Nose Job Recovery Time and More Care Tips

For people undergoing any surgical procedure, a very pertinent question is how long it is going to take for them to recover fully from the surgery. A nose job is normally carried out for cosmetic purposes in order to give the nose a more contoured appearance. In some cases, a medical problem that can cause the patient trouble breathing, may also necessitate a nose job. If you are considering undergoing a nose job or have already had one, read for more details of the post-surgery recovery of a nose job.

Nose Job Recovery Timeline

In general, the recovery takes six to twelve months after the surgery, as that is how long it is going to take for the swelling to subside. People are usually advised to minimize their activity in the weeks following the surgery to prevent any chances of developing sinus blockage or the bleeding of the wound. Also, patients are advised to avoid air travel until at least 2 weeks after the surgery.

Day One

On the first day, you should use a cool compress on your nose when you get home. You are likely to experience some discomfort, bruising and swelling. You may need to change the dressing a couple of times.

Day Two to Seven

On the second and third days, you will see maximum swelling and bruising. After seven days of your surgery, your external stitches will either dissolve or they will have to be removed. Bruising also disappears gradually and the external and internal dressings are removed. When the splint is taken away, you can see the basic shape of the new nose.

Week Two to Four

After the second week, you can go back to work and you don't need nasal care or irrigation. Although most of the swelling disappears around this time, you still need to avoid strenuous sports or lifting heavy objects.

Month One to Three

The swelling on your nose bridge will almost subside, but some swelling may remain on the tip of your nose at this time. You will feel little numbness and the scar is gradually fading.

What to Expect After Nose Job?

After a nose job, the following conditions may play roles in your recovery.

1. Discomfort

The nose job recovery time period may include instances when an individual feels a tight sensation on and around the nose, as well as pressure. This usually takes place because of the swelling that occurs after the surgery and is possibly going to be worse during the night-time.

2. Swelling

All surgical procedures are accompanied by swelling in the surrounding tissue, although the swelling can vary for different people. If the outside and inside of the nose have been operated upon, then the swelling is likely to be worse.

3. Insomnia

Because of the general discomfort that is caused after a surgery, a patient may be prescribed medication for sleeping at night.

4. Depression

A lot of patients also report feeling depressed after their surgery. However, this is usually a temporary condition and goes away with a few days. However, if the depression gets worse and you feel little interest in your life or even have suicidal thoughts, you need to see your doctor or a mental health specialist as soon as possible.

5. Hemorrhage

After a nose job, your nose may be blocked because of the swelling. As a result, you should be ready to face more mucus drainage during the nose job recovery time as the swelling subsides. In addition to this, there may also be a bloody discharge from the nose.

6. Discoloration

Although it is unlikely for people to get discoloration after getting a nose job, if it does happen, it's not permanent and can go away within a week or ten days.

7. Weakness

Since the procedure is performed under anesthesia, it is possible that the patient may experience weakness for several days. However, this goes away soon enough.

8. Dryness

Since patients are required to breathe through their mouths during the initial days after the surgery, their lips may feel extra dry for a couple of days.

Care Tips After Your Nose Job

  • Someone should be available to drive the patient to and from the hospital after the surgery and for the initial postoperative visits.
  • Patients are also advised to rest and off work for at least one week after the surgery. During this initial nose job recovery time, blowing, bending over and vigorous exercises should be avoided.
  • Patients have to avoid tobacco and alcohol, since they may slow down healing even further and cause the swelling to persist.
  • Patients should avoid wearing glasses until any irritation and swelling around the eye area and the bridge of nose have gone away.
  • Dust, smoke and fumes should be avoided in general. Patients are also advised to stay away from facial tanning, though they are allowed to use makeup any time after the surgery.
  • Ÿ Patients are also advised to keep their nostrils lubricated with Vaseline to get rid of crusts.


In the following cases, the patients must see their doctors as soon as possible:

  • There is an increase in bleeding which cannot be controlled with head elevation, pressure or ice.
  • You have fever higher than 101.5 degrees Fahrenheit and it does not come down after increasing fluid intake and taking relevant medication.
  • You experience an increase in redness or swelling around nose and eyes, or headaches that are not relieved after taking OTC pain relievers. 
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