Does Marijuana Help Your Psoriasis?

Marijuana, or as it is commonly known as cannabis, is a type of drug recently being used not only for the recreational purpose but also for the medicinal purpose. Diseases and various symptoms like pain, nausea from chemotherapy, Crohn’s disease, glaucoma, etc. are being treated with marijuana. How about psoriasis? Psoriasis is an autoimmune disorder, characterized by raised skin patches and silvery scales, accompanied by itchiness at the same time. Skin redness, swelling, pain, sleeplessness, fatigue, and certain discomfort also characterize psoriasis, especially when parts of the body become inflamed. Can marijuana be used for the treatment of psoriasis?

Does Marijuana Help Your Psoriasis?

Can marijuana and psoriasis go together? Yes. Psoriasis, an autoimmune disorder is a medical condition that has no cure. Sometimes it is even difficult to control it, even though there are many medications and other treatments available. These psoriasis treatments often can have serious side effects or with time they tend to be less effective as the body creates resistance to them.

Living with psoriasis can be quite a challenge lasting a lifetime. For this reason, seeking new psoriasis treatment is necessary. Today, marijuana is one of the treatments explored when it comes to psoriasis treatment. Researchers have shown that marijuana can help treat psoriasis in the following ways:

1. Slowing Cell Growth

Recent studies indicate that marijuana might be used for slowing cell growth of keratinocytes. Keratinocytes are immature skin cells found in people diagnosed with psoriasis.

2. Controlling Pain

Marijuana is commonly used for controlling pain resulting from various medical conditions. So, why not use marijuana to control the pain and discomfort caused by psoriasis. Researchers suggest that marijuana might be more effective when it comes to dealing with neuropathic or acute pain, even more effective than opioids. Marijuana is also helpful for the treatment of chronic pain and postoperative pain as well.

3. Regulating the Immune System

Marijuana and psoriasis, does it work for the condition? Yes. Some studies also suggest that marijuana can reduce the severity of inflammation associated with autoimmune disorders like psoriasis but other medical conditions as well. Marijuana is thought to suppress the immune system, reducing this way the inflammation.

4. Cannabinoids

Cannabinoids are active chemicals found in the plants of marijuana, but the human body produces cannabinoids too, called endocannabinoids. Endocannabinoids are chemical messengers with some great functions in the human body such as:

  • Immunity
  • Appetite
  • Inflammation
  • Mood
  • Reproduction
  • Eye pressure

5. Reducing Stress

Stress has a great impact on a person’s health, including chronic skin conditions like psoriasis. By reducing stress, the skin can be significantly cleared and its signs and symptoms are being kept under control. This is another function of marijuana and psoriasis.

Should You Consider Using Cannabis?

Even though new researches are being conducted, there is still more work to do when it comes to the use of marijuana for the treatment of psoriasis. Cannabis is used until today in the following forms:

  • Inhalants
  • Pills
  • Tinctures
  • Vaporizers

The problem with marijuana is that it is considered illegal in many countries worldwide due to its high potential for abuse. For this reason, marijuana use hasn’t been studied as it should. However, as certain states have changed their politics when it comes to the use of marijuana for medicinal purpose, allowing its use for the treatment of certain medical conditions have encouraged new researchers.

Avoid Smoking Marijuana

Just like cigarette smoking, marijuana smoking can have a negative effect on psoriasis. The smoke resulting from cigarette or marijuana releases skin-damaging free radicals and other carcinogens, irritating the skin. The best use of marijuana for the treatment of psoriasis is by applying the cannabinoid oil directly to the skin.

Natural Ways to Manage Psoriasis

1. Supplements

Various dietary supplements can help treat psoriasis such as aloe vera, evening primrose oil, fish oil, vitamin D, Oregon grape, milk thistle, etc. All these dietary supplements according to the National Psoriasis Foundation help ease the signs and symptoms of psoriasis.

2. No Fragrances

Avoiding soaps and perfumes with fragrances is very important when it comes to the treatment of psoriasis. Normally dyes and other chemicals that these soaps or perfumes contain will irritate the skin already affected by this autoimmune disorder, making it just worse.

3. Moisturizing Your Skin

By preventing a dry skin you can help manage psoriasis signs and symptoms. For this purpose, it is very important to keep your skin well moisturized using skin moisturizers or even using humidifiers that will keep your air fresh and humid at the same time.

4. Healthy Diet

Having a healthy diet is very important for the natural treatment of psoriasis. Certain foods should be avoided, while others should be included in your daily diet. Red meat, fatty snacks, sweets and other unhealthy foods should be avoided. By avoiding these foods you can help reduce the flare-ups of psoriasis.

Certain other food types such as seeds, nuts, cold water fish, omega-3 fatty acids, etc., are known to reduce the inflammation, relieving the signs and symptoms of psoriasis as well. Applying olive oil topically can be very beneficial as well.

5. Warm Baths

We all know that hot water can irritate the skin even more. On the other hand, lukewarm water, especially when combined with mineral oils, olive oil, milk, or Epsom salt can help soothe the skin itchiness.

6. No Stress

Just being diagnosed with psoriasis is stressful enough, not to mention other daily problems a person might have every now and then. Reducing stress is very important when it comes to the treatment of psoriasis. Choose stress reducing practices you prefer such as meditation, yoga, etc.

7. No Alcohol

Alcohol in many cases makes psoriasis worse. For this reason, it is very important to avoid alcohol as much as possible.

8. No Smoking

Cigarette smoking will make psoriasis worse. Smoking also increases the risk of psoriasis. In order to avoid negative effects of cigarette smoking in psoriasis and entire body, quit smoking as soon as possible.

9. Turmeric

Worry about marijuana and psoriasis? Try turmeric. Turmeric is one of many natural herbs commonly used for the treatment of various medical conditions, including psoriasis. Turmeric is known to reduce the psoriasis flare-ups. The recommended dosage of turmeric according to FDA is 1.5 to 3.0 grams a day taken as supplement pills or sprinkled in the food.

10. Light Therapy for Psoriasis

Light therapy consists in using ultraviolet light for the treatment of psoriasis. However, light therapy in order to be successful requires frequent and repeated sessions. Too much light can make psoriasis get worse, so light therapy should only be performed by professionals.

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