Why Are You Always So Horny?

It is quite natural for some people to have relatively strong sex drive. Sometimes, you have increased sex drive because of hormonal and physical changes. You may even feel sexually excited when you are in a new relationship. There are instances, however, when increased sex drive indicate a psychological and even a physical problem. That is when it starts interfering with your daily life. Keep reading to know the causes of your strong libido.

Why Am I Always Horny?

Some people have higher sex drive and find it difficult to control this desire. You may end up feeling horny all the time if you have one of the following conditions.

1. Bipolar Disorder

It is characterized by extreme changes in your mood – from the lows of depression to the highs of mania. Hyper sexuality is often a symptom of bipolar disorder. This mental illness is treatable.

2. Dementia

Your overactive sex drive could be due to dementia. Research shows that people with dementia may exhibit inappropriate sexual behaviors, such as masturbating, using obscenities or exposing themselves. It affects both men and women and is usually common in people with severe dementia.

3. Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder

Women with this condition are always in a state of arousal and do not find relief even after having an orgasm. The feeling may last from days to weeks. Several treatment options are now available, including hormonal therapy, antidepressants, behavior therapy and anaesthetizing gels.

4. Rabies

There are incidents where women reported to have overactive sex drive because they had rabies. Experts believe that it happens because the virus can inflame the brain and make the patient to exhibit sexually inappropriate behavior. It is therefore important to seek medical treatment immediately if you are bitten by an animal.

5. Klüver-Bucy Syndrome

Why am I always horny? The answer could be that you have Klüver-Bucy syndrome, a rare condition resulting from brain damage. Showing inappropriate sexual behavior is one of the symptoms of this neurobehavioral condition. Other symptoms include dullness in emotion, short term memory loss and visual agnosia (difficulty in recognizing people's faces).

6. Sexual Addiction

You may have increased sex drive because you have hypersexual disorder or sexual addiction. You have this disorder if you have experienced intense sexual fantasies, sexual behavior and sexual urges in the last six months. You may also engage in your sexual fantasies and urges repeatedly in response to depression, anxiety, irritability and boredom. If you engage in sexual activities in response to stressful events and fail to control your sexual urges despite all your efforts, you are likely to have hypersexual disorder.

7. Hyperadrenalism

You develop this condition when your body produces an increased amount of adrenal hormone. Corticosteroids and many other medications, including epinephrine can cause this condition. A woman may have hyperadrenalism if she has increased body hair and facial hair with loss of hair on the scalp.

8. Pancreatic Endocrine Tumor

A woman may have a high libido due to a rare condition called pancreatic endocrine tumor. A tumor in the pancreas may lead to excessive secretion of insulin, glucagons and somaotatin, which in turn may make a woman more sexually active.

9. Drug and Alcohol Abuse

Some women experience a high libido because they abuse alcohol and drugs. You can correct this issue with the help of a therapist. See your doctor early for a proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

10. Pregnancy

The change in hormones during pregnancy may cause a woman to have a high sex drive. Your breasts will become larger during pregnancy and the vulva will swell due to excessive blood flow to the area. This makes you feel more excited during sexual intimacy and often makes you want more. It is usually common to have a high sex drive during the first trimester and it becomes rather normal as the pregnancy progresses.

11. Menopause or Menstrual Cycle

Some women start to feel horny all the time during menopause. This happens due to impaired function of the ovaries – the adrenal glands take charge of things and often produce more testosterone that leads to increased libido in women. Testosterone is responsible for stimulating areas of the brain associated with female lubrication.

12. Other Causes

In addition to these causes, there may be some other answers to your question "why am I always horny". For instance, a child who has experienced sexual molestation may start to masturbate even before the onset of puberty. Some foods that you consume can lead to increased libido. Several chemicals, including pesticides and DDT in particular may stay in your body's fat cells and lead to a hormonal imbalance. Moreover, you may experience a high sex drive due to anxiety because you may take sex as a way to comfort yourself psychologically.

What to Do If I Am Always Horny

If your sex drive has interfered with your daily life, you may need to talk to your doctor and figure out if you have any medical problem. Your doctor can usually identify the underlying cause of your high sex drive. Here are some of the ways to manage your strong libido:

  • You may consider taking estrogen to reduce the effect of testosterone that makes you feel horny.
  • You may engage in energy burning exercises such as running, dancing and other physical activities to control sexual thoughts.
  • You may be able to reduce your sex drive by paying more attention to things that interest you or calm you down. Medication, yoga and breathing exercises work amazingly well to reduce hyperactive sex drive.
  • You may consider taking anti-androgens or testosterone blockers that keep androgen receptors from finding receptors in your body. Be sure to stick to the dose your doctor has recommended.
  • If the problem "why am I always horny"still can't be solved after taking the above measures, you may consider going for a procedure to remove the ovaries. Consult your doctor and ask about the risk factors of the surgery. 
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