Canker Sore on Tonsil

Canker sores often develop in the mouth, cheek and tongue. But sometimes, canker sore on tonsil can also occur. These are whitish or yellowish dots that may be surrounded by inflamed, reddish flesh. If you get one on your tonsil, it can cause great pain whenever you try to swallow. Fortunately, they are neither dangerous nor contagious. They often heal on their own, usually within a week.


What Causes Canker Sores on Tonsil?

1.   Food Allergy

A canker sore may develop if you have food allergies; frequent triggers are strawberries, tomatoes, acidic fruits or vegetables, and sometimes, even shellfish. If you have a food allergy, keep track of what you eat to identify what foods can irritate you, so you can avoid them and prevent canker sores from developing. You can also have a food allergy test to help uncover what particular foods can cause these sores.

2.   Sensitivity to Medication

Sensitivity to certain medications can also cause canker sore on tonsil or anywhere in your mouth. Again, it is advisable to keep track of your reactions to medications, especially antibiotics which are the most frequent causes of allergic reactions. But before you discontinue your medications, consult your doctor first.

3.   Reaction to Toothpaste

Canker sores on tonsil may be linked to certain toothpastes, if you are allergic to them. The reaction may be caused by an ingredient in your toothpaste, so it is important to read the list of ingredients in product before purchasing. The specific ingredient may vary from person to person. Some mouthwashes can also trigger canker sores.

4.   Poor Oral Hygiene

If you do not brush your teeth regularly, you may be prone to canker sores. Poor hygiene can lead to a buildup of bacteria and viruses in your mouth and tonsils. To avoid this, brush your teeth regularly and in the proper way, as advised by your dentist.

5.   Minor Injuries

Minor injuries can occur in the mouth, such as a bite, a bump, or a minor burn from hot foods. Rough brushing with your toothbrush or dental appliances can also cause canker sores when the injured area doesn’t heal properly.

6.   Other Causes

  • ŸA lack of nutrients like vitamin B12 and folate, or minerals such as iron and zinc can cause poor oral health.
  • ŸAnxiety and stress can also increase your risk for oral sores.
  • ŸHormonal changes can trigger canker sore on tonsil tissue, especially before menstruation.

How to Treat Canker Sores on Tonsil

Before trying medical treatment, try to determine if your sore is indeed a canker sore and not a fever blister, or the symptom of some other conditions. Management for canker sores on the tonsil includes:

  • Food. Avoid spicy foods. Instead, try eating yogurt which contains lactobacillus acidophilus or good bacteria that help reduce burning sensation.
  • Baking Soda Mouth Rinse. This can help reduce pain and promote healing. Mix 1 tsp of baking soda with warm water and gargle. Avoid swallowing the mixture. Do this at least once a day or as needed.
  • Zinc Lozenges. These are effective for canker sores because of their antibiotic properties, which can help kill germs in your tonsil area.
  • Hydrogen Peroxide/Milk of Magnesia. Mix 1 tsp hydrogen peroxide with 1 tsp water. Dip a cotton swab in the mixture. Apply directly on the affected tonsil. Or with a new cotton swab, dip into some milk of magnesia. Dab on tonsil. Repeat 3-4 times a day.
  • Mouthwash/Gargle. Try to find mouthwashes that contain antibacterial substances which can help heal a canker sore on tonsil. Make sure the mouthwash you choose doesn't contain the ingredient that will aggravate your condition. You can also try gargling with salt and water, which is also an effective home remedy for canker sores. Do this at least twice a day.
  • Cold Drink. Drinking cold beverages or sucking on ice cube helps numb the pain, but these won't heal the sores.
  • Vitamin B12. Take at least 100 mg of vitamin B12 and eat vitamin B-rich foods such as fish, shellfish, and dairy.
  • Propolis. This is an over-the-counter health supplement extracted by honey bees from trees and other plant sources. It has been used for ages in the treatment of canker sores. This is an herbal antiseptic that helps clean sores and kill bacteria.
  • Probiotics. These are products that contain good or friendly bacteria, which may be found in natural foods like dairy products such as yogurt. You can also find them in health supplements. They help fight bad bacteria and balance the flora in your mouth and digestive tract.
  • Alum. This chemical compound has many uses. The powder form can be used as a deodorant to fight body odor. It is also used to purify water. You can try applying a small dab of alum on your sore. This can be quite painful, and may even induce vomiting; however, its high level of acidity and antiseptic property are very effective in healing canker sores more rapidly.
  • Medication. Sometimes, corticosteroids are used to treat inflammation and intense pain due to canker sores. However, this treatment cannot be used for prolonged periods because it can have negative effects. Antibiotics may also be recommended if there is bacterial infection, but caution must be needed, because it can cause canker sores to return.
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