi fruit regularly. 

8. Low in Calories

Keeping your weight at its optimum is generally important. During pregnancy, women are more likely to put on weight. This can easily lead to complications in the heart and the body in general. To prevent this, it is important to check the amount of calories you take in every day as a pregnant woman. One kiwi fruit contains only about 60 calories, and this qualifies as a low calorie food. 

Tips to Better Enjoy Kiwi During Pregnancy

Kiwi can be eaten with the skin on, or without. Usually, it is not peeled, but split in half and scooped from each half. It is important to always wash the kiwi fruit before eating since it can contain germs and your developing child should never come into contact with pathogens.

You can eat the kiwi fruits with yoghurt. This will help to counter the acidic taste of the kiwi fruit. The high amount of acid in kiwi fruits can easily lead to the formation of sores in the tongue and mouth. Alternatively, you can eat them with custard.

Or you can add kiwi to desserts, salads as well as other dishes. Kiwi smoothie and jam are also great ways to enjoy its benefits.

Ideally, you should consume two or three kiwi daily. This is only if you have no allergic reactions to the fruit. If you do, then you need to avoid it as much as possible, especially during pregnancy.

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