Breastfeeding at 3 Months

Your baby undergoes a lot of developmental changes during the first three months after birth. It’s a pure joy and pleasure to watch your baby growing every day. By this age, your baby becomes more aware of its surrounding and starts to have a routine of sleeping and breastfeeding. The breastfeeding habits change as your baby grows bigger every day. Learn something more about breastfeeding at 3 months.

How to Breastfeed at 3 Months

1. How Much Breast Milk Does a 3-Month-Old Baby Need?

The baby’s weight varies from one infant to another. The baby needs to consume two to three ounces of breast milk for each pound of body weight every day, with the daily maximization of 32 ounces. An average baby needs to drink about four to five ounces per feeding. At the end of the third month, a baby may need five to six ounces per feeding. Try to identify the amount of milk your baby needs with every breastfeeding. If necessary, consult a health care professional.

2. How Often and How Long Should a 3-Month Old Baby Be Breastfed?

You should breastfeed your baby about six to eight times a day. Between the third and the fourth month, you should continue to breastfeed your baby at least every four hours during the day. As to the time length, there is no exact time for how long a baby should be breastfed. By the age of 3 months, your baby is an experienced feeder and may nurse about five to seven minutes. 

Important Facts About Breastfeeding at 3 Months

Important facts about breastfeeding at this stage that every mother should know:

  • Breast milk should be the only food for your 3 old month baby.
  • Your baby will nurse longer during the day if he/she has started to give up the night feed.
  • Babies fed exclusively with breast milk only may go for ten or twelve days without pooping.
  • Your baby will burp less often than he/she used to.
  • Your baby gets more distracted during breastfeeding, due to the fact that the eyesight is developed now and he/she can see across the room.
  • Babies who are nursed tend to sleep more at night.
  • Babies who are breastfed tend to have a lower risk of asthma. It has been estimated that there is a 27% reduction of the risk of asthma in cases when there is no family history of asthma. In babies who have a family history of asthma, the risk is reduced by 40%.
  • Babies who are exclusively breastfed tend to have a lower incidence by 19% and 27 % when it comes to type 1 diabetes.
  • Babies who are exclusively breastfed tend to develop more quickly when compared to other babies of the same age who have been fed with formula milk only or with a combination of formula milk and breast milk.

Frequently Asked Questions About Breastfeeding at 3 Months

1. Should I Exclusively Breastfeed My 3-Month-Old Baby?

Yes, breast milk should be the only food for your baby. For a long period of time, it was recommended that breast milk should be the only food for at least the first six months. However, experts now suggest the introduction of solid foods to your baby starting at the age of four months in order to avoid any delays in the development of the nervous system and the brain of the infant. In any case, at the age of 3 months, the baby should be fed exclusively only with breast milk. Consult with your health care provider if you think that your baby is not getting enough milk in order to start formula milk or a combination of breast milk and formula milk.

2. How Can I Keep Breastfeeding While Going Back to Work?

Breastfeeding while working? Is it possible? Many mothers don’t have the opportunity to stay for a long period of time at home and take care of their newborn baby. Instead, many of them need to get back to work as soon as possible. How to continue breastfeeding while going back to work? Pumping is a good solution and women usually start pumping 3-4 weeks after childbirth in order for the baby to get used into taking a bottle. The breast milk should be stored in the freezer. If you have not started with pumping yet you should do it. It is not a good idea to start working before your baby gets used to taking a bottle as normally he/she will need some time to adjust. Double electric pumps are often recommended as they can pump both of the breasts at the same time, quicker. When getting back to work, try to pump the breasts at about the same time as you would normally nurse your baby.

One Breastfeeding Schedule at 3 Months

This schedule of breastfeeding at 3 months comes from a stay-at-home mom. You can develop your own breastfeeding routine with your baby on the basis of this schedule, as long as it works for you two. 

  • 5 A.M.: The baby wakes up for the first nursing during the day. Take the baby into bed with you and start nursing, after which the baby falls asleep again. Both the mother and the baby could enjoy at least one more hour of sleep.
  • 7:30 A.M.: It’s time for another nursing. By putting the baby in the crib, the mother will have enough time for herself to get ready and dressed every morning.
  • 10:00 A.M.: While doing all the necessary house works, around 10:00 A.M., there is the time for another nursing. After the baby has been fed, it is time for the mid-day nap, usually by 11:30. In the meantime, the mother can use this time for making lunch, or do other daily housekeeping.
  • Between 12:30 and 1:00 P.M.: The baby will get up and be hungry, so here comes the time for nursing again.
  • 2:30 P.M.: The baby will be hungry again.
  • 4:30 P.M.: It’s time for nursing again, after which a baby takes another nap. Be careful not to let your baby sleep past 6 p.m., otherwise, it will be impossible for your baby to sleep during the night.
  • 7:00 P.M.: You should nurse the baby again after which there is time for bathing.
  • 10:00 P.M.: Your baby should be nursed for the last time, the diapers should be changed and the baby should be swaddled. 
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