I Had Unprotected Sex, What Comes Next?

You should not panic in case of unprotected sex. Though to have unprotected sex is not a recommended move, but if you had an episode, you should read the following article and follow the advice given. You should not make a habit of having unprotected sex as you may have to face its unwanted consequences. When you are searching answers words like "I had unprotected sex" on google, the important things to be on the lookout for are STDs and pregnancy.

How to Prevent Pregnancy After Unprotected Sex

If you are looking for answers to questions like "I had unprotected sex and what to do to prevent pregnancy", then the following text is for you.

1. Use Emergency Birth Control (EC) Immediately

Emergency pills for birth control, also referred to as morning after pills, Plan B and emergency contraception are birth control pills that are advised to be taken to avoid pregnancy after having unprotected sex. They work because a stronger dose of hormones as present in the normal birth control pills is present in these pills.

It is important to remember that the quicker you take these pills after unprotected sex, the more effective they are. Their effect is highest when taken within 24 hours of having unprotected sex. They reduce the risk of pregnancy by 89% even if taken within 72 hours of having unprotected sex. Moreover, in some females, these pills may work even 5 days or 120 hours after having unprotected sex.

Recommended Brands of EC

There are a variety of EC brands available in the market; however, you should have knowledge of the one that will work best for you. Some of the best brands recommended by experts are mentioned below:

  • Plan B is available over the counter. It works by preventing ovulation and fertilization if taken within 3 days of having unprotected sex. Some of the side effects of Plan B include headache, tenderness of breast, nausea and tiredness.
  • Ella or ellaOne works in a similar way as Plan B; however, it can work for up to 5 days of having unprotected sex. Ella is safe to take, but there is less long-term research done in comparison to Plan B. The side effects are similar to those of Plan B including headache, tiredness, dizziness and nausea.
  • Copper IUD can be inserted by a doctor within 5 days of having unprotected sex to prevent unwanted pregnancy. It works by repelling sperms and increasing the quantity of cervical mucus. The best benefit is that it is effective for 10 years after insertion. The side effects include cramping or bleeding between periods, but they will disappear within a few months after insertion.

However, these pills should not be considered abortion pill. You should know that these pills are just used to prevent pregnancy, so they do not abort it if you are already pregnant. Taking an emergency contraceptive will not cause abortion and causes no birth defects in your baby.

2. Use Urine Pregnancy Test if Missing Period after Unprotected Sex

You had a night of fun with your partner and now you can't get thoughts like "I had unprotected sex. Oh, what if I get pregnancy" out of your mind. Don't anguish about things you don't know and just do a urine pregnancy test to set your mind at ease.

Home urine pregnancy test may be used around 1 week after a missed period. There are two ways to perform a urine test: One is to collect urine in a cup and then dipping a stick into it, or putting urine in a special container and then using an eyedropper to put some of it on a tick; the other way is to place a stick into urine stream and catching midstream urine.

To get correct result, you have to wait for some time. The result is shown by a change in color, a symbol such as a plus or minus or a line. There is a new digital pregnancy test by Clearblue Easy that makes reading of results simple: pregnant or not pregnant is shown in the window.

3. If Unexpected Pregnancy Happens

It can be very difficult to decide about an unexpected pregnancy. You have to make the right decision. While making the decision your beliefs and personal situation should be considered. There are several options available:

  • The pregnancy can be continued and you can form a happy family or if you are a single parent, you can raise the baby alone.
  • The pregnancy can be continued and you can create an adoption plan so that someone else can raise the child.
  • The pregnancy can be terminated but be sure to think this thoroughly.

Test for STDs After Unprotected Pregnancy

The other big concern about unprotected sex is sexually transmitted diseases. If you are finding yourself worrying about "I had unprotected sex with a guy I barely know. OMG, can I get STDs?" you should get a STD test. When to take this test depends on the incubation period of the infection. The time can also vary from person to person. Read on to know the best time to take a test for STD.

  1. Chlamydia: You should wait for 1-5 days before getting tested for Chlamydia. If you test positive, get yourself tested again after 2 weeks of treatment to see if you are clear.
  2. Gonorrhea: You should wait for 2-6 days before getting tested for Gonorrhea. If you test positive, get yourself tested again after 2 weeks of treatment to see if you are clear.
  3. Syphilis: You should wait for 3-6 weeks before getting tested for Syphilis. If you test positive, get yourself tested again after 2 weeks of treatment to see if you are clear.
  4. Hepatitis A: You should wait for 2-7 weeks before getting tested for Hepatitis A. It is not necessary to retest because Hepatitis A remains in the body for life.
  5. Hepatitis C: You should wait for 8-9 weeks before getting tested for Hepatitis C. If you test positive, get yourself retested after 3 months to confirm the initial results.
  6. Oral Herpes: You should wait for 4-6 weeks before getting tested for Oral Herpes. It is not necessary to retest because HSV-1 also remains in the body for life.
  7. Genital Herpes: You should wait for 4-6 weeks before getting tested for genital herpes. It is not necessary to retest because HSV-2 remains in the body for life too.
  8. HIV: You should wait for 1-3 months before getting tested for HIV by HIV antibody test method and for 9-11 days by HIV RNA test method. A retest is advised to confirm the initial results. Treatment should be taken immediately in case you test positive for HIV.
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