Passing Out from Weed, Is It Possible?

Marijuana is a combination of shredded stems, flower buds and leaves of the Cannabis sativa plant. It can be smoked, eaten, brewed or vaporized. However, most people smoke it. It is commonly known as weed. The common effects of marijuana include increased heart rate, euphoria, hallucinations, etc. Is passing out from weed possible?

Can You Pass Out from Weed?

Yes, it is possible to pass out from weed and it does occur in some weed users. Everyone is different and people react differently to weed. In certain circumstances, weed use can lead to passing out which is quite frightening.

Some possible explanations of passing out are:

  • Weed is consumed after a period of some weeks without any weed, meaning that there is no tolerance. This is more likely to occur if you smoke a good bit within a very short period of time.
  • Passing out is possible if you didn’t eat anything before smoking weed. If you are anemic, this is more likely to occur.
  • If you are anxious before smoking weed, you are likely to pass out from weed.
  • If you hold your breath while smoking for too long, the lack of oxygen may lead to dizziness and fainting.
  • If you didn’t get enough sleep the previous night, or if you were too tired before smoking weed, passing out from weed is always possible.
  • Never underestimate the power of marijuana when smoked in very high doses. It is possible for weed to pass you out if you consume it in higher doses than normal.

What Are the Effects of Weed Use?

Short-term effects of weed used in low doses are:

  • Difficulties thinking
  • Dangerous driving behaviors
  • Poor muscle coordination
  • Poor memory
  • Poor ability to learn
  • Short attention span
  • Food cravings
  • Altered sense of time and space

Besides passing out from weed, other short-term effects of weed used in high doses are:

  • Poor memory
  • Hallucinations
  • Delusions
  • Depression
  • Anxiety attacks
  • Paranoia

Long-term effects of weed use are:

  • Cancer, as it contains the same cancer-causing chemicals also found in tobacco
  • Memory and learning difficulties
  • Breathing problems as it often leads to coughing and wheezing
  • Immune system problems as marijuana use damages the cells and body tissue which are needed to protect the body against various diseases
  • Fertility problems as the level of reproductive hormones is decreased. In men, the level of testosterone will be lower, contributing to erectile dysfunction or decreased sperm count, while in women there may be irregular menstrual periods.
  • Birth defects in unborn children when used in pregnancy

How to Stop Weed Use

After knowing the chance of passing out from weed and having other adverse effects, you must want to quit weed. Here are some tips to help you.

1. Find Other Healthy Activities Instead of Smoking Weed

If you are trying to stop smoking weed, it is normal for you to feel irritated and even depressed, especially during the first few days. However, as long as you are patient and stick to your wish of quitting weed, these withdrawal effects of weed will get less each day.

In order to pass through this process, you can find healthy activities which will make you feel good. You can go for a walk, read a book, listen to music, watch a movie, swim, or do whatever you prefer as long as it does not involve something that can trigger your urge for weed.

2. Minimize the Withdrawal Effects While Trying to Stop

In order to minimize the withdrawal effects from weed, you should set some limits and stick to them. Quitting cold turkey might be an option, but perhaps the best thing for you is to quit it gradually, so the withdrawal effects will be minimized. Gradually reduce the amount of weed you use before quitting it completely.

3. Seek Help from a Professional Therapist

If you are having problems with your withdrawal symptoms or if you are constantly getting back to weed smoking, you should seek professional help from a therapist. Seek a professional who is specialized in addiction problems, so he/she can help you better deal with your problem.

If you think that it will help you, you can join a support group. Talking with other people who are dealing with the same problem as you are might be very helpful.

4. Go to Rehab

Rehabilitation is the last option when trying to quit weed use. It is a huge financial and time committing treatment that requires a lot of effort to succeed. For those who are heavy smokers and really struggling with this problem, rehabilitation is the only option. In rehabilitation, intensive treatment, medical help, and counseling are offered.

5. Get Help from Your Friends and Family

Friends and family are a great support, so turn on to them when trying to stop weed use. They can motivate you constantly through this difficult process. Their love will help you succeed for sure.

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