The Best Infertility Signs You Must Know

Depending on how old you are, it is normal to eventually get pregnant if you are having regular, unprotected sex for a while. If this does not happen, there is a chance that you suffer from infertility. Inability to get pregnant is the main sign of infertility. It is a bit hard to notice other symptoms. The symptoms of infertility depend on the cause of infertility. While sometimes there seems to be no cause, several health conditions can lead to infertility. Read on to learn more about infertility and its causes.

Signs of Infertility in Women

1. Unusually painful periods

While a bit of cramping is normal, excruciating pain is not. If you have painful periods, it is likely that you have endometriosis. This condition occurs when the uterus lining, also known as endometrial tissues, develops outside the uterus. 50 percent of infertile women suffer from this condition. It can be treated by taking hormonal pills for birth control.

2. Cold feet and hands

If you find that your hands and feet are abnormally cold, it might be an indication of a thyroid problem like an underactive thyroid gland or what is known as hypothyroidism. This condition leads to abnormal menstrual flow, which causes irregular ovulation. Other signs can include forgetfulness, constipation, unusual tiredness and dry skin. A simple test can show if you have thyroid problems.

3. Irregular period or none at all

In as much as some women relish not getting their period, it could be a sign of ovulatory dysfunction. For you to get pregnant, ovulation has to occur for an egg to be present. If you don’t ovulate, you will not get your menstrual flow. Therefore, it is advisable to see a doctor if your periods are abnormal or nonexistent. Also, be concerned if you get your periods too early, maybe every 21 days or even less. This too can be a sign of ovulatory dysfunction.

4. Leaking nipples

Leaking nipples should only be normal if you are breastfeeding or pregnant. If yours are leaking and you’re neither pregnant nor breastfeeding, you are suffering from hyperprolactinemia. This is a condition where your body produces too much prolactin, a breastfeeding hormone. This condition is caused by thyroid imbalance or a pituitary gland tumor. When your body produces prolactin, it can cause ovulation to stop for a while.

5. Facial hair sprouts

If you suddenly start to develop hair on your face, or you realize your hair is starting to fall off, you are probably suffering from polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). When this happens, your body releases too much hormones and this may impair the ability of the ovaries to release eggs. This condition is common and treatable.

6. A decrease in sex drive

One of the signs of infertility is lack of sex drive. If you suddenly develop a lack of interest in intercourse, it could be as a result of infertility. This is caused by endometriosis which also makes sex very painful. It causes hormonal imbalance which makes getting pregnant really hard.

7. Previously suffered from gonorrhea

This is a common sexually transmitted disease. While the symptoms are usually evident in men, most women do not show symptoms. In women, this condition can lead to infertility, pelvic pain and blocking of the fallopian tubes. This makes it impossible for the egg to be fertilized by the sperm. A simple test can help to know if you have gonorrhea.

8. Severe acne

One of the signs of abnormal hormonal levels is sudden development of acne. If you suddenly have bad skin, you may be suffering from polycystic ovarian syndrome. This condition is common in women with excess male hormones and this leads to delayed ovulation.

9. Sudden weight gain

If you suddenly put on weight, it could be a result of PCOS, which causes infertility. PCOS causes an increase in the production of male hormones and also the woman becomes resistant to insulin. This leads to weight gain even though they haven’t changed their diet or activity levels.

Note: It is important to note that noticing any of these symptoms of infertility might not necessarily mean you’re infertile. Check with your doctor to learn the real cause of the symptoms.

Signs of Infertility in Men

The most common sign of infertility in men is the inability to get a woman pregnant. Before trying for a child, it is highly unlikely for one to notice any symptoms. Male infertility is caused by several factors such as hormonal imbalance, hereditary disorders or dilated veins.

Here are some major symptoms to look out for when it comes to male infertility:

  • Sexual dysfunction – one may suffer from ejaculation difficulty or produce minimal fluids  when they ejaculate. They may also suffer from low sex drive or erectile dysfunction.
  • Presence of a lump, swelling or pain around the testicle.
  • There are recurrent respiratory infections.
  • Lost sense of smell.
  • Breast growth that’s abnormal.  
  • Low sperm count.
  • Decrease in facial hair as a sign of hormonal imbalance.

If you are younger than 40 and have been actively trying to conceive a baby with no success for about 6 months to 1 year, it is advisable to see a doctor for infertility. Also see a doctor if:

  • You suffer from ejaculation or erectile problems.
  • You experience pain in your testicles.
  • You have a history of sexual problems or prostate complications.
  • You have undergone surgery on your penis, scrotum or groin.

Other signs of infertility include:

  • Youscrotum is swollen: The scrotum gets swollen when veins responsible for draining the testicles enlarge. This causes the scrotum to swell or develop a weird swell on the surface. This condition leads to decreased sperm count and sperm production. Fortunately, this condition can be repaired through surgery, which can cure the infertility.
  • He has “dry” orgasms: In order for a woman to get pregnant, sperm must be present. Therefore, if there is very little or no ejaculation of semen, getting her pregnant can be a task. What normally happens during dry ejaculation is that, the sperm travels backwards to the bladder as opposed to up through the penis. Diabetes, certain drugs, nerve damage or previous surgery of the bladder, urethra or prostate can all cause this condition.
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