Can You Shower with a Tampon?

Dealing with your monthly period is never easy, especially when you have just reached puberty and know nothing about what to expect and when. You may also find many ways to sail through those difficult days when you are bleeding. Many women like to make use of tampons, but others have many questions about this method. Can you shower with a it? Is it safe to wear it at night? Will there be any complications? Let's find out more about it.

Can You Shower with a Tampon?

Yes, you do not need to worry about anything when wearing a tampon in the shower. You can take a bath and even wear it while swimming. However, many girls believe there is no need to wear it when taking a shower because you should not worry much about bleeding. You may want to wear it though when swimming with other people. It is a good idea though to change your tampon after swimming. Use a new one before getting dressed. All you have to do is squat in the shower and insert a tampon.

FAQs about Tampon

Can you shower with a tampon? You already know the answer. However, you may have many other concerns related to the use of tampons. Here is a bit more to help you use it properly.

1. Will It Hurt to Use a Tampon?

You do not have to worry about any pain, so long as you insert it correctly. The vagina can easily hold a tampon, but you may experience some discomfort when you are not relaxed while trying to insert it or have not put it in far enough. If that is the case, get a fresh tampon and try again. If you are still new to tampons, you may want to try applicator tampons because they are easy to insert. Be sure to follow all the insertion instructions to handle things better.

2. Is It Fine to Use a Tampon Overnight?

Yes, you can use it overnight. Most tampons provide great protection for at least 8 hours. Leaving it in at night will also provide great protection because it is less likely to move even when you toss and turn quite a bit while sleeping. However, you may be better off using a pad if you take more than 8 hours of sleep. Look for pads that are slightly wider at the back to get better protection while sleep.

3. How Do I Determine the Right Size of Tampon?

Ideally, you should use the lowest absorbency product in the beginning. You may switch to a higher absorbency product if you have to change your tampon every four hours. Similarly, you can switch to a lower absorbency product if you have used a tampon with higher absorbency, which is not completely saturated after 8 hour. You can determine what is best for you with a little bit of experimentation.

4. Is It Possible to Lose a Tampon Inside the Vagina?

This question is as common as, "Can you shower with a tampon?" The simple answer is that a tampon cannot get lost inside of you. In fact, it cannot fall out once inserted properly. You cannot lose it inside because there is no place for it to go. The cervix is at the top of your vagina, but its opening is too small for a tampon to enter. Moreover, the muscles of your vagina are usually strong enough to hold a tampon in place – it would not fall out while you are busy doing your stuff.

5. Is It Possible for the Withdrawal String to Break?

Yes, it is possible, but very unlikely. The reason is that the cord is usually sewn up through the length of the tampon. The string is super secure, but if it ever breaks, you can use your fingers to remove the tampon. You can even see your doctor for help if it really feels difficult to get it out with your fingers.

6. Is It Important to Take My Tampon Out When Using the Bathroom?

No, you do not have to take it out every time you use the bathroom. The reason is that your vaginal opening is separate from your urinary opening. Since there is nothing blocking your urinary opening, you can use the bathroom without having to worry about your tampon. Use a toilet paper if you notice the withdrawal string becoming a bit damp after using the bathroom.

Things You Really Should Not Be Doing with Period

Can you shower with a tampon? Yes, you can – and you can do many other things while wearing your tampon. However, there certainly are a few things you should not be doing when having your period. Here are a few for your understanding:

  • Eat Dairy Products: It is better to stay away from milk products because they contain arachidonic acid that can cause cramps and make menstrual pains worse. You will be better off enjoying a glass of almond milk or make smoothies with the help of non-dairy coconut milk yogurts. This helps you get enough calcium without aggravating your menstrual pains.
  • Skip the Gym: It is a big mistake to stop every physical activity just because you are having your period. Instead of staying curled up in bed and pigging out on snacks, you should hit the gym and do some moderate exercise. This will help relieve cramps and make bodily aches less severe.
  • Binge Eat: This is another common mistake and should be avoided when you are having your period. Not keeping yourself from engaging in binge eating would cause serious bloating and make things a lot more uncomfortable. Moreover, you are putting several calories in your system in the form of extra fat and sugar that can cause complications even when your period leaves.
  • Opt for Fast Food: This is another no-no for girls in period. You may crave for fast food, but once you have it, your stomach will make you feel uncomfortable. It is therefore a good idea to avoid having unhealthy meals that your body cannot process during menstruation.
  • Sleep a Little at Night: You may have every reason to stay up all night – those cramps can be too intense to let you go to sleep – you should understand the importance of getting an adequate amount of sleep when you are having your period. Do not sacrifice your sleep. In fact, it is better to turn in early – some rest is all that you need, even if it takes you a while to fall asleep.
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